D&D 5E Which D&D books currently scheduled for 2023 are you interested in?

Which D&D books currently scheduled for 2023 are you interested in?

  • Keys from the Golden Vault

    Votes: 69 36.3%
  • Glory of the Giants

    Votes: 81 42.6%
  • The Book of Many Things

    Votes: 94 49.5%
  • Phandelver Campaign

    Votes: 108 56.8%
  • Planescape

    Votes: 120 63.2%

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Book-Friend, he/him
Class bits are only somewhat compatible unless they haven't structured subclasses the same across the board. Even with what we have now, a current bard has 3 levels assigned to subclasses whereas a onednd bard has 4 levels assigned to subclasses, it means if we have a bard subclass pop up in planescape, it isn't going to easily translate to onednd.
The latest UA explicitly says thst they will nail down the Subclass compatibility rules as they finalize the overall rules. The stated expectation is that all 5E Subclasses can slot into the new Classes with minimal translation (probably a bonus Feat for the Bard, for example).

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
If Phandelver adds significant new content I might consider it.

Curious about the others, although probably not Planescape. I like my D&D relatively low-magic.

It was going to be the Giants (as I liked Fizbans) and Planescape (as I liked Spelljammer!)

It will now be nothing, and without a dramatic turn around I'll be pulping the books I do have.

Seems a little extreme, will you be pulping just your 5E books, or anything WotC?
Good luck pulping that Spelljammer box set, the paper on that bad boy was hella thick. Lol.


Good luck pulping that Spelljammer box set, the paper on that bad boy was hella thick.

Its nice, right? I was mostly pleased with it.

As to destroying it, its like this.

If Wizards does not back off of the 1.0 OGL (and especially the 3.5 SRD licensed there by) then I'll hate them till the end of my days, and would not want someone to even fish these books out of a landfill and gift them to someone. I would (and WILL) buy the core books for PF2 and donate them to my library, before I would enable someone to look at, these books.

I will trash this company, online, in person, on any forum I am on, until I wither and die.


Its nice, right? I was mostly pleased with it.

As to destroying it, its like this.

If Wizards does not back off of the 1.0 OGL (and especially the 3.5 SRD licensed there by) then I'll hate them till the end of my days, and would not want someone to even fish these books out of a landfill and gift them to someone. I would (and WILL) buy the core books for PF2 and donate them to my library, before I would enable someone to look at, these books.

I will trash this company, online, in person, on any forum I am on, until I wither and die.
I think we've reached drama queen levels of melodrama here. I mean, do whatever makes you feel better, but that's just hilariously over the top.


Goddamn actual idiots.

Well that makes that completely and totally worthless. Oh you're just going to explain the ENTIRE Planescape setting, Sigil, its politics, the Factions, the concept, operation and nature of portals, all the races, subclasses, Feats, and so on, in 64 pages, then waste 64 pages on a Bestiary of obscure-ass beings that hardly anyone cares about (given all the major ones are already in 5E, minus, what, Modrons, who need like, what 12 pages?), and waste another 64 pages on a terrible adventure that only 5% of people who buy the book will ever even run, and 80% of those 5% will only run once ever?

The sheer wasteful stupidity of this kind of design is just mind-boggling. I honestly feel like I'm owed a very detailed explanation lol. Yet another hate-crime against Sigil. I guess I'll add it to the list.
There are some starter info about planes on the DMG and how to travel between them. 64/64/64 can be a good format, but they should be:
1) More info about planes, with adventure seeds
2) Info about Sigil and factions
3) Player Modrons and Monsters

No adventure and maybe some monsters on Beyond (I know, it's not ideal, but I think it's the only thing that can go online unless the page count rises a little).

This could be the first set expecially made for Tier 3 and Tier 4. I hope it will be "capstone" of 5e.

64/64/64 can be a good format, but they should be:
1) More info about planes, with adventure seeds
2) Info about Sigil and factions
3) Player Modrons and Monsters
Sure and something like that would be cool. But that's not what they're actually intending to do, and sadly their intentions are likely completely locked in place at this point.

There are some starter info about planes on the DMG and how to travel between them. 64/64/64 can be a good format, but they should be:
1) More info about planes, with adventure seeds
2) Info about Sigil and factions
3) Player Modrons and Monsters

No adventure and maybe some monsters on Beyond (I know, it's not ideal, but I think it's the only thing that can go online unless the page count rises a little).

This could be the first set expecially made for Tier 3 and Tier 4. I hope it will be "capstone" of 5e.

Modron as a playable species would be great.

I would have preferred no adventure with Spelljammer and instead a book of adventure seeds, planets, locations, etc…
But I can understand why they went with an adventure, and I do feel there’s a pretty good chance of that happening again with Planescape, but we’ll see.

Voidrunner's Codex

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