Where do we stand on Harry Potter?

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How would you paint a more constructive, more accurate picture of the issue?

Because sweeping dismissal isn't all that great either.
There are also people who are conflicted. Who are both trans supporters and Potter fans.

There are those who are indifferent. Neither ally nor enemy.

There are those who dislike trans people, but do not want them dead.

For example. But I think you could have answered this question yourself.

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🏳️‍⚧️ (she/her) 🇵🇸
I don't think painting the issue so black and white is constructive to discussion, nor accurate. Not at all.
I can't say that I'm painting anything, just pointing out the facts. You may not want them to be the facts. You may not want to be labeled as pro (or at best neutral about) trans eradication for continuing to patronize HP material, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Want to know the kicker, though? I don't want to label people like that either.

But I'm not one doing the labelling. No trans person is wielding the paintbrush in this scenario.

JK Rowling, however, is. She is the one who has said, repeatedly, that her fans agree with her stance on trans people (which is, very pointedly, trans people are bad and should stop existing)

You got a problem with that? Then take it up with her

You're going to need to qualify this statement
Do I really? You can't imagine that there are people who are uncomfortable with trans people, yet do not wish them dead?

Pretending it is trans people and their allies versus trans haters and their supporters is flat out wrong. The discussion is way more complicated than that. And I think you all KNOW it is way more complicated, and don't need me to lay it all out for you.

Again, more hate is not going to make the world better. Compassion is the only way forward. And that includes showing some minor measure of compassion for people who just like Harry Potter, and want nothing to do with the Rowling discussion at all. It would help to not paint them as heinous people.

It would also help to not pretend like you're not painting them as such, cuz "That's just the way it is". No it is not.


I've known plenty of people who worked in video games, and it's a soul crushing industry where you work on a lot of naughty word you don't care about. I got friends who worked on the 'Grey's Anatomy' game for Wii. They got paid for it.
Then, when the company no longer got tax credits to remain, everybody got fired in a way that broke contracts or labor regulation (it’s been years I don’t recall all the details) and they tried to get together to go after the company and they got blacklisted at every damn other video game studio in town. I knew like 7 people who worked there, none of them are still in video games now.

They didn’t care how well Grey’s Anatomy for Wii did.

The people who worked on Hogwarts Legacy already got paid and most of them were probably roundly downsized once game development was done, and don’t get a single extra game if the game tanks or not. That part’s all on WB Games and JKR.

That really sucks :/ as a related note, you ever read this article:
How is it acceptable in a forum that has rules against politics to post a picture of Tony Blair as a deatheater?

The double standard here is astounding.


🏳️‍⚧️ (she/her) 🇵🇸
Do I really? You can't imagine that there are people who are uncomfortable with trans people, yet do not wish them dead?
Now I'm going to need you to qualify what "uncomfortable" means in this context. Don't want to be around them? Wish they didn't exist? Follow through the thought to its logical conclusion.

It would also help to not pretend like you're not painting them as such, cuz "That's just the way it is". No it is not.
Once again, I'm not doing the painting, JK Rowling is. JK Rowling is telling me and you and everyone who will listen to her that you agree with her that trans people are bad and should not exist. Do you or do you not? If you do not, why are you making this my problem, when I'm just the messenger?


also don't believe you can solve hate, with more hate.
The only way to fight hatred is with knowledge. However, you can bring a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. I don't think I care to placate people who refuse to learn the reality lived by other people. I'm sorry but I don't think their views holds value.
Not all game companies are soul crushing. There are quite a lot that are a dream job to work at, where employees are treated well and paid well.
We’re talking about WB Games here. It is well known that the game industry is in dire need of unionization, but I think this discussion exceeds the scope of this thread. The point Is all these people were hired for a job and they got paid what they sign on for. It’s nice if the stuff they worked on is successful but it’s not a requirement.
Sorry, that was a waste of my time. That was rehashing the same thing again and again in long form that was not relevant to my point, the examples given were ridiculous!
Sorry if you felt it was a waste of time. I found it interesting and helped me put into words feelings I had.

Also your framing of the "sides" tell me you didn't read past part 1.
You're trying to make this about trans vs trans haters, it is not!
I'm not trying anything.

JK Rowling already made it about trans rights.

Now I'm going to need you to qualify what "uncomfortable" means in this context. Don't want to be around them? Wish they didn't exist? Follow through the thought to its logical conclusion.

I don't know. Maybe you should talk with them?

Once again, I'm not doing the painting, JK Rowling is. JK Rowling is telling me and you and everyone who will listen to her that you agree with her that trans people are bad and should not exist. Do you or do you not? If you do not, why are you making this my problem, when I'm just the messenger?
I disagree with Rowling. I think, she lives in a rich little out-of-touch bubble, surrounding herself with people who say they agree with her. In such a bubble, it is easy to believe you are right, and that most people agree with you. And it is very hard to imagine you are wrong.

I don't believe in how Rowling paints this issue. And I don't agree that liking her work is an endorsement of her views.


How is it acceptable in a forum that has rules against politics to post a picture of Tony Blair as a deatheater?
I was just trying to share an opinion piece, I didn't know just putting the URL would bring up the article's header image.

And the article itself never calls Blair a Death Eater so I don't know where the imagery comes from.

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