Which books do you re-read regularly?


Solitary Role Playing
Like records and movies there are books I enjoy re-reading regularly. The LOTR trilogy was one of these during the 80-90s. The Player of Games by Ian Banks is another one. The first three books of The Black Company and The Silver Spike are also favourites to be read again. Lankmar books by Fritz Leiber and Big Planet by Jack Vance are fun to re-read.

Which book do you re-read regularly?
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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Regularly for me is far and few between. I tend to reread Catch 22 once every 10 years or so.

Books are so important to me, and I want to possess them (I buy all my books), but I don't typically reread, as there are so many other books I want to read lol.


He / Him
In terms of Fantasy, I tend to reread:

Terry Pratchett's books
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel
Some Neil Gaiman's


Alice Munro short story collections
Michael Ondaatje's English Patient and other novels
George Saunders' short stories and his novel Lincoln in the Bardo


Books are so important to me, and I want to possess them (I buy all my books), but I don't typically reread, as there are so many other books I want to read lol.
Same here; I tend to reread very few books. I make an exception for graphic novels, however; I tend to read Watchmen every couple of years or so and the Sandman series less frequently but I've been through that whole series several times to date. (Each time it takes longer, because Neil Gaiman keeps adding to the overall series one book at a time!) I've been through The Boys twice now and Preacher at least three times.

The few novels I've reread include Bram Stoker's Dracula, James Alan Gardner's Expendable, and several Jack Vance novels: the Dying Earth series, Maske: Thaery, and the Planet of Adventure series. I've read through the original Sherlock Holmes series several times over, but those are mostly short story collections. Oh, and I've read through several books a second time as bedtime stories for my nephew: the first three books in the John Carter of Mars series and the 5-book Hitchhiker's Guide the The Galaxy series.



Clark Ashton Smith stories are my sweet, sweet candy. Accidentally going straight from the puerile Xanth books (hey, I was a puer) to "The Dark Eidolon" blew my teenaged mind, and shaped my interests in fantastic and "weird" literature and gaming perhaps more than any other writing.

Li Shenron

Nothing "regularly" but I have re-read Dante's "Divine Comedy" several times. I cherry-pick a chapter every now and then, since it doesn't have to be necessary read cover-to-cover.

I typically re-read many of my non-fiction books manual, also cherry-picking the chapter or topic, but that's very different than with fiction.

The only other fiction book I go back reading every few year is Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Otherwise I have re-read many short stories, particularly E.A. Poe's and H.P. Lovecraft's.

Voidrunner's Codex

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