Which Online Virtual Tabletop Do You Use?

Which online virtual tabletop do you use?

The audio and video kept messing up: different people would only be able to see and hear one or two other players, and reconnecting wouldn't fix the issue...instead, it just shuffled the players. (You can see Bob and Sue, but not Carl and Eric? Reconnect, and now you can see Bob and Carl, but not Eric or Sue. Reconnect, and now you can only see Sue. Reconnect, and you can see everyone except Sue. Sue reconnects, and she can see you just fine but can't see Eric, and can only hear Carl. Etc.)
I am curious... Your table does audio/video through roll20?

We use Discord specifically because of the lag. Other than that Roll20 works well for some games. But we found the video/sound always lagging compared to having a separate browser open to Discord.

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
I am curious... Your table does audio/video through roll20?

We use Discord specifically because of the lag. Other than that Roll20 works well for some games. But we found the video/sound always lagging compared to having a separate browser open to Discord.
We usually use Roll20 for audio/video, without issue...it's normally very stable and smooth for us, since all six of us are on fiber internet (~800 Mbps or higher). Last night we switched to Discord just to see if it would help with the issues we were having. We were able to v-chat same as always through Discord, but the maps and lighting and compendium on Roll20 were all still hosed.


I use d20Pro myself. I had used maptools over ten years ago but something happened and it didn't work for me, so I thought it was dead. It's nice to hear it's still used.

Even six months later of only virtual games (the other times were for a mix of local and remote players), I still struggle with how I want to use a VTT. My style is to plan high level and then let the details happen in the sessions and I will steer as I need to. I used minis and plexiglass to draw things out on it. Obviously it worked for me for a long time.


What I'm finding VTTs have done is open up character options. I would have the occasional archer/crossbow wielder but didn't think about not having many. When outdoor maps are suddenly huge, like 300' x 200' and opponents are in bow range but it takes a long time running to get to melee, it changed the game! Archers are now a viable build and do a lot more than when they got a round or two before melee happened. I still have dungeons and it's mixed in there as I would expect.

The other thing this has changed is really improved my map making skills. Agian, I was used to winging a lot, and drawing it out, either on the plexiglass or a sheet of paper and then describing it. This has really made me prepare more. Nothing bad about it but it's different for me.

So, my full setup is a zoom call and then using d20Pro. I have four players in a 5E game and six players in a PF1 game. There are quirks to d20Pro but the devs are nice and on discord. I tend to use easy fog of war, not a reactive set with lights. I have done reactive fog of war and it was very interesting but, for me, a lot of work with little benefit.

Having said this, d20Pro probably works best for d20 games as it started for DND3.5.


I'm looking for a virtual tabletop for a 5e game for players across a few different states. We would like to also have voice chat (though that can be done through a different service). People will likely be using a variety of devices, not just PCs.

Feel free to explain in the thread your reasoning and to share your experiences.

So, I jumped on the VTT bandwagon a few months ago. I chose FG (Classic, the newer version is called Unity). 5e is heavily supported both in automation (which others have already posted) and content (e.g., all the official WOTC adventures have been converted). Looking at the totality of the work that must have been put into them, the $$ spent was well worth it. I don't have the time to learn and do it myself and I wanted to just jump in and get things up and running.

Now I run weekly tables (from monthly pre-COVID). Extremely convenient (just log off when the session is done). Friendly and helpful community. Tons of players looking for a game to join. Couldn't be happier.

Oh, I use Discord for voice/text.

EDIT: Oh, forgot to mention I also supported the Role kickstarter. Haven't used it much but what I was looking for was two different platforms: a VTT to support crunchier, tactical, and well-supported games like D&D and something that has less features but can be used at a moment's notice for games like Ironsworn or Paleomythic. I've used Zoom (but don't want to continue to use my work account) and Discord can do it in a pinch. But then the Role KS came along, and thought I'd give it a try.


I changed my vote. We’ve been using roll20 for a while (and the other game will continue using it because someone else is running it), but my game will be moving over to Foundry. I’ve varied my roll20 subscription, but I hate paying for it because it works so poorly with large maps, and the PF2 support stinks compared to using Hero Lab Online to manage characters. We’ve done the HLO thing for a while, but I think it’s annoying for my players, and it is incredibly clunky (and flaky).

I decided to switch because I’d heard good things about the PF2 support. From what I can tell, it seems pretty nice. It’s not as sophisticated as HLO, but it’s a lot more intuitive. The containers actually hold items. It’s incredible! 😅 There are also some nice modules, particularly the Dungeondraft importer. Being able to import my maps with boundaries will be a huge timesaver. And I don’t have to pay extra for the privilege of doing that.

Another thing I like about Foundry is being able to self-host. I spun up nanode, installed FreeBSD, and then set everything up how I wanted it. My players can just connect to a subdomain on my website, and we’re all good to go. That’s really nice.

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