D&D 5E Why do you play 5e? What game did you come from?

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What game system did you come from?

  • OSR/1e/2e

    Votes: 46 34.3%
  • 3e/3.5e/Pathfinder

    Votes: 45 33.6%
  • 4e

    Votes: 29 21.6%
  • Other tabletop game

    Votes: 11 8.2%

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • What is this D&D you speak of?

    Votes: 1 0.7%

I came to 5E because my FLGS basically bribed me to run it. And I discovered I like it well enough.best D&D edition yet, IMO. (And I've played most of them; campaigns of AD&D 1&2, BX, BECMI, Cyclopedia, 3.0; multiple sessions each of original sans expansions, 4E, 3.5E.) And my home group asked me to run it, too...

my prior games are too numerous to list here conveniently. The ones I keep returning to over the years, however: MegaTraveller, Cyclopedia+Gazetteer D&D, L5R 3E, WEG Star Wars d6, WFRP 1E, Arrowflight 1E. Other, more recent games, which I plan to revisit: The One Ring, FFG Star Wars, Firefly, Marvel Heroic RP.

5E feels like a modernized version of 2E but without the baggage carried forward from 1E.

My last 5 campaigns before (and during) 5E were a One Ring campaign, a firefly campaign, a SW:F&D campaign, a SW:EotE campaign, and a SW:AoR campaign.

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Generally, why do you play 5e? And what game did you come from?

I have played little RPGs outside D&D.

In D&D before 5e I have played mostly 3.0, and then a little bit of BECMI, 2e, 3.5 and 4e.

I stopped playing 3.0 mainly because of lack of time.

I welcomed 5e because it seemed very similar to 3.0, but without the need for 'system mastery', a lot easier to just start playing for beginners, a lot easier to DM, shorter preparation times, but also large flexibility in character creation, playstyles and variant rules.

I play 5E because it's what the people I'm playing with choose to play.

The group started as a 4E group, then after a couple of short campaigns switched to the Next playtest, and from there transitioned to 5E.

Given the choice, I'd rather be playing 4th.

Prior to 4E (and occasionally since) I played Star Wars Saga Edition.

Came fro 1/2e. Played 4e briefly for a few months at my FLGS, did not like it. Did not play D&D again until a 5e demo I attended at Comic Con. Now Im all in, so much so Im DM'ing my own home campaign and judging for my local area AL and even going to Gencon for the second year in a row. So yeah, Im in deep.

5e: the best thing to happen to D&D since polyhedral dice.

BECMI -> 1E -> 2E -> not D&D -> 3E/3.5 -> 4E trial -> idle -> 5E

I voted "3E/3.5" because, though 4E was technically the last iteration of D&D we played, it broke down in the "let's give it a try" phase and was never really our game.

Personally, I got really burned out on the ridiculous complexity of 3E and was considering going back to AD&D. I had players who were also annoyed with how heavy the system turned out to be, but felt like AD&D would still have been regressive. Aside from just being really busy, we had conversations about using Pathfinder (saving all the parts of 3.5 that I hated), Savage Worlds (magic, especially was too large-grain), Fantasy Hero (busy adults), switching to nWoD, etc. Thus, we were essentially out of gaming and ripe for an offer. 5E was a timely offer. It scratched my itch for "feeling like" AD&D, but was still used what was learned from 3E & 4E to fix system weaknesses (skills, feats, spell slots) that led to our era of WoD, Fantasy Hero, etc. during the mid-1990s.

Edit: If it was available, the best vote for me would have been "wandering in the wilderness".

Why do you play 5e? And what system did you come from?

Some folks are one-game players, or are perhaps serial mono-game-ists, that at any given time, they only play one game, until they make some major switch, and then play only one other game.

I am not such a person. I am, if you will, poly-game-ist. I will generally play any game for which I have time, if I like the general premise and the people playing. The system is one of my least concerns, honestly. I will run virtually any system - my ideas of fun are not restricted to merely pseudo-medieval fantasy, and I tend to look for the game that best supports the genre and style of game I am going to run. I just finished off running a 4+ year classic Deadlands campaign, I'm following it with a short arc of the FATE-based Atomic Robo, and then will probably start Ashen Stars for that group, as several of them are already involved with or a bit tired of generic fantasy campaigns.

I am considering setting up a separate 5e campaign, possibly to play through some of WotC's major adventure offerings, if I can find folks who are going to commit to a regular schedule of play for that.

So, my answer is that I come from *everywhere*, but I'm not actually staying fixed on one game.

I chose OSR/AD&D because I started with an amalgamation of Holmes Basic and 1E. We thought it was all the same thing anyway. To be honest though, the last TTRPG I played before the D&D Next Playtest was MERP.

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