D&D (2024) What would you like in the 2024 DMG Instead of the Bastion System?

The Bastion system is the right dea. It just needs some polish. Part of the reason for making it an early "bonus" UA is to give it a chance go thru the Playtest vetting process.

Main ways mentioned to improve it are:

Use gp to buy floor space (about 100 gp for 2 squares in about a week). But allow player imagination to furnish it freely.

Use normal core rules like skll and tool proficiencies to work it, as well as background themes and mechanics, and normal economy like hirelings.

Obviously, having a castle-like option is important, but also fanasy options like a Mordenkainens Magnificent Mansion, as well as bastionizing spelljammers, pirateships, and other adventure-accessible homes and business.
And don't add a new "point" to track

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A polished Bastion system is certainly a worthy addition. What else would I want?

  • Bring back the encounter distance table from 3.0 (not even 3.5). It gave you great guidance on how far away two different groups would "encounter" each other based on terrain, fog, hiding, etc. Was a simple but extremely useful table.
  • (for the new dms) go through the "standard dm tropes". There are a lot of dndisms that the vast majority of tables encoutner at some point, it would be great to provide a solid example of each one. Examples: Crossing a chasm, having a chase, finding and disabling a trap, swimming across a river, etc

The Bastion system presented is a flavorful way to handle rewards to PCs.
it may help rookie DM to manage downtime, but a DM will soon reach the limits of such system. There will be unbalance in bastion benefits, players will ask to new features, and finally DM will house rule, tweak and adapt to give rewards according to his game.

More space for fleshing out the default cosmology, they often didn't go into enough detail on the Outer Planes, like some outer plane descriptions don't even mention they have layers to them, like super basic stuff like that. The description are way, way too bare bones. Especially now that Planescape is out and it matters more. They should all be of the quality the nine Hells got or better, like the 9 Hells section was bigger then all the Neutral and Upper Planes combined!!!!

More space for fleshing out the default cosmology, they often didn't go into enough detail on the Outer Planes, like some outer plane descriptions don't even mention they have layers to them, like super basic stuff like that. The description are way, way too bare bones. Especially now that Planescape is out and it matters more. They should all be of the quality the nine Hells got or better, like the 9 Hells section was bigger then all the Neutral and Upper Planes combined!!!!
This is a mixed bag for me. I do like decent lore, but I don't see the upper planes being very good locations for "adventure." All these peaceful "heavens" aren't just going to let adventurers go traipsing about, fighting and looting. Like what would comprise a compelling adventure, with fun fights, in deep Elysium, that won't make the goodly heroes unwelcome in said heaven after their life comes to its end?

Now, I understand taking the fight to fiends in lower planes, and making those planes more interesting for adventure. For instance I think Gehenna and Carceri, among other realms, really need more to flesh them out.

Bastions should be it's own book, closer in size to the 3.5 Complete Series.
I want to see the exploration pillar get the love it deserves.
I also want to see more magic items that do neat, semi useful things that remind us we're playing in a world where magic is everywhere. And the encouragement to drop them into the game. Things like Heward's Handy Spice Pouch, Candle of the Deep, and Pole of Angling.

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