D&D General Which Enworlders do you want to game with?


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I’d love to play in one of @iserith ‘s games, as he seems to have a very similar style and preference to my own and I think I would enjoy it a lot and maybe be able to pick up some tips that would be very directly applicable to my own games.

@Lanefan comes to mind as one I’d really like to play with, as he and I both have very strong preferences that it feels like are aligned about 50% of the time and diametrically opposed the other 50%. I think playing in one of his games would be a really illuminating experience.

I’d love to play in a Free Kriegspiel game run by someone passionate about the style, and @Snarf Zagyg seems like a fantastic candidate for that.

I am incredibly curious to see what one of @JMISBEST ’s (or one of his mates’) games looks like, because reading about them sounds like a wildly different activity than any D&D game I’ve ever seen or played in.

I really like what I read of @doctorbadwolf ‘s setting and homebrew material, and I’d love to play in a game using some of that.

You know it's funny, @Oofta and I often disagree about certain things, but from how he describes his games it sounds like it's a lot of fun to play in!
And I second this!
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Victoria Rules
@Lanefan comes to mind as one I’d really like to play with, as he and I both have very strong preferences that it feels like are aligned about 50% of the time and diametrically opposed the other 50%. I think playing in one of his games would be a really illuminating experience.
Thanks for that, and I'd say the same applies the other way. :)

Another poster whose style intrigues me is @MoonSong - similar situation where we agree on some things and disagree on others. Ditto @Hussar , though there both the agreements and disagreements tend to be much stronger: it would either be the rockin'est-ever of games or it'd end within minutes as one or the other of us left the table. :)

While of course I'd love to game with anyone here, there's a couple people who I'd love to just see in action because I'm curious about their style: @Lanefan and @CleverNickName for PF2 come to mind first, but with my memory there's probably several others I'll think of in about five hours while I'm in bed already.


I've played with plenty of people that have a different philosophy on gaming and had a blast. So I'd be happy to play with anyone even if, or make that because, we disagree on different topics.

I think it's always good to experience different styles, see how others do things. Of course I'd also play with people I agree with on a regular basis as well.

About the only person I wouldn't do even a 1-shot with is Bob. He knows why. :p


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Thus is exactly why I always introduce myself as @payn from enworld.

No, I am @payn

I’m @payn! And so‘s my wife!

I'm 4 (5 if you count a monthly game) games deep right now, but I think my inclination would be to run a 6-8 session game for (a) folks who don't like me and/or (b) are incredulous about one game or another.

No shortage of prospective applicants there!

That might be interesting.

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