D&D General Which non-D&D races would like to see in Dungeons and Dragons?

does it though? what about wookies themselves change the genre? i recognise they come from a sci-fi home media but it's not like they inherently drag their native tech level with them if transplanted into a DnD world, is a wookee all that more out there than a minotaur or an orc or a firbolg?

unless you're talking about the idea of transplanting an entire society into the world suddenly which is just an issue of perception, that this species is just 'popping in' en masse to a world they didn't exist in before.
Beyond that, what does it even matter if a species changes the genre? It'd still be a great option to have, and there are plenty of sci-fi games utilizing a version of the 5e ruleset.

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I wouldn't be too surprised if Hasbro talked with different companies and then we could see licenced creatures and races by other companies. From sci-fi shows these could appear in Spelljammer.

* The leshy from Pathfinder. They are too cute

* A lot of PC species from Starfinder.

* Some aliens from Marvel and DC but these could be nerferd.

* From Alternity, Star Frontiers and Gamma World.
I've done some preliminary design work on converting Starfinder species to Level Up. There's some good stuff there.

With Star Trek in particular, there's also an issue of niche invasion. Vulcans are basically space elves, and Klingons are basically space orcs (although late-series Klingons are more like space dragonborn IMO). So they're kinda redundant.
I've never let niche protection stop me from creating anything. A setting is not a story.

no one knows what yodas people are called Lucas was clear on that, hell people in-universe are equally as lost.
vulkans would just be elves who are less insufferably prideful and far more practical to work with.
ever strong race in fantasy has next gen Klingon in them these days
If you insist of putting species into large categories and saying they're basically the same, you remove a lot of flavor and nuance from the setting.

Some alien species from sci-fi franchises are too powerful to be playable.

The "races" from Warcraft could appear in D&D Beyond as collab content.

I imagine for Spelljammer a variant version of creatures of relatively forgotten sci-fi franchises: Farscape, Andromeda.. Why? the shows ended and this could be the last opportunity to make more money.

"Kemonomimi" (the Japanese word for "animal ears") are very popular in isekai animes.
Speaking of too powerful races, I wouldn't mind having statblocks for Babylon 5's Vorlons and Shadows.

Regarding the last pic, it's part of the front cover for the novel Nor Crystal Tears. The name of this particular Thranx is Ryuzenzuzex, Ryu of the family Zen, the clan Zu, and the hive Zex. The word hive is something of a throwback term for them. It's more like "I am from this place" than an actual insect hive.
Pretty sure we meet his niece(>) Sylzenzuzex in one of the other books too. Tru is around much more though.

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