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I'm the Straw Man in your argument
Preview: Royal Exterminators
May 14th, afternoon.

You guys have agreed to clear the abandoned Abboud Estate of dangerous vermin for 500gp. Debarge the bargeman waits at the rickety pier for the return trip. The building is two stories with a basement. Most of the windows are broken and debris is everywhere in the yard. An 8 foot tall wall surrounds the estate.

Kane returned to Foddir, Orn, Dwight, and Shoost who were near the front porch. One thing they noted was that rats were heard coming from the Foyer, just beyond the crooked entrance doors. Kane heard Turmus give a good sword strike on the beastman, after that it sounded like Eni was trying to talk to it. You guys then headed back down the side of the house to meet up with Turmus and Eni
(Might be wrong on that last part).

Eni and Turmus are engaged with the beastman. It is currently under the influence of a Charm Person spell from Eni. Though it still has a burning hatred for Turmus. The Warrior woke the beastman up with a poisoned bolt, then things went downhill from there.

Other points of interest and developments...

Kane's Temple has a library and the Amun Tor religion is based around secret knowledge. This may be a good resource for you guys. Kane gets a +2 to spellcasting a single spell when he sacrifices 100gp. The spell must be cast within the Temple

Elves have created an "Everlasting Grove" within the city of Iruk. It is a holy grove dedicated to Oberon the Elf King. Foddir the Elf gets a +2 to spellcasting a single spell when he sacrifices 100gp. The spell must be cast within the Grove.

Atha'al Oasis is a holy place for Old Ones. Eni gets a +2 to spellcasting a single spell when he sacrifices 100gp. The spell must be cast near the oasis.

Will Foddir contact Squire Kevin about dragons? Or no?

Mutaz at the Hairy Locust is a good source of news and rumors.


I'm the Straw Man in your argument
Royal Exterminators Recap
  • Eni 2nd Level Cleric of Cthulhu. Title: Pupil
  • Turmus 2nd Level Warrior. Title: Barbarian
  • Orn 2nd Level Warrior. Title: Champion
  • Kane 2nd Level Cleric of Amun Tor. Title: Pupil
  • Foddir 2nd Level Elf. Title: Seer
  • Dwight 1st Level Wizard. Title: Astrologist
  • The titles are optional. If they don't fit your character, then you don't need to use them.

Encounter #1
"My Bugbear Buddy continued"

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Eni, the Pupil of Cthulhu, realized that having a bugbear buddy was a mixed blessing at best. First, Eni needed to calm down the bugbear (aka Ebow or beastman) in order to prevent it from attacking Turmus. Next, the rest of the party arrived and Eni again had to calm it down.

Eni sent a confused and slightly dejected Ebow around the corner of the house and then conferred with the group. They decided that sending Ebow in first to kill anything would make their job easier. Through grunts, pantomime, and a lot of pointing at the house; Eni was able to direct Ebow into the house to kill the squeaking rats. Eni waited on the porch while Orn, Foddir, and Turmus waited around the corner.

Meanwhile, Kane and Dwight decided to explore Ebow's lair at the back of the house on the second floor. The cleric and wizard clambered up the leaning tree trunk ladder. They found bedding, filth, and a couple of dressers blocking a door on the opposite wall. They got to work on moving the dressers.

The beastman squashed some rats in the foyer with his club, but the rest scurried into the walls and down into the basement. A frustrated Ebow returned and communicated this to Eni. Eni communicated that he wanted to find bats (referring to the large bats mention by Bezad Abboud). Eni ended up following Ebow up the stairs into one of the rooms. The other party members trailed behind.

Encounter #2
"Where the gang probably claims the death of Ebow was an accident"

Eni followed Ebow through the foyer and up the stairs and turned right. Orn, Turmus, and Foddir trailed behind. Meanwhile, Dwight and Kane were just getting finished clearing out the dressers from in front of the door.
Eni and Ebow opened the door to what used to be the guest bedroom with a nice, cozy fireplace. Ebow approached the fireplace and out flew large, vampiric bats. Within seconds, both Eni and Ebow had bats latched onto them and sucking blood. Orn and Turmus rushed in to help.

Orn and Turmus tried to stab the bat off of Ebows chest. It didn't work out as intended. Ebow was downed by friendly fire. With its dying breath...it said nothing and then died. Eventually the rest of the bats were killed.

Foddir waited in the foyer and eyed the debri filled room to his left. He spotted several areas in the room where there was movement underneath the piles of debri. Finally a large beetle emerged, Foddir took aim, and fired. He missed, despite taking a well aimed shot (he rolled an 18 and the arrow bounced off of its shell).

Kane and Dwight explored the other room on the second level. They found a library and a bunch of books that were ruined due to exposure. The roof was partially missing here.

Encounter 3
"Beat the Meatles!" or "Flip, flip Philadelphia"


The gang gathered in the foyer and eyed the armored beetles moving under the broken furniture and garbage. Dwight had a plan. The wizard busted out his trusty pitchfork and flipped a beetle on its back, exposing its softer underbelly. Orn (I think) moved in and stabbed it to death. After killing a couple more, the rest scattered into the kitchen. Cue Yakety Sax. The gang ended up killing the beetles, also they demolished the kitchen in the process.

The gang found twin glass camels with brown quartz eyes (25gp each) in a satchel that was on a long dead halfling

Encounter 4
"It's good to warm my bones beside the fire."

Kane followed a beetle across the foyer and then into the unexplored Sitting Room. The beetle scurried in front of the fireplace and a giant spider leapt out from hiding and sank its fangs into the beetle, paralyzing it.

Kane said "nope." Turned around and got the others.

The gang piled debris onto a tabletop, lit it on fire, and slid it into the fireplace. The gang managed to burn the spider's lair in the chimney, without burning down the house. The spider fled. The gang managed to salvage a pearl necklace (500gp) off of a human corpse that was wrapped in the webbing.
[Note: i'm going to handwave the surviving spider and say that you hunted it down later.]

Encounter 5

By this time, you guys had explored everything (you think), except the basement. The dark, rat infested basement. This would be our most epic battle yet. You guys vs 15 giant rats. I'm going to skip right to the highlights

  • Dwight the Wizard thought he was Warrior, but he knew it couldn't last. He went down 2 times suffering a permanent -2 to Stamina
  • Orn went down once. Permanent -1 Stamina.
  • Turmus went down once. Permanent -1 Stamina.
  • Eni has suffered Disapproval from his Deity
  • "The cleric must endure a test of faith. He gains an illness that costs him 1 point each of Strength, Agility, and Stamina. The ability score loss heals at the normal rate of 1 point per day. The cleric may not use magic to heal the loss. If the cleric endures the test to the satisfaction of the deity, he retains his magical abilities. If not (judge’s discretion), his disapproval range immediately increases by another point." Hmmm.

Experience Points
Session xp: 11
Dwight: 45xp (2nd level at 50xp)
Everyone else: 65xp (3rd level at 110 xp)

Next Session...
Eni's Disapproval rating remains at 5 and will not lower until he passes the Test of Faith. His ability scores will return to normal after some rest. Test of Faith is not determined yet.
We will introduce some new characters
Maybe spend some gold and get some good equipment?
Maybe talk to Mutaz and get some leads?
Squire Kevin?

Characters and their patrons' symbols
If you have been "marked" by your patron, then this is what it looks like. I remember Dwight's "mark" because it was smacked onto his face.

Symbol of Azi Dahaka
This skull of Azi Dahaka covers most of your face with the tongue extending underneath your chin. There are now some wicked scars across your throat where rats tried to rip it out. Despite his Neutral alignment, Dwight definitely has a diabolical look about him.

Symbol of Cthulhu
s-l500 (1).jpg

Symbol of Amun Tor

Symbol of Oberon, Elf King

Symbol for Calico Nocturni (Thief Guild)


I'm the Straw Man in your argument
In our last session, Eni the Cleric suffered Disapproval from his Deity. This was the result:
The cleric must endure a test of faith. He gains an illness that costs him 1 point each of Strength, Agility, and Stamina. The ability score loss heals at the normal rate of 1 point per day. The cleric may not use magic to heal the loss. If the cleric endures the test to the satisfaction of the deity, he retains his magical abilities. If not (judge’s discretion), his disapproval range immediately increases by another point

Below I provided potential "tests of faith" for the upcoming session. I'm curious to hear what other Judges have done for these kind of situations

I decided that I would present 3 options and roll for it during the session. The first two options are simple sacrifices of something of value, while the third involves a quest.

Tests of Faith
After all the rats and that last spider have been mopped up. Nyarlathotep, The Crawling One, contacts Eni the Priest who responds by collapsing to the floor in a coma. The prophet of Cthulhu communicates telepathically through images.

Eni's constant requests upon his deity have irritated Nyarlathotep. Recompense must be paid.

1) It commands Eni to sacrifice the Rod of Rulership

2) It command Eni to sacrifice 2000 gp value in coin or items.

3) It commands Eni to desecrate the Tomb of The Shahzadah (prince). He needs to find and destroy the shade or corpse of Shahzadah Khalim Azo-Fahir (Eni is unclear what it actually is). Then Eni needs to take the Sword, Robe, Necklace, Ring, and coins found in its tomb and meet with Cutty the Chronicler. Then those items are to be ritually sacrificed on the shore of Atha'al Oasis.

Eni's current lowest Disapproval Rating is set at 5. His Dispproval Rating will return to normal once he destroys the thing and and makes the proper sacrifice. The forgotten Tomb is several days travel into the Blood Plains of Esh. It constantly calls to Eni like a telepathic beacon.

The tomb uses the 5 room dungeon design with a trap and a couple of undead creatures. It's from the module "Off the Beaten Path: Desert Excursions." All of the Off The Beaten modules feature one to two page adventures set in a specific terrain. It's really handy for the point crawl style campaign that I'm running. I found them at DrivethruRPG.


B/X Known World
In our last session, Eni the Cleric suffered Disapproval from his Deity. This was the result:
The cleric must endure a test of faith. He gains an illness that costs him 1 point each of Strength, Agility, and Stamina. The ability score loss heals at the normal rate of 1 point per day. The cleric may not use magic to heal the loss. If the cleric endures the test to the satisfaction of the deity, he retains his magical abilities. If not (judge’s discretion), his disapproval range immediately increases by another point

Below I provided potential "tests of faith" for the upcoming session. I'm curious to hear what other Judges have done for these kind of situations

I decided that I would present 3 options and roll for it during the session. The first two options are simple sacrifices of something of value, while the third involves a quest.

Tests of Faith
After all the rats and that last spider have been mopped up. Nyarlathotep, The Crawling One, contacts Eni the Priest who responds by collapsing to the floor in a coma. The prophet of Cthulhu communicates telepathically through images.

Eni's constant requests upon his deity have irritated Nyarlathotep. Recompense must be paid.

1) It commands Eni to sacrifice the Rod of Rulership

2) It command Eni to sacrifice 2000 gp value in coin or items.

3) It commands Eni to desecrate the Tomb of The Shahzadah (prince). He needs to find and destroy the shade or corpse of Shahzadah Khalim Azo-Fahir (Eni is unclear what it actually is). Then Eni needs to take the Sword, Robe, Necklace, Ring, and coins found in its tomb and meet with Cutty the Chronicler. Then those items are to be ritually sacrificed on the shore of Atha'al Oasis.

Eni's current lowest Disapproval Rating is set at 5. His Dispproval Rating will return to normal once he destroys the thing and and makes the proper sacrifice. The forgotten Tomb is several days travel into the Blood Plains of Esh. It constantly calls to Eni like a telepathic beacon.

The tomb uses the 5 room dungeon design with a trap and a couple of undead creatures. It's from the module "Off the Beaten Path: Desert Excursions." All of the Off The Beaten modules feature one to two page adventures set in a specific terrain. It's really handy for the point crawl style campaign that I'm running. I found them at DrivethruRPG.
That's awesome.


I'm the Straw Man in your argument
Preview for Sunday, April 30

Eni's Test of Faith
In our last session, Eni suffered Disapproval from his deity (Cthulhu). He will need to make a sacrifice to prove his Faith, which will be determined randomly. The four options: sacrifice 1000 gp , sacrifice the Rod of Rulership, create a patron bond with a party member willing to convert, or a side quest.

Collecting the Reward
Get the 500gp reward from Bezad Abboud, who is staying at The Radish Inn in Thaduk. Seems simple. What could go wrong?

Introducing new characters
We have some characters to introduce. This is a good time for all characters to buy equipment and determine where they came from. We can open up the rulebook and go over character class abilities if needed.

What's next?
This is where you guys get to decide what to do next. Invest your loot? Talk to Mutaz at the Hairy Locust? Talk to squire Kevin about dragons? Visit some other contact? (For example, we haven't done much with Kane's temple).

Potential "Test of Faith" Quest and other adventures.
Eni might be force by his deity to go on a side quest. So this may be our next adventure. You can also pick up potential Adventure Hooks from Mutaz or other contacts that you have.

Voidrunner's Codex

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