D&D (2024) What would you like in the 2024 DMG Instead of the Bastion System?

I'd like decent options that actively support Theatre of the Mind play. Something beyond ye olde handwavium/eyeball it. Think zone-based combat rolled together with abstracted areas of effect, ranges, etc.

Options for encumbrance that do not involve bean counting would also be welcome.
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I'm very much in camp "Needs an additional polish - but here, finally, is a modular option from the modular promise. It's well worth four pages or so in the DMG, alongside three or four other similar options such as organisational membership to add party cohesion".

For me, nothing in particular. Any special subsystems I might have wanted I have already gotten in editions and supplements past and I just use the lessons I learned there and adapt them myself for mu current games. Like I don't need "5E rules" for Skill Challenges, because they'd be no different than the 4E rules for Skill Challenges and if I know how the 4E rules already work, what would them being printed in the 5E24 DMG possibly gain me? And the same could be said for Mass Combat, or Social Combat, or indeed even Strongholds. After more than 40 years of owning Dungeon Master Guides, I've come to the realization I just don't need to be Guided as a Dungeon Master anymore. So WotC shouldn't bother trying to cater to a old player like me... just include the things they think newer players might benefit and learn from.

The Bastion system is the right dea. It just needs some polish. Part of the reason for making it an early "bonus" UA is to give it a chance go thru the Playtest vetting process.

Main ways mentioned to improve it are:

Use gp to buy floor space (about 100 gp for 2 squares in about a week). But allow player imagination to furnish it freely.

Use normal core rules like skll and tool proficiencies to work it, as well as background themes and mechanics, and normal economy like hirelings.

Obviously, having a castle-like option is important, but also fanasy options like a Mordenkainens Magnificent Mansion, as well as bastionizing spelljammers, pirateships, and other adventure-accessible homes and business.

I like the idea of bastions or bases. I’m not a fan of this implementation.

Nor the page count.

What I’ve always wanted was a montage system.

Something akin to the downtime system that ties into it but is more like the journey system from C7.

Tell me more about this montage system. How does it work?

Would something like a montage also work for a mass combat system, where there is abstracted stuff going on in the background, and closeups of pivotal actions of individual characters?

I think that the biggest trouble with the bastion system we have is that there is too much of it that is incapable of being judged absent insight from wotc into changes they expect to make elsewhere,(ie monster math & magic item design) that would be needed to provide room for the boons these grant to fill a need rather than overpowering PCs to trivialize encounters.

This would be easier if I had an idea what else is in the DMG and how the page count is managed. Conceptually, adding a way to manage and build a place for PCs to have as a home base is fine. So a refined version of a bastion system is perfectly acceptable, depending on what else is in the book, and therefore what else the book might need more in those pages.

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