Where i share my experiences with DCC (as a noob)


I'm the Straw Man in your argument
recap for nov 5th

Dilemmas in the Abbey

Alternate Title: Ned Smashes Everything.

This link >>> Preview: Saint Brynned's Abbey (admo3of4.wixsite.com) <<< contains all of the information in the paragraph below, plus some other important details. It’s dated August 1st, so it has probably been a while since you’ve read it.

You originally came to Saint Brynned’s Abbey in search of Saint Brynned’s Tears and for other treasures. According to Ogilvy the Merchant back in Iruk, the Abbey contains treasures of forgotten Royalty. Also, the Tears are blessed with Divine Magic; it can return someone from the dead, completely heal a person, or destroy an Undead Creature. Or… the gang could cash in and sell the Tears of Saint Brynned to Ogilvy’s brother Seamus in Hammerfast for 5,000 gp. The Tears of Saint Brynned can be found in a “secret garden” within the Abbey.

West Crypt Room
The gang had just dismissed the graverobbers and this is when Eni the Chronicler of Cthulu decided to reveal his purpose for coming to Saint Brynned’s Abbey. According to Eni, there was a Portal that served as a Gateway to the Abyss within the Abbey. An Evil Abbott, which now haunts the Abbey, had created the Portal. Eni was tasked with destroying this Evil Abbott but preserve the Portal. The Portal would be repurposed to reach the Far Realms in the future.

Eni went to tell them that there was a second powerful undead haunting the Abbey that had cross purposes with both the Abbott and the Cthulu. Her name was Queen Ethofled, and she was motivated by rage and vengeance. Although it was not necessary to destroy her, things would be easier in the long run if that happened.

Workshop 1xp
The gang decided to leave the tombstones alone in the western crypt and returned to the large, main room. Orn and Eni took the lead and opened one of the western side doors. Judging from the busted shelves and broken tools, this used to be a workshop. In the middle of the room, crouched a wretched being munching on a recently deceased rat.

The wretch looked like a frozen human whose skin had been stripped away revealing muscle, bone, and sinew. Its lidless eyes met Orn’s, and it screamed in unaspirated rage. The only sounds were the creak of frozen muscles and connective tissue as the Flayed Zombie deftly maneuvered forward to munch on Orn’s face. Orn traded blows with it, until Ned stepped forward with his two-handed mace and smashed the thing to bits.

Mizzcleo found a miner’s pick that might be useful.

There was a door on the other side of the room. Orn managed to get it open a couple of inches. The door seemed to be blocked by a collapsed part of the Abbey.

Apothecary 1xp
The gang regrouped in the Main Room and then opened the other door on the western wall. Shelves lined the walls of this room. Many old scroll tubes and potion bottles, mostly broken or empty, were found on the shelves. Wuzra searched the shelves and found a recipe for Yeti Lotion.

Candelabra Room 2xp
The gang regrouped in the Main Room. There were three exits in the northern wall that were unexplored. Mizzcleo explored the Northwestern exit and stumbled upon an Ice Viper. Mizzcleo traded blows with it, until Ned stepped forward with his two-handed mace and smashed the thing to bits.

The gang was in a hallway that split north or west. They decided to head north and found a door. Orn opened the door and discovered a strange room. Experience told him that it was trap or puzzle. Seven skeletons lined the northern wall and a large candelabra with seven candles was in the center of the room. On the other side of the room was a barred gate. After some discussion, Orn decided to walk over to the other side of the room and peek through the gate. That’s when all seven of the skeletons animated and attacked.

Wuzra cast a protective magical shield on Orn as Eni invoked the Far Realms to repel the undead. Four of them huddled in their alcoves, but three of them stepped towards Orn with swords. Orn, protected by Wuzra’s magical shield, was able to fend off their attacks. The fight continued until Ned stepped forward with his two-handed mace and smashed the things to bits.

Queen Ethofled 1xp
The gang opened the gate and peered into the next room to the west. They saw a massive stone sarcophagus with chiseled floral decorations and a crown chiseled on the lid. When they entered the room, an apparition appeared above the sarcophagus. It was an apparition of a woman with elaborately braided hair wearing a crown. She spoke with an air of command, as if her requests were imperatives rather than mere requests.

She asked the group to slay the Abbott at the end of the corridor. She also asked the group to disrupt the Abyssal Portal by destroying the seven skulls that surrounded it. Again, she gave clear instructions on where the Portal was located. As a reward, she would give one of four treasures that she had: 1) Bedazzled Chain Mail 2) Platinum Signet Ring 3) Crown of Ethofled 4) a Fabulous Magical Dagger named “Maid of Honor.”

The Gang agreed to do her bidding and left.

Second Sarcophagus Room 1xp
The Gang continued explore the corridor. They came across a door and spotted another door further down the hall. They decided to take the door closer to them, which opened into an empty room with a barred gate to the west. They opened the gate.

Inside this room they found another sarcophagus. The room was identical to Queen Ethofled’s room, except that the ceiling was partially collapsed. The sarcophagus was also decorated differently. This one had shields and stars chiseled upon it.

Mizzcleo Detected Magic and discovered that there was a magic item contained within the sarcophagus. Orn placed a hand on the sarcophagus. Pebbles and dust fell from the ceiling. Fearing that the ceiling would collapse, the gang decided to leave it alone and left.

Abbott's Room 1xp

The gang was back in the corridor and traveled to the door further down the hall. They entered the room. A wind without any seeming origin briefly swirled through the room; blowing out Orn’s torch though Mizzcleo managed to cover her lantern in time. Orn relit his torch. The light from their lantern and torch seemed to have been dimmed. The gang kept glancing to either side of the room as they could swear that they spotted some shadowy movement just out of the corner of their eyesight, only to discover that it was nothing. They found a barred gate on the other side of the room. Trying to shine a light through the gate did not reveal much, as the shadows seem to lengthen in here and their light sources lacked the ability to pierce them. Weird.

They opened the gate. Unlike the other two similarly structured rooms, this one did not have a stone sarcophagus. Instead, it had a stone throne. Seated upon this throne was a dried corpse dressed in purple priestly robes. He wore a golden nose prosthetic, across his lap was a silver pastoral staff, and a brass key hung from a necklace around his throat. As the gang approached, the corpse animated.

“Power and treasure you seek? I can give the means to defeat the most powerful ghost in the Abbey and thus loot the richest grave.”

He requested that the group go to the Abyssal Portal Chamber. Once there, they will find a second portal that leads to the secret garden of Saint Brynned. In this secret garden, they will find seven golden chalices. Return all seven of the chalices and he will grant them this promised power.

The party agreed to do his bidding and left.

Ritual Room 2xp
The gang regrouped in the Main Room. There were two unexplored exits in the north. They detected wind and some sunlight coming from the exit on the left and they could see stairs leading up. They surmised that this exit just led to the roof and held nothing of interest. So, they decided to take the northeast exit. This led to stairs downward underneath the Abbey. Just before exiting down the stairs, Mizzcleo summoned a dog for protection.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Orn discovered that they had found the Portal Chamber. The Abyssal Portal appeared to be a well that was filled with blood. On the northern wall was an archway. Within this archway they could see bright sunlight and a lush garden. A cacophony of odors swirled through the room; fresh fragrance of flowers, the metallic smell of blood, and rotting flesh. As Orn was taking this all in, flayed arms reached up from within the well. Flayed zombies!

The gang traded blows with the pair of zombies, until Ned stepped forward with his two-handed mace and smashed the things to bits.

Library 1xp
[Full disclosure: I screwed up and forgot to draw a door on the map. This whole “dog thing” described below is just me covering my ass.]
As Ned smashed more things to bits with his two-handed mace, Mizzcleo’s dog began barking and whimpering. Orn gave it some attention and the dog insisted on going up the stairs again. The Rough Collie led Orn up the stairs and to an unopened door. Inside Orn found a library. After rummaging around for a bit, he found a scrap of paper with some important hints on how to solve the puzzles found in the secret garden. He also found a locked metal closet, which he could not open. Good boy, Lassie!

Secret Garden 2xp
They walked through the archway and found themselves in a warm and pleasant garden. In the center of it were a four-by-four checkered board and sixteen chess pieces. Mizzcleo quickly figured out the sudoku-like puzzle. The checkered board slid open, revealing a secret entrance leading down.

Knight Moves 2xp
Following the steps downward, the gang found themselves looking across a long hallway. The floor was again checkered, three squares wide and eight squares long. On the other side were two large iron statues with shields. Mizzcleo figured out the puzzle by matching the movement of a Chess Knight.

St Brynned's Tears 2xp
12 chalices.jpg

The rest of the Gang followed in Mizzcleo’s footsteps and were on the other side of the Iron Statues. They looked upon an altar with twelve golden chalices. On the other side of it was a marble statue of a girl smiling benevolently and holding a small pewter basin which emitted a soft azure glow. An armored knight was kneeling in front of the altar.

The knight stood and turned towards the Gang. He was an ageless man with white hair with hard yet distant eyes who was wearing plate mail. “Welcome. It’s been centuries since anyone visited this sacred place, but my vow still holds. You proved worthy, by reaching this place, so you may take one of the chalices, and fill it at the Saint’s Fountain, if you want. St. Brynned’s tears may heal all ailments of the body and the soul but use your judgement. It will take one year for the basin to fill again.”

Orn dipped a golden chalice into Saint Brynned’s basin and filled it with the bluish glowing liquid. Upon removing the chalice, a single tear rolled down the statue’s cheek and dripped into the basin.

Current Predicament:
The Gang is being pressured by three different powers:

1) The Abbott Grusom
Wants: the group to go through the portal in the ritual chamber (room 6) and take seven golden chalices for him.
Offers: His dark blessing which makes your attacks capable of damaging Queen Ethofled and the Eternal Knight.

2) Queen Ethofled
Wants: Slay the Abbot in the sepulcher at the end of the corridor and disrupt the skull circle in the eastern wing.
Offers: One of four valuable items

Wants: The Abbott slain, but his Abyssal Portal preserved. Slaying Queen Ethofled is recommended, but not necessary.
Offers: A painless death when it eats your universe. Plus, some extra mojo in the meantime aka experience points.

Experience Points 16
Mizzcleo 122
Ned 90
Eni 190
Orn 146
Wuzra 72
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I'm the Straw Man in your argument
I played 4e many, many years ago and recall next to nothing about the game mechanics. I need a little help here.

Anybody have a rough conversion for Difficulty Checks for 4E & DCC. For example: If something in 4E requires a DC 26 Perception Check, any idea what that number would approximately translate to in DCC?


B/X Known World
I played 4e many, many years ago and recall next to nothing about the game mechanics. I need a little help here.

Anybody have a rough conversion for Difficulty Checks for 4E & DCC. For example: If something in 4E requires a DC 26 Perception Check, any idea what that number would approximately translate to in DCC?
I'm not sure a direct conversion would work. 4E is very gamey in that it's all tightly wound and balanced. All the numbers go up and up and up. Here's the DC by Level chart used in 4E. You could maybe roughly convert the easy, moderate, hard into something useful for DCC RPG. That might convert to a 15 in DCC RPG...or there about...based on the description of DCs in the DCC Skills chapter.

Screen Shot 2023-11-10 at 6.39.16 PM.png


I'm the Straw Man in your argument
The party will probably go to Hammerfast after their current adventure. The PCs will then be strangers in a strange land, where Orcs are tolerated and the dead walk the streets. Most of the deities they worship will seem familiar, such as the same symbols or priestly phrases, but they will often be named differently.

This is something that I tinkered with a couple of months ago. Most of my information about DCC deities come from this free PDF Realm 15 - Dungeon Crawl Classcs — Realm 15 Productions

DCC to Nentir Deity Conversion
The 4e Deities are in bold

Shul, god of the moon
Ulesh, god of peace
PELOR Choranus, the Seer Father, lord of creation
MORADIN Daenthar, the Mountain Lord, greater god of earth and industry
BAHAMUT (different avatar) Gorhan, the Helmed Vengeance, god of valor and chivalry
AVANDRA Justicia, goddess of justice and mercy
ERATHIS Aristemis, the Insightful One, demi goddess of true seeing and strategy
RAVEN QUEEN The Three Fates

Amun Tor, god of mysteries and riddles
MELORA Ildavir, goddess of nature
MELORA (same goddess, different manifestation) Pelagia, goddess of the sea
Cthulhu, priest of the Old Ones

GRUUMSH Klazath, god of war
PHRAXAS Ahriman, god of death and disease
VECNA Hidden Lord, god of secrets
ORCUS Azi Dahaka, demon prince of storms and waste
Bobugbubilz, demon lord of evil amphibians
Cadixtat, chaos titan
Nimlurun, the unclean one, lord of filth and pollution
Malotoch, the carrion crow god


I'm the Straw Man in your argument

We're about to conclude our adventure into St Brynned's Abbey. The group has some important decisions to make within the smaller context of the adventure. After that, the players will need to make some decisions within the larger context of the campaign. Specifically, which way do they want to go? Continue westward to explore the unknown lands of Nentir Vale or return eastward to build upon their past successes?

After The Abbey Adventure (preview)​


After The Abbey
There are still some important choices to make and dice to roll before we conclude the Abbey Adventure. But there will be even more important decisions to make after it’s all finished. Here’s some stuff to consider…

After The Abbey Business is finished, there’s not much adventuring left to be done in Lune. You’ll probably want to hang out at Jora’s Emporium for a month to level up, heal, make appropriate blood sacrifices, etc.

You will return to Jora’s Emporium on July 15 and, assuming that you’ve leveled up, you will leave Lune on August 15. You have two choices: Travel East or West?

SIDE NOTE: If certain choices get made and Eni survives the Abbey Adventure, then he could potentially transform the Abbey into a Temple dedicated to Cthulu. This will require the Cleric spell “Sanctify,” which he will get at 7th level.


Travel East

You could use this as a base to further explore Kersete’s Dungeon (our 1st dungeon.)

Getting back will be easier to navigate (+2 bonus)

Turmus has been raised to the respectable status of landowner in Iruk, and your group has a reputation as heroes. You are honored by Nobleman (Abboud Family) and have street cred (Mutaz and the Calico Nocturni). The most heroic thing you’ve done is prevent the rise of a Palymdibis and its cult. Perhaps those cultists aren’t finished with you yet?

There are other Iruk-based adventures that I could use for this area. Dungeon delves or large fantasy city adventure.


Travel West

This is the closest city to you, about 4-5 days of travel. Bob The Elf is from Hammerfast with ties to the Craft Ward. You could get “fetch quests” through these contacts. All the info in the Hammerfast blog post is based on his knowledge.

There are two dungeons known to be in the area: 1) The Temple of the Fire Opal is a very large dungeon which would probably take several months of (real) time to clear. 2) Stonehell Dungeon is known as a mega-dungeon which we will never come close to finishing (10 Levels, 1000+ encounters).

I’m mentioning these locations because these are types of adventures that you will need to choose. I will never make it necessary for you to go there. If you want a classic dungeon delve, then go to these places.

There are other adventures, but I don’t want to spoil them.

Nentir Vale
The rest of the vale is mostly empty, with a handful of living villages and towns scattered over this wide area. Abandoned farmsteads, ruined manors, and broken keeps litter the countryside. Bandits, wild animals, and monsters roam freely throughout the vale, threatening anyone who fares more than a few miles away from one of the surviving settlements. Travel along the roads is usually safe—usually. But every now and then, travelers come to bad ends between towns.


Future Game?


This is the next game I want to run. It uses modified DCC rules. It’s a game that takes place in the classic fantasy world of Nehwon. Most of the adventures occur within the fantasy metropolis of Lankhmar. This would be a “city-focused campaign” as opposed to our current “wilderness-focused campaign."


I'm the Straw Man in your argument
and so it goes
Orn Death.jpg

A Bold Plan
The Gang decided to leave the Hidden Garden and they revisited the Portal Room. The Portal is a well that's filled with blood, ten feet across, and allows Abyssal creatures to pass into this world. In fact, three Flayed Zombies just emerged from the Portal as they entered the room. These undead were quickly dispatched.

The rest of the Gang began to quibble over what to do next. Orn opened up his backpack, pushed the golden chalice aside, and looked for some rope. The gang prattled on about Abbotts and Cthulhus and moral obligations and whatnots. Ned and Eni were having a particularly animated discussion. Wuzra was just staring off into space, waiting for them to stop. It was the same old thing.

"All talk and no action," thought Orn. He tied the rope around his waist, making sure that the knot was a good one. He expected that his life would depend on it. He double-checked that his waterskin, filled with Saint Brynned's Tears, was secured on his belt. His life might depend on that too.

The rest of the Gang resolved to retrieve the magic item from the sarcophagus, kill the Abbott, and preserve the Portal. Ned wasn't fully satisfied with this outcome, but he could bide his time.

"Enough talk. I'm gonna find out what's on the other side of that Portal and you're gonna help me," Orn announced. Too confused to effectively argue against his bold plan, the other four members complied, and took up the rope.

The Gang lowered Orn into the pool of blood that was the Abyssal Portal. As soon as he was completely submerged, the rope went slack. They pulled the rope back and there was nothing but a knotted loop. Orn had ceased to be in this plane of existence.

The Warrior was indeed transported to another world. A land of fire and sulfur. He was on one of the layers of The Abyss within The Elemental Chaos. Pony-sized frog creatures, with teeth and claws for rending, bounded towards Orn. Four of them hopped on him before he could draw out his waterskin of holy water. Their curved claws and needle teeth tore into his flesh.

Orn is presumed dead. The Golden Chalice and Saint Brynned's Tears destroyed.

Losing Orn, The Tears, and The Chalice was disheartening, but it only slightly disrupted their plans.The Gang had a "wow, so that just happened" moment, decided to travel back to Jora's Emporium, and get Abboud the Thief. They returned to the Abbey two days later without incident.

Magic weapon

The Gang returned to the room with the partially collapsed ceiling on top of the standing sarcophagus. Mizzcleo knew that there was a magic item within them sarcophagus, but feared that the ceiling might collapse when trying to retrieve it. The gang used some equipment to prop up the ceiling. Ned pried open the sarcophagus. They found plate mail, shield, and a morning star. The weapon was magical and particularly effective vs undead.

Ned took the plate mail and shield.
Eni took the morning star.

Abbot fight


The Gang entered the room where the Abbott sat on his stone throne with his staff across his legs and a key dangling from his neck. The Gang tried to renegotiate their agreement with the Abbott. It didn't go well. Negotiations ended when the Abbott split his staff and threw the two pieces on the ground. One piece transformed into an ice viper and the other piece just clattered to the ground. With a grunt of annoyance, the Abbott attacked.

The Gang soundly beat the Abbott and the ice viper, but the old wight managed to land its cursed attack on Eni. Some of the Cleric's mojo was consumed by the undead's cold grasp (50 xp level drain). They collected the Abbott's gold nose prosthetic, the remaining silver staff piece, and brass key.

Their goal achieved, the Gang did not explore the place further, and left the Abbey.

Decision at Jora's

The Gang spent a week at Jora's Emporium, allowig their wounds to heal. They decided to go west of the Dawnforge Mountains and explore the Nentir Vale. Their first stop would be Hammerfast and who knows where thing could go from there?

They left Lune Valley on March 1st.

Gate Ward

They arrived in Hammerfast on March 5th. After having their stuff inspected and taxed at Revenue Hall, the Gang hung out in the Gate Ward for five days. They also picked up some new members:

Ida Ho the handsy Wizard and potato farmer
Palis the dumb but lucky feral Halfling. (16 Luck, 4 Intelligence, +1 melee damage birth augur).

They found that there was 100gp bounty out for a group of bandits holed up near Lake Dunmere. The bandits were led by Wild Tom, a beserker who has robbed and killed folks travelling between Hammerfast and Fallcrest. The bandits were recently spotted by some fishermen near the village of Cryll.

Wild Tom

After two days travel, the Gang arrived in Cryll. The villagers gave them directions to the cave where Wild Tom and Company were located. The Gang waited until evening to spring their attack.

Ned, decked out in his shiny new plate mail, lumbered into the cave with the rest folloeing behind him. The bandits filed in from two different passages. Ida The Handsy rushed forward, reached around, and he cast Enlarge on Ned (player insisted on phrasing).

Ned grew to over eight feet tall. He spotted Wild Tom and charged towards him. The Warrior was trying to land an overhead strike but his two-handed flail hit the cave ceiling and splintered to useless pieces (2nd flail destroyed for Ned).

Eventually the Gang wiped Wild Tom and his bandit friends. They returned to Hammerfast and collected the 100gp bounty.

Current Experience Points
B. Mizzcleo 122. Bob 6
T. Ned 111. Wiblo 110
J. Eni 165. Turmus 178
D. Abboud 87. Palis 9
A. Wuzra 84. Ida Ho 9
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I'm the Straw Man in your argument
The stuff below is my layout for the next three adventures. As with all plans, good or bad, it is subject to change. This all takes place near Hammerfast in the Nentir Vale. Questions, criticism, and feedback welcomed.


Our group has 5 players playing 2 PCs each for a total of 10 PCs. This helped avoid the unfortunate situation of having a player without a character because it died early in the session. However, now that most of the group is 2nd/3rd level, it’s not working so well. The party is a little bit overpowered since I use premade adventures typically designed for 4-6 PCs. More importantly, the game gets muddled and complicated with players tracking multiple characters.

So, I’m trying to limit each player to a single character now. The trick is trying to come up with a good alibi for leaving half of the party behind. My solution for the next several sessions is to give the party two adventures that occur roughly simultaneously in game time. The first adventure is for lower leveled adventurers but is more complex and may take 2-3 sessions. The second adventure is simpler; it may only take a single session. Both adventures are taken from “Off the Beaten Path: Forest Excursions.”

After those adventures are finished, we’ll probably move onto “AL 5: Stars in the Darkness.” In this case, I have a different solution to limiting players to a single character. It’s a big, bold, and weird adventure set in “a conceptual space” which I changed to the Feywild. The Feywild can only be accessed through a ritual led by an NPC druid. The PCs’ bodies remain in the “normal” world while their consciousness manifests in the Feywild. The druid can only transport 5 people to the Feywild at a time.

1st Adventure

This adventure is several mini adventures linked together. The Trade Guild is offering a 50gp reward to anyone that can resolve the problem near a hamlet called Soldier’s Rest. Several people have gone missing. Judging by the buzzing sound in a nearby cavern, stirges are the suspected culprits. Soldier’s Rest is located south of Hammerfast along the Iron Road.

Mini adventure #1, Cave of the Blood Suckers: After exterminating some stirges in a cave, the party discovers a treasure map.

Mini adventure #2, Grave of the Grey Soldier: Assuming the party follows the treasure map, they find a grave concealed by overgrowth. They find a journal and a bronze key. Journal describes a tomb with treasure and the bronze key opens the tomb.

Mini adventure #3, Tomb of the Undying Hero: A seven room dungeon contains some treasure, traps, and undead.

Mini adventure #4 (optional), Waterfall of Dreams. This waterfall is near the tombs in mini adventure #3. Most of the Grey Soldier’s treasure is hidden in a cave behind the waterfall and guarded by Water Nymphs.

2nd Adventure

News of this occurs several hours after the first group of PCs leave for Soldier’s Rest in the 1st Adventure. Merchants are refusing to travel from Fallcrest to Hammerfast due to an Otuygh roaming around the Trade Road. Foresters have spotted the thing just west of The Fiveleague House. Merchants of the Trade Guild are offering 500gp and a spyglass as a reward. 2 potions of Neutralize Disease given up front.

Mini Adventure #1, Swarming Harbingers of Filth. This is an extended encounter with an Otuygh and its swarm of carrion bug buddies.

Mini Adventure #2 (optional), The Stone Pillars of Hallmoerth. A large, granite structure is discovered shortly after the encounter with the Otuygh. It’s a rectangular cube twenty feet high, ten feet to each side, with a steel door facing the group. It’s an optional deadly puzzle adventure.

3rd Adventure

AL 5 Stars in the Darkness

Premise: Eons ago, the Eladrin* were starherds, shepherds who aided the stars and guided them on their courses. For there were creatures in the heavens that were hostile to the stars, which fed on them, and which sought to increase Chaos by ending the order of the night skies. One such creature was Urstah the Star-Drinker, a sentient black hole.

The Star-Drinker consumes stars. When minor stars disappear, few notice save astrologers and gods. When major stars disappear, they take the Luck of worlds with them. In “Stars in the Darkness,” as the PC’s Luck begins to suffer, portents and signs point to a cavern found in the root system of the legendary Celestial Tree. The Celestial Tree exists only in the Feywild, specifically on an island in Lake Nen within the Feywild. That is where the PCs must go if they want to rescue their lucky stars and restore their Luck; before Urstah drinks the essence of those stars, and the character’s Luck is gone forever.

*The Eladrin are precursors to Elves.

Staging: This adventure will be introduced during the 2 previous unrelated adventures. At the appropriate moment within each separate adventure, the character with the highest Intelligence in the party will notice that a small constellation is missing. This gets further reinforced when the party returns to Hammerfast, and it becomes a subject of conversation and tavern speculation.

Very shortly after their return, the stars that affect a character’s Luck begin to disappear. Once every month (frequency may change), roll 1d30 and compare the result to Table 1-2: Luck Score, on page 19 of the core rulebook. Any character with the birth augur indicated gains a permanent –2 penalty to Luck until their related star is freed. If the character is a Thief or Halfling, this Luck cannot be recovered as is normal for those classes. Only when the related star is again in the heavens will this Luck be restored. This does not prevent characters from gaining other Luck bonuses, however. Every month, another important star disappears, and another character may be affected.

At the beginning of this adventure, a minimum of three stars affecting Luck are trapped within the caves. They are held in Area 19. Several other lesser stars are trapped as well. The judge is given a description for the star related to each birth augur and should decide exactly which of these areas holds which important star.

As the Lucky Stars disappear, a Seer of Ildavir/Melora arrives in Hammerfast and starts preaching that the sky is falling to a gathering crowd in the Gate Ward. He calls for 5 brave souls to pass into the Feywild and return the Stars to their proper place in the sky. All 10 of the PCs will accompany the Seer to the shores of Lake Nen. Once there, the Druid will perform the ritual to transport 5 PCs to Feywild island. If a PC dies while in the Feywild, then that person can be replaced by a PC in the “normal” world.
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I'm the Straw Man in your argument
I started to fart around with chatGPT for the first time ever this morning. We have an expected stirge encounter in the session today. Fairly basic encounter. just looking for some inspiration to spice it up.


what kind of magic ability should i give to a stirge

Giving a stirge a magical ability can add an interesting and unique element to the creature. Here are a few magical abilities you could consider:

  1. Life Drain: The stirge could have a magical ability to drain not only blood but also the life force of its victims, weakening them over time.
  2. Shadowmeld: The stirge can blend into shadows, becoming nearly invisible and gaining a significant advantage in surprise attacks or evasion.
  3. Venomous Spit: The stirge can spit a magical venom that causes hallucinations, making its victims disoriented and more susceptible to attacks.
  4. Teleportation: The stirge can teleport short distances, allowing it to quickly close in on its prey or escape from danger.
  5. Illusory Duplicates: The stirge can create illusory duplicates of itself, confusing attackers and making it harder for them to target the real creature.
  6. Cryomancy: The stirge can have an ability to release a chilling aura or shoot icy projectiles, slowing down its prey and making them easier to catch.
  7. Enchanting Lure: The stirge emits a mesmerizing magical light that attracts creatures towards it, making it easier for the stirge to approach and attack.
  8. Mindspeak: The stirge can communicate telepathically with other stirges or creatures within a certain range, allowing them to coordinate attacks or share information.
  9. Poisonous Aura: The stirge exudes a poisonous magical aura that weakens and sickens creatures in its vicinity, making it a formidable opponent even before it makes physical contact.
  10. Temporal Distortion: The stirge can manipulate time in a small area around itself, causing time to slow down for its victims while it moves at a regular pace.
Remember to consider the overall theme and setting of your campaign when choosing a magical ability for the stirge. Additionally, make sure the ability adds to the challenge for the players and creates memorable encounters.


how does a stirge raise its young



Stirges, being fantastical creatures, don't necessarily adhere to real-world biology, but you can create a fictional and interesting life cycle for them in your fantasy setting. Here's a suggestion for how stirges might raise their young:

  1. Egg Stage: Stirges start their life cycle as eggs laid by adult females. These eggs are typically laid in secluded, dark places to protect them from predators. The eggs are small, leathery, and often stick to surfaces.
  2. Hatching and Larval Stage: Once the eggs hatch, tiny larval stirges emerge. They are relatively helpless and depend on their surroundings for sustenance. Larval stirges may feed on small insects or other tiny creatures in the environment.
  3. Maternal Care: Adult stirges, particularly females, provide some level of maternal care during the larval stage. They may regurgitate partially digested blood or nutrients for the larvae, or they might hunt for small prey to feed their offspring.
  4. Learning to Fly and Hunt: As the larval stirges grow, they undergo metamorphosis, developing wings and the ability to fly. During this stage, adult stirges may guide the young ones on their first flights and teach them how to locate and latch onto larger creatures for sustenance.
  5. Independence: Stirges reach maturity and become more independent as they become proficient in hunting and feeding. They start seeking their own territories and establish a place within the stirge community.
  6. Social Structure: Stirges might have a social structure where elders or more experienced individuals provide guidance to the younger members of the community. There could be communal nesting areas or roosts where stirges gather and interact.
  7. Continued Learning: Even as mature stirges, these creatures might continue learning and adapting to their environment. They may share information about successful hunting strategies or warn each other about potential threats.
Remember, the details of a creature's life cycle can be tailored to fit the tone and theme of your fantasy world. Feel free to adjust or expand upon these ideas to create a unique and engaging ecology for stirges in your campaign.


how could i make a stirge my pet



While stirges are typically depicted as aggressive and blood-sucking creatures, with some creativity and the right circumstances, you could potentially make a stirge your pet in a fantasy setting. Here's a fictional scenario for how you might accomplish this:

  1. Bonding through Necessity: Imagine your character encounters a wounded stirge pup or a young stirge that is abandoned or injured. Perhaps it has lost its family or is unable to fend for itself. Your character, out of compassion or necessity, decides to nurse it back to health.
  2. Feeding without Harm: Develop a method for your character to feed the stirge without causing harm. This could involve finding alternative food sources that satisfy the stirge's needs, or magical means to provide sustenance without resorting to bloodsucking.
  3. Magical Bonding: In a fantasy world, you could introduce a magical element that allows your character to bond with the stirge. This could be through a spell, an enchanted item, or a magical ritual that creates a connection between you and the creature.
  4. Training and Trust-Building: Spend time training the stirge and building trust. This could involve using positive reinforcement, rewards, or magical means to communicate with the stirge and establish a bond.
  5. Special Diet or Elixirs: Create a special diet or elixir that satisfies the stirge's bloodsucking instincts without causing harm to other creatures. This way, you can still maintain a healthy relationship with the stirge without it posing a threat to your allies or innocent beings.
  6. Magical Collar or Restraints: Invent a magical collar or restraints that prevent the stirge from attacking other creatures unless given specific commands. This way, you can control its behavior and protect those around you.
  7. Unique Abilities: Consider introducing a storyline or quest where your character gains a unique ability or artifact that allows them to control or influence stirges. This could make it easier to train and keep one as a companion.
Remember that having a stirge as a pet might still present challenges and require your character to be vigilant in managing its instincts. Additionally, it's crucial to consider the impact on the overall game balance and consult with your Dungeon Master to ensure that introducing such a pet fits well within the campaign.


what kind of leash should i make for my pet stirge



Creating a leash for a pet stirge would require some careful consideration, given the creature's blood-sucking nature. Here's a whimsical yet practical idea for a stirge leash in a fantasy setting:

1. Blood-Repellent Collar:

  • Craft a specialized collar for the stirge that emits a faint magical aura to repel its natural instinct to feed on blood. This will help ensure the safety of those around and allow you to keep the stirge on a leash without fear of it attacking.
2. Enchanted Leash:

  • Create a leash with enchanted properties that communicate your intentions to the stirge. The leash could be imbued with a calming spell, making the stirge more docile and cooperative when attached.
3. Lightweight Chains:

  • Use lightweight yet durable chains made from a fantasy metal that is strong but doesn't weigh the stirge down. This allows it to fly freely without feeling overly restrained.
4. Blood Substitute Vial:

  • Attach a small vial containing a magical blood substitute to the leash. This liquid could provide a satisfying taste for the stirge without harming any creatures, satisfying its natural instincts.
5. Feathered Tether:

  • Fashion a tether with lightweight, colorful feathers. These feathers could have a soothing effect on the stirge, helping to calm it down and making it more receptive to being led.
6. Musical Charms:

  • Add musical charms or chimes to the leash that produce a calming melody. The sound could have a magical effect on the stirge, keeping it in a relaxed state while being led.
7. Communicative Gemstone:

  • Embed a gemstone in the leash that allows for a limited form of communication between you and the stirge. This could be through empathic feelings or simple mental images, making it easier to convey your intentions.
8. Glow-in-the-Dark Runes:

  • Engrave glow-in-the-dark runes on the leash to make it visible during low-light conditions. This not only serves a practical purpose but also adds a mystical and enchanting element to the leash.
Remember, these ideas are purely fictional and meant for a fantasy setting. Always discuss such creative additions with your Dungeon Master to ensure they fit well within the narrative and game balance of your campaign.


how do i convince the town guard that my pet stirge is safe to have in town



Convincing the town guard that your pet stirge is safe requires a combination of diplomacy, assurances, and perhaps a demonstration of control over your creature. Here are some steps you might take:

  1. Appearance Matters:
    • Ensure your stirge has a visibly magical collar or leash that signifies it's under control and won't pose a threat to the townsfolk.
  2. Provide Information:
    • Share information about stirges, their habits, and how you've taken precautions to prevent any harm. Explain the measures you've implemented, such as the blood-repellent collar or the enchanted leash.
  3. Demonstrate Control:
    • If possible, demonstrate your control over the stirge in a controlled environment. Show the guard that the stirge responds well to your commands and is not a danger to others.
  4. Offer to Register the Pet:
    • Propose registering your stirge with the town guard as a gesture of goodwill. This can help ease their concerns and provide a record of your commitment to responsible pet ownership.
  5. Vouch for Behavior:
    • Seek references or testimonials from others who can vouch for your responsible handling of the stirge. This could be a local wizard, a reputable figure in town, or even another adventurer.
  6. Highlight Benefits:
    • Emphasize the positive aspects of having the stirge as a pet. Perhaps it has unique abilities that could be beneficial to the town, such as detecting certain magical substances or serving as an early warning system.
  7. Agree to Restrictions:
    • Be willing to accept certain restrictions or conditions imposed by the town guard. This could include keeping the stirge confined to specific areas, avoiding crowded places, or having it wear its leash and collar at all times.
  8. Educate on Training Methods:
    • Explain the training methods you've employed to ensure the stirge behaves appropriately. This could involve magical training, positive reinforcement, or other methods to control its instincts.
  9. Assurance of Liability:
    • Offer to take responsibility for any incidents involving your stirge. Assure the town guard that you will cover any damages or address any concerns promptly.
  10. Seek a Local Authority Figure's Support:
    • If there's a local leader, mayor, or influential figure, seek their support. Having someone in authority vouch for you and your pet can go a long way in convincing the town guard.
Approaching the situation with respect and a willingness to work with the town guard can help you build trust and demonstrate that your pet stirge is indeed safe to have in town.


what should i feed my pet stirge



Feeding a pet stirge requires addressing its natural instincts while ensuring the safety of other creatures. Here are some fictional ideas for what you could feed your pet stirge in a fantasy setting:

  1. Magical Blood Substitute:
    • Create or purchase a magical blood substitute that satisfies the stirge's instinct to feed without causing harm. This substance could be specially crafted to provide the necessary nutrients without requiring the stirge to feed on the blood of living creatures.
  2. Enchanted Nectar:
    • Harvest or purchase enchanted nectar from magical plants that is both nourishing for the stirge and satisfies its taste for fluids. This could be a special concoction made by alchemists in the fantasy world.
  3. Herb-infused Meats:
    • Prepare meats infused with herbs or potions that mimic the taste and nutritional content of blood. This way, you can provide a diet that aligns with the stirge's natural preferences without resorting to harming other creatures.
  4. Feeding on Magical Energy:
    • Train your stirge to feed on magical energy rather than blood. This could involve exposing it to magical artifacts or enchanted items that emit a safe and nourishing energy source for the stirge.
  5. Specialized Pet Food:
    • Seek out or create a specialized pet food formulated for stirges. This could be a product available in your fantasy world, designed to meet the nutritional needs of various magical creatures.
  6. Supplements and Elixirs:
    • Provide supplements or elixirs that contain essential nutrients for the stirge. These could be crafted by skilled herbalists or alchemists to ensure a balanced diet.
  7. Magical Fruits:
    • Feed your stirge with magical fruits that grow in the fantasy world, providing a unique and nourishing source of sustenance that aligns with its preferences.
  8. Ectoplasmic Essence:
    • Introduce a fictional substance like ectoplasmic essence that satisfies the stirge's need for fluids without causing harm. This substance could be obtained from ethereal or otherworldly sources.
  9. Energy Crystals:
    • Allow your stirge to feed on small, magically charged crystals that emit a safe and nutritious energy. These crystals could be found in specific locations or obtained through magical means.
  10. Training for Controlled Feeding:
    • Train your stirge to feed in a controlled manner. This might involve establishing feeding routines, teaching it to recognize specific scents associated with its food, or using magical commands to direct its feeding behavior.
Always consider the setting and rules of your fantasy world, and discuss any creative additions with your Dungeon Master to ensure they fit well within the narrative and the balance of the game.


where should my pet stirge sleep



Determining where your pet stirge should sleep depends on its size, habits, and the setting of your fantasy world. Here are some fictional ideas:

  1. Nesting Area:
    • Create a small, comfortable nesting area for your stirge. This could be a secluded corner with soft materials like moss, feathers, or enchanted fabrics where the stirge can rest.
  2. Magical Perch:
    • Craft or find a magical perch for your stirge. This could be a floating platform or a specially designed branch that hovers in the air, providing a secure and elevated spot for your pet to sleep.
  3. Miniature Coffin or Sarcophagus:
    • Design a miniature coffin or sarcophagus lined with soft materials. This not only provides a secure and enclosed space for your stirge to sleep but also adds a touch of the gothic or mystical to its environment.
  4. Hammock or Suspended Bed:
    • Hang a small hammock or suspended bed in a quiet and dimly lit area. This gives your stirge a cozy and elevated spot to rest, similar to how it might sleep in the branches of a tree in the wild.
  5. Temperature-Controlled Enclosure:
    • If your fantasy world has magical technology, consider a temperature-controlled enclosure for your stirge. This ensures a comfortable sleeping environment regardless of the external conditions.
  6. Mystical Wardrobe or Chest:
    • Transform a mystical wardrobe or chest into a sleeping space for your stirge. When opened, it reveals a small, magically protected chamber where the stirge can rest undisturbed.
  7. Hidden Lair:
    • Construct a hidden lair within the walls or floor of your dwelling. This concealed space provides a secure and secluded area for your stirge to retreat and sleep.
  8. Custom-Made Bed:
    • Design a custom-made bed with small, cushioned compartments that conform to the stirge's body shape. This ensures comfort and security as your pet sleeps.
  9. Magical Pocket Dimension:
    • Utilize a magical item or spell to create a pocket dimension where your stirge can sleep. This could be a small, extradimensional space accessible only to your pet.
  10. Portable Enclosure:
    • Carry a portable, collapsible enclosure for your stirge when traveling. This could be a magical item or a specially designed container that unfolds into a comfortable sleeping space.
Consider the preferences and behaviors of your fictional stirge when choosing its sleeping quarters. Whether it's an open perch, an enclosed nest, or a magical resting spot, ensure that it aligns with the creature's needs and the overall theme of your fantasy setting.


how do i convince the tavern owner that my pet stirge is safe to be in the tavern



Convincing a tavern owner that your pet stirge is safe to be in the establishment involves a combination of diplomacy, assurances, and perhaps a demonstration of control over your creature. Here's a fictional guide on how to approach the situation:

  1. Appearance Matters:
    • Ensure your stirge wears a visible and distinctive magical collar or leash, signaling that it is under control and not a threat to other patrons.
  2. Provide Information:
    • Share information about stirges, their behavior, and how you've taken precautions to prevent any harm. Explain the measures you've implemented, such as the blood-repellent collar or other magical safety features.
  3. Demonstrate Control:
    • If possible, demonstrate your control over the stirge in a controlled environment. Show the tavern owner that the stirge responds well to your commands and is not a danger to others.
  4. Offer to Pay for Any Damages:
    • Assure the tavern owner that you'll take full responsibility for any damages caused by your stirge. This shows your commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of the tavern and its patrons.
  5. Stress Unique Qualities:
    • Emphasize the unique qualities of your stirge that might be beneficial to the tavern. For instance, it could serve as a conversation starter, entertainment, or even help with pest control by preying on small insects.
  6. Agree to Restrictions:
    • Be willing to accept certain restrictions or conditions imposed by the tavern owner. This might include keeping the stirge in a designated area, away from food, or ensuring it's always on a leash.
  7. Highlight the Entertainment Value:
    • If your stirge has any entertaining or endearing qualities, showcase them. Perhaps it can perform tricks or has a charming demeanor that adds to the ambiance of the tavern.
  8. Provide References:
    • Offer references or testimonials from others who can vouch for your responsible handling of the stirge. This could be someone the tavern owner trusts or a reputable figure in the community.
  9. Visit During Quiet Hours:
    • Choose to bring your stirge during quieter hours when the tavern is not as crowded. This allows the tavern owner to observe the stirge's behavior without causing undue concern among patrons.
  10. Assurance of Liability:
    • Reiterate your commitment to the safety of the tavern and its patrons. Assure the owner that you will promptly address any concerns and that the stirge is well-behaved.
Approach the tavern owner with respect and a willingness to work together. Addressing potential concerns and offering solutions can go a long way in convincing them that your pet stirge is indeed safe to be in the establishment.


how do i make money with my pet stirge



Making money with a pet stirge in a fantasy setting can be an interesting and creative endeavor. Here are some fictional ideas to generate income using your pet stirge:

  1. Entertainment Performances:
    • Train your stirge to perform tricks or showcase its unique abilities as part of an entertainment act. You could charge a small fee for patrons to witness the captivating spectacle.
  2. Pest Control Service:
    • Offer your stirge's services to local businesses or farms as a natural pest control solution. Its ability to feed on small insects could prove valuable in keeping certain pests at bay.
  3. Magical Blood Donation Events:
    • Organize magical blood donation events where your stirge can safely feed on willing participants. Charge a fee for the experience, and ensure that the process is comfortable and non-intrusive.
  4. Fortune-Telling Performances:
    • Play on the mystical and magical qualities of your stirge by incorporating it into fortune-telling performances. Patrons could pay for personalized readings or predictions involving the stirge.
  5. Therapeutic Services:
    • If your stirge has a calming or soothing effect, offer therapeutic services to individuals seeking stress relief or relaxation. Create a tranquil environment where patrons can interact with the stirge for a fee.
  6. Magical Blood-Scented Perfumes:
    • Work with local alchemists or perfumers to create magical blood-scented perfumes using the essence or residue from your stirge's feeding. Market these unique and enchanting perfumes to a niche market.
  7. Tavern Attraction:
    • Partner with tavern owners to make your stirge a temporary attraction. This could involve having it perched in a designated area where patrons can interact with or admire it, possibly paying a small fee for the experience.
  8. Artistic Collaborations:
    • Collaborate with local artists to create unique works of art inspired by your stirge. The artwork could be sold, and you could take a percentage of the proceeds.
  9. Magical Healing Services:
    • If your fantasy setting allows for magical healing properties, advertise your stirge's blood as having healing or rejuvenating effects. Offer healing services to those willing to pay for the magical benefits.
  10. Participate in Festivals or Events:
    • Enroll your stirge in local festivals or events where unique and magical creatures are showcased. You might receive compensation for participation or even win prizes if your stirge stands out.
Always consider the ethical implications and potential consequences of your actions in the context of your fantasy world. Additionally, make sure to discuss any entrepreneurial ideas involving your pet stirge with your Dungeon Master to ensure they align with the campaign's tone and setting.


how can i use my pet stirge most effectively in combat



Using a pet stirge effectively in combat requires a combination of strategy, understanding its abilities, and teamwork. Here are some fictional ideas to maximize your pet stirge's effectiveness in combat:

  1. Surprise Attacks:
    • Leverage the stirge's ability to fly silently to initiate surprise attacks. Attack from unexpected angles, catching opponents off guard and potentially gaining an advantage in the early stages of combat.
  2. Distraction Tactics:
    • Use the stirge as a distraction. Its buzzing and erratic movements can divert the attention of enemies, creating opportunities for you or your allies to strike.
  3. Scouting and Reconnaissance:
    • Send your stirge ahead to scout enemy positions, identify traps, or gather information about the battlefield. Its small size and ability to fly make it an excellent reconnaissance tool.
  4. Hit-and-Run Tactics:
    • Train your stirge to engage in hit-and-run tactics. Have it swoop in to make quick attacks and retreat before enemies can respond effectively. This can be particularly useful against slower or melee-focused opponents.
  5. Coordinated Strikes:
    • Coordinate attacks with your stirge to create synergies. For example, time your attacks to coincide with the stirge latching onto an opponent, potentially creating openings for more powerful strikes.
  6. Distracting Larger Foes:
    • Use your stirge to distract larger foes, particularly those with limited agility. While the stirge distracts and harasses, you or your allies can target the enemy's vulnerable points.
  7. Feeding Boosts:
    • Capitalize on the stirge's feeding ability by having it target weakened or injured opponents. This not only provides sustenance for your pet but also weakens enemies further.
  8. Teamwork with Spellcasters:
    • Coordinate with spellcasting allies to enhance the stirge's abilities. For example, a spellcaster might enchant the stirge to have additional effects on its attacks or provide magical protection.
  9. Aerial Support:
    • Exploit the stirge's ability to fly to gain an aerial advantage. Use it to target enemies positioned on higher ground or to bypass obstacles on the battlefield.
  10. Flanking Maneuvers:
    • Take advantage of the stirge's mobility to execute flanking maneuvers. While your allies engage the front line, have the stirge attack from the rear, potentially disrupting enemy formations.
  11. Escape and Evasion:
    • Train the stirge to aid in escape and evasion. Its ability to fly quickly can be advantageous when retreating from combat or maneuvering through difficult terrain.
Always consider the safety of your allies and the overall strategy of your party when using your pet stirge in combat. Discuss your plans with your Dungeon Master to ensure that they align with the campaign's rules and setting.


what would a fey stirge look like



A fey stirge could have ethereal and otherworldly features that distinguish it from its more mundane counterparts. Here are some imaginative characteristics that could define the appearance of a fey stirge:

  1. Translucent Wings:
    • The wings of the fey stirge might be semi-transparent, adorned with intricate, glowing patterns reminiscent of delicate faerie wings.
  2. Luminescent Antennae:
    • Instead of the typical, insect-like antennae, the fey stirge's antennae could emit a soft, enchanting glow. This could serve both as a form of communication and as a mesmerizing visual display.
  3. Colorful Feathers or Fur:
    • Replace the usual insect exoskeleton with soft, vibrant feathers or fur. The fey stirge could have an array of colors, reflecting the magical and whimsical nature of the Feywild.
  4. Enchanted Eyes:
    • The eyes of the fey stirge might glow with an otherworldly light, and they could possess an intelligence and awareness beyond that of a typical creature.
  5. Floral Appendages:
    • Instead of regular limbs, the fey stirge could have appendages resembling delicate flowers or vines. These appendages might even have magical properties or the ability to manipulate and charm.
  6. Tiny Crown of Faerie Lights:
    • A small, floating crown of faerie lights might hover above the fey stirge's head, casting a gentle glow and adding a regal or mystical touch.
  7. Ephemeral Essence Trail:
    • As the fey stirge moves, it leaves behind a trail of faint, sparkling, ephemeral essence, creating an enchanting visual display in its wake.
  8. Harmonious Hum:
    • Replace the typical stirge's buzzing sound with a harmonious hum that resonates with the magical energies of the Feywild. This sound might have a soothing effect on those nearby.
  9. Dimensional Shifting Abilities:
    • The fey stirge could possess the ability to briefly shift in and out of the Feywild, making it elusive and difficult for opponents to predict or target.
  10. Feywild Floral Patterns:
    • Intricate floral patterns, reminiscent of Feywild flora, could adorn the fey stirge's body. These patterns might change color or shape depending on the creature's mood or surroundings.
Remember, the Feywild is a realm of magic and whimsy, so don't hesitate to get creative and incorporate elements that reflect the fantastical nature of this plane when designing your fey stirge.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
  1. Pest Control Service:
    • Offer your stirge's services to local businesses or farms as a natural pest control solution. Its ability to feed on small insects could prove valuable in keeping certain pests at bay.

That just made the quest to kill the rats in the cellar a lot more fun.

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