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D&D 4E Who else is going to be a deserter when 4e comes out?


Warhammer Fantasy Battle comes out with a new edition every 5-7 years like clockwork. They know a lot of people will drop the game because of it, but a lot won't. Further the buzz brings more people into the "hobby." I heard a guy tell a GW rep if 6th edition comes out I am getting out - the rep calmly explained 6th edition was coming out and he was welcome to continue playing 5th edition just as he did then.

People like and want the new shiny stuff. The folks they lose as a result of a new edition - well, you're not buying many 3.0 rulebooks these days and you _might_ buy a 4.0 rulebook. If WOTC is not actively preparing a 4th edition right now - they are fools.

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First Post
Another thought that I just had. People shouldn't be against more versions of games coming out, because it allows for people to find a version they really like. The more out there, the more options.


William Ronald

I would have to take a look at the rules, consult the group I was with, and see what we wanted to do as a group. I would likely buy the books, but I hope that there would be significant improvements in 4E. (I know several people have expressed concern on these boards with magic systems, multiclassing, and other issues.)

Of course,t here are probably many different factors to consider. In another thread, there is a mention that Amazon.com has a mention of a Players Handbook II in May, 2006. This might mean that WotC is not releasing a new edition next year.

I would prefer a wait for a few more years on a new edition. I think that one of the selling points of 3.0 for me was the fact that the developers considered the input of gamers, including playtesters and people who filled out surveys. I would hope that WotC would at least try to understand why customers would want to buy a new edition, and not just economic issues. I think that it is possible that there is talk of a new edition at WotC. Then again, for all I know, WotC or the D&D line might be sold in the next few months -- which would impact our speculation.

I would hope that 4E would have something like the current D20 license. Possibly, a new edition might use some of the good ideas generated by other companies. (This could be a trade off between WotC and the other D20 publishers. There are many good ideas out there, so I don't see why WotC might not want to consider using them. There are already parallels to this -- racial substitution levels, racial levls, and action points have parallels in other products. Hero points in Arcana Unearthed do have seveal similarities with action points.)

Mind you, I think 3.0 was necessary. By the end of 2nd edition, people could play AD&D with very different rules sets (kits, the Skills and Powers books). Also, there were so many supplements that it was physically impossible to carry them all.


serves Gnome Master
I'll probably switch quite quickly. The reason? Dungeon Magazine. They'll probably make the switch immediatly, and I'll follow suit rather quickly.


William Ronald

Ravellion said:
I'll probably switch quite quickly. The reason? Dungeon Magazine. They'll probably make the switch immediatly, and I'll follow suit rather quickly.


I think one thing that helped many people accept 3.0 was the fact that Dragon Magazine ran previews of some of the rules. This would be a good strategy for future editions. Possibly, Dungoen Magazine might also jump into the action next time -- which I hope is a few years away.

Ranger REG

JustKim said:
Wrong and entirely inappropriate, okay. Do you know the typical time between revisions of White Wolf books? Sometimes their editions don't even last three years. Exalted is going to enter its second edition after five years, and the Wood Aspect book only just came out.
Ask me if I care about any Storyteller product or their fanbase wanting editions after editions of new core rulebook.

I was hoping that D&D do not have to follow that trend. But what's done is done and thus my reaction to 3.5e.


Will I stop playing if 4e comes out? Nope. I'll probably still be slogging through the World's largest Dungeon anyway. :)

Heck, I barely made the jump to 3.5. I still do not own a 3.5 DMG or MM. I bought the PHB, made do with the SRD and this and that and now there's no reason for me to buy those books. At least, not right at this moment. If 4e came out, I'd probably do the same. Buy the minimum I need to make the change and then carry on. I've got 3 Creature Collections worth of critters plus the SRD to make adventures with. I've got xp calculators online to help me figure out rewards and I've got a veritable heap of free pdf's from umpteen publishers to keep me happy.

I've got no reason at all to change right now. Like some of the others here, I'm perfectly content with the rules as they stand right now.


Ranger REG said:
As I said before, when I was young I thought I could play D&D and RPGs forever, but now at 36, I no longer have that level of enthusiasm.


Good lord, what an old, old man!

Wait, hold on a sec...



I'm still a young man a lovin' his hobby.
Don't pop my bubble Ranger REG, don't you dare.


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