D&D General Which D&D-related You Tube channels do you find worth watching? (+)

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Since I can safely assume everybody already follows my Channel, here's a list of my friends' channels

Hour of the Raven covers all things Ravenloft, definitely the best RL channel on YT.

Dragonlance Saga is another lore channel, covering some setting about lancing dragons.

Greyhawk Grognard is pretty much the only Greyhawk lore channel.

WallyDM gives you traps. Lots of traps.

How to RPG does a ton of dm tips and rules tweaks for a better experience

BECMIBeserker is the 2nd Mystara channel and while he doesn't have a drawl at least he's British

Raisegamefully is the third Mystara channel, and while he lacks a sexy drawl he's still worth listening to

Captcorajus reviews old adventures and a few new ones

AJ Picket Is the go to monster guy

Feywild Fiend covers all the fey creatures of dnd and a few more outside of it

DND Homebrew is another grognad passing on his experience and wisdom


The Lazy RPG Talk Show w/ Slyfourish (aka Mike Shea) - I usually watch this every Monday. I will admit I do tend to skip ahead because sometimes it feels repetitive or he is just spending time discussing something I am not that interested in (but while I am not that interested, for example, in the kickstarters or humble bundles he highlights because I am trying not to spend $ these days and I need products in print to use them, I do think a lot of people would find that stuff very useful), I don't feel bad about skipping parts because that is what chapter breaks are for and because I do get a lot entertainment and/or use out of his discussion of both gaming industry and gaming culture issues, his discussion of stuff he is working on (the last KS I supported was for Forge of Foes), and how he answers questions from his patrons (which I like to imagine how I would answer them). In general, I find this show to be a great example of someone who I might not game with well because of different assumptions or things we find fun, but who nevertheless has interesting things to say about gaming. Plus, he seems like a nice guy.
Thank you! I'm totally cool with people skipping to the parts they want to watch or listen to. It's also available as a podcast for those who prefer a podcast.

Here is my oddball pick for this, because I know someone else will post basically every channel I watch otherwise.

William SRD is a channel I have relatively recently discovered, he mostly reviews video games based upon TTRPG properties, which include informative historical dives into the setting, production, and the companies and people that made them.

Dungeon Dad, Pointy Hat, Runesmith, sometimes Grungeon Master when he's not too far gone down the realism path.

I second William SRD and Pointy Hat. Pointy Hat's main thing is giving a new and interesting twist on old ideas, monsters, and classes. He also gives out rules and art based on his ideas free of charge. I don't play 5th myself, so I can't say how good the rules implementation is, but his ideas are always fun to listen to. Here's one of my favorites of his:



The Dungeon Minister is a great channel. He's an old schooler and Anglican priest. He does recaps of GMing for his family which are delightful. He's also very funny and personable.

Voidrunner's Codex

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