D&D General Which Enworlders do you want to game with?

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Magic Wordsmith
Aww, thanks, @Bill Zebub

I feel like I’d get mad imposter syndrome if I knew I was DMing for a fellow ENworlder. Like, “oh no, they’re going to realize I talk a bigger game than I can actually run!” 😅
I think it's one of those situations where we can talk about the rules, the theory, and the ideals we strive for eloquently, but no fallible human can be expected to get them all right all the time in practice. We will all miss the mark from time to time. It's the striving that matters.


Aww, thanks, @Bill Zebub

I feel like I’d get mad imposter syndrome if I knew I was DMing for a fellow ENworlder. Like, “oh no, they’re going to realize I talk a bigger game than I can actually run!” 😅
For real. When I found out I was DMing a fellow ENWorlder, I was worried I would suck as a DM lol. It's hard enough for a convention (when you don't have session 0 and use pregens), but that was extra stressful.


I should have posted this one on Feb 14th.

Which Enworlders do you have a secret gaming crush on, meaning that you wish you could play a game or campaign with them?


@iserith, @Charlaquin , @Bawylie (RIP), and @Ovinomancer (RIP) because I nearly always appreciate what they have to say about game philosophy (e.g. metagaming, player vs. DM empowerment, agency, orcs and racial ASIs, etc. etc. etc.)

@Manbearcat and @pemerton to try something very different from D&D (like Torchbearer)

@M_Natas and @Eyes of Nine because their #Dungeon23 designs are so cool I figure they must be fun to RPG with

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What does the RIP mean? Have they passed?


I'd be down to try a game with @CleverNickName , @darjr and @RangerWickett, seems like that'd be fun. A game with both @dave2008 and @Alzrius I think would be very interesting, as they seem to be the two great sages of lore for Enworld.

I would also like to sit in on one of @Lanefan and @Oofta 's games, it's been a while since I've played their style of game, I feel.

I reserve the right to add others as I remember them - there's a lot of good and creative people on these boards!

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