Where are you? The hotbeds of tabletop gaming! [Top 500 cities in post #32]

Where are you? Actually, don't tell me - I'll tell you where you are. Not you, specifically, of course - but "you" as an anonymised aggregate. "What's Morrus blathering on about this time?" is probably near the tip of your tongue right now. Well, WotC recently asked if I (along with, I assume, other large web communities of gamers) would be able to pull an anonymised list from Google...

Where are you? Actually, don't tell me - I'll tell you where you are. Not you, specifically, of course - but "you" as an anonymised aggregate.

"What's Morrus blathering on about this time?" is probably near the tip of your tongue right now. Well, WotC recently asked if I (along with, I assume, other large web communities of gamers) would be able to pull an anonymised list from Google Analytics of where the busiest towns and countries were in terms of traffic as a tool to help them focus their D&D Encounters and other efforts. Making sure they're taking D&D where the people are, so to speak. I figured you might also find the info interesting.

These are top 50 cities and countries in terms of visits over the last month. That's not to be confused with page-views (much higher) or unique visitors (lower) - it's the number of times someone visited the site, browsed for a while, and then left.

So, if you're looking for a hotbed of gaming activity, here's one list. Other lists may exist, but this is EN World's list.

As a side note - this data is completely anonymous. It just shows totals, not individual users. Nobody is able to look at it and determine where *you* are - just which cities have a lot of gamers in them.

[h=4]TOP 50 CITIES (visits - past month)[/h]
1. New York 14,199
2. London 11,702
3. (not set) 11,289
4. Toronto 9,597
5. Chicago 8,175
6. Melbourne 7,998
7. Seattle 7,147
8. Sydney 6,279
9. Montreal 5,166
10. Athens 5,153
11. Portland 5,062
12. Houston 4,979
13. Los Angeles 4,896
14. Bethesda 4,829
15. Minneapolis 4,760
16. Brisbane 4,433
17. Columbus 4,389
18. San Francisco 4,372
19. Washington 3,625
20. Vancouver 3,549
21. Ottawa 3,419
22. Dallas 3,345
23. Boston 3,341
24. Auckland 3,316
25. Austin 3,211
26. San Diego 3,196
27. Philadelphia 3,172
28. Denver 3,157
29. Edmonton 2,947
30. Rome 2,877 %
31. Singapore 2,851
32. Perth 2,630
33. Paris 2,629
34. Winnipeg 2,609
35. Calgary 2,584
36. Copenhagen 2,429
37. Madison 2,425
38. Sacramento 2,421
39. Zagreb 2,365
40. Milan 2,359
41. St Louis 2,321
42. Atlanta 2,317
43. San Antonio 2,311
44. Rio de Janeiro 2,284
45. Helsinki 2,208
46. Indianapolis 2,190
47. Phoenix 2,110
48. Las Vegas 2,076
49. San Jose 1,928
50. Madrid 1,907

[h=4]TOP 50 COUNTRY/TERRITORY (visits - past month)[/h]
1. United States 517,986
2. Canada 72,060
3. United Kingdom 51,309
4. Australia 26,069
5. Germany 20,564
6. Italy 15,986
7. Brazil 13,032
8. Netherlands 9,319
9. France 8,780
10. Spain 8,743
11. Greece 7,435
12. Sweden 7,377
13. Denmark 7,048
14. New Zealand 6,535
15. (not set) 6,421
16. Finland 5,926
17. Japan 5,311
18. Poland 5,027
19. Norway 4,711
20. Philippines 4,168
21. Russia 3,563
22. Belgium 3,109
23. Argentina 3,067
24. Mexico 2,931
25. Singapore 2,869
26. Croatia 2,816
27. Ireland 2,718
28. Israel 2,291
29. South Korea 2,188
30. India 2,140
31. South Africa 1,975
32. Austria 1,964
33. Switzerland 1,920
34. Hungary 1,815
35. Turkey 1,798
36. Serbia 1,509
37. China 1,400
38. Portugal 1,356
39. Malaysia 1,242
40. Romania 1,189
41. Iceland 1,179
42. Czech Republic 1,132
43. Chile 1,050
44. Ukraine 972
45. Taiwan 869
46. Indonesia 824
47. Hong Kong 711
48. Bulgaria 703
49. Peru 652
50. Slovenia 642

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Just wondering. How big, for example, is 'London' in this context - is it just London, or Greater London, or certain postcodes, or is it 'anybody in SE England whose webservice in some way routes via a hub/node that the intraweb calls London'?

Just wondering. How big, for example, is 'London' in this context - is it just London, or Greater London, or certain postcodes, or is it 'anybody in SE England whose webservice in some way routes via a hub/node that the intraweb calls London'?

London might also mean London, Ontario. And "New York" could be the entire state.

Cool. Anybody care to calculate these on a per capita basis?

This is not going to be scientific or wholly reliable. Some metropolitan areas are tighter than others, so some their suburbs might be separated reducing the total number of tracked visits from that city. Chicago and LA especially have a large metropolitan area that is apparently not part of the actual city proper.
Plus, as Morrus said, these are visits not unique page views so places with really regular ENWorld fans will be higher than places with more irregular viewers.

1. New York 1:570
2. London 1:698
3. (not set) -
4. Toronto 1:630
5. Chicago 1:1021
6. Melbourne 1:512
7. Seattle 1:489
8. Sydney 1:732
9. Montreal 1:740
10. Athens 1:596
11. Portland 1:446
12. Houston 1:421
13. Los Angeles 1:3676
14. Bethesda (this cannot be right)
15. Minneapolis 1:693
16. Brisbane 1:676
17. Columbus 1:418
18. San Francisco 1:1738
19. Washington 1:1544
20. Vancouver 1:648
21. Ottawa 1:424

For the above I'm assuming it's Athens, Greece and Washington DC not the entire state. I rejected "Bethesda" as the two towns I can see with the name are small, and unlikely to easily support that number of gamers unless there is a few really dedicated folk which skew the average.

And out of curiosity, my Province:
29. Edmonton 1:393
34. Winnipeg 1:279
35. Calgary 1:470
Which does not surprise me as I've always been impressed by the number of game stores and comic stores in my region and surprised at how uncommon they are elsewhere.

Adding up the totals (excluding Washington, San Francisco, LA, and Chicago) the average per captia is 1 in 562.
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