Where do we stand on Harry Potter?

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The Laughing One
Before you go on with stories of 'both sides', I recommended - to you and everybody else - reading the very interesting series of article by A.R. Moxon on the subject. Really eye opening stuff.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Sorry, that was a waste of my time. That was rehashing the same thing again and again in long form that was not relevant to my point, the examples given were ridiculous!
The two sides I was talking about:
  • People who feel that Harry Potter is offensive by way of the author, we should all feel the same offense and/or trust them that it is offensive and stop consuming Harry Potter media.
  • People who do not feel offended by Harry Potter and see the views of it's author separate from their work. And do not want to be forced into the views of others.

This has nothing to do with the rights or protections of trans people. I have no issue with the rights and protections of whoever needs them, they do not affect me (they don't take away any rights from me). People are people, regardless of whatever they are, do or say. I know very few of those 8 billion people, I do not care for them, not do I hate them, they are unknowns to me. Those relatively few people I do know, range from I really like them to absolutely hate them and everything in between. Who I like and who I do not like is not based on their orientation, religion or skin color, it's based on their personality. And if that personality wants to force their beliefs on me without consideration of what I want or belief, that person is not going into the 'I like' category. Do not treat others in ways that you would not like to be treated.

You're trying to make this about trans vs trans haters, it is not!

And then the studio gets purchased by EA.
Or it doesn't, and just remains as it is. Which is the case for most videogame companies. This false stereotype of the game industry being universally awful is not helpful. Yes, there are a few bad actors. But there are also decent companies. Quite a lot of them in fact.

What this all boils down to for me, is compassion. Compassion for trans people, compassion for artists, and compassion for people who enjoy a piece of art. To many people, Harry Potter was a part of their childhood. I feel compassion for anyone who would like to play a tabletop rpg in that setting. I also feel compassion for fellow game devs, who work in Unreal 4 (as I do), and managed to create a game that is honestly a technical marvel. There is so much detail in this game, it is mind boggling. It was quite clearly made by people who care a great deal about the setting, and tried their best to be accurate to both the books and the films.
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Staff member
But at what point do things become ridiculous and laughable? Even IF the intent was to create the Goblins as an evil view on Jewish people, how serious do you think people who read/watch/play Harry Potter will take that. Even IF that intent was there, the parallels are so detail specific, that most people who this was made for will never realize it without specific help. And even if pointed out, most will just shrug, pat you on the head and advise you to wear your tinfoilhat and watch the skies for aliens... ;-)

We can look for parallels in many other stories/properties. Let's look at the Smurfs: Smurfette was create as a Golem like creature by the evil wizard Gargamel... Do I need to draw a map how you can draw connections? O wait, someone already wrote a book about that (Antoine Buéno) as well, over ten years ago! What about D&D, should we just remove Golems altogether under the banner of cultural appropriation?

If you're out looking for 'something', you'll find 'something' to get someone offended. If you try hard enough you could make a spoon the most racist tool ever created. Depending on who does it and how, it will either result in people laughing hard at you or it being the start of some moral crusade...

But why the heck would I equal a fantasy world Goblin with a real world life person? And even going further then that, ascribing motivations to those real life people based on some fantasy fiction? Are there people that do? Sure, but there are also people that belief the world is flat when shown the science to proof it's not. There is no fixing stupid! And polarizing everything will just create more stupid people and more hate.

Now, from the other side. I have to ask why someone Jewish would feel a resemblance to those same fantasy Goblins? Do all Scottish and/or 'large' people suddenly feel a resemblance to Shrek? I really hope not! Are there such people, of course, but see my previous answer...
Mod Note:

Soooo many problems with your post, and you’ve been here long enough to know better.

Limiting myself to just the last 2 paragraphs:

We’ve had multiple threads on ENWorld the past few years in which the problem of using RW bigoted language and imagery in RPG and other entertainment forms have been discussed. We know certain instances were deliberate dog whistles and others were probably unknowingly used- several posters were kind enough to connect the dots with documentation. The former is worthy of opprobrium, the latter is an opportunity for helping creators (and their fans) find a better pathway.

So why would someone see a fantasy world creature as a stand-in for their own ethnic/cultural/racial identity? Because the writer used RW bigoted language and/or images to describe their creation.

And the propagation of RW bigotry in fiction can and does lead back to RW harm.

So, you’re done in this thread.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
And do not want to be forced into the views of others.
What possible mechanism does anyone have to force their views on you? Mind control lasers?

The discussion is about whether we should be worried about making all the guests at Morrus' house comfortable. If your comfort requires making other people uncomfortable, then maybe you should host your own party.

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