D&D 5E Why Eldritch Blast only targets creatures

Hawk Diesel

Maybe an atom shaking frequency? That seems to align well enough with all of the given examples, and Shield can simply be said to counter the particular frequency used in MM.

I mean, I suppose you can say that. But from my perspective, there is no difference between atoms or frequencies that would differentiate between atoms in living things and those in non-living things. Which brings us back to the original problem regarding how Eldritch Blast can target living creatures but not objects. And even the living/non-living thing is questionable because you can target animated undead or constructs.

I think there are some things that just exist as mechanics, and attempting to rationalize them is just going to open a can of worms and give a lot of people headaches.

Personally, if I ran a game, I would have no problem with a warlock character targeting an object with Eldritch Blast. I honestly don't see a reason it couldn't, and it is certainly not game breaking to allow it.

But with regard to the OP, I really do like the explanation. It's great out of the box thinking. It's just also that you can't look too hard at it. Just something you kinda try to accept and move on.

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I mean, I suppose you can say that. But from my perspective, there is no difference between atoms or frequencies that would differentiate between atoms in living things and those in non-living things. Which brings us back to the original problem regarding how Eldritch Blast can target living creatures but not objects. And even the living/non-living thing is questionable because you can target animated undead or constructs.

Rocks don't feel pain when you hit them with it, so having their atoms shaken around doesn't do much, and it takes a lot of power to make the frequency strong enough to cause physical damage, hence the higher slots being able to deal damage to objects.

Hawk Diesel

Rocks don't feel pain when you hit them with it, so having their atoms shaken around doesn't do much, and it takes a lot of power to make the frequency strong enough to cause physical damage, hence the higher slots being able to deal damage to objects.

It's not my cup of tea, but if it works for you go for it.


First Post
Eldritch blast can only target creatures, which can seem a little weird since the description makes it sound like a destructive beam of magical force that damages whatever it hits. I don't foresee any significant game balance problems with allowing the spell to work on inanimate objects, but if you're looking for an in-world justification for the way it works, here's an interpretation I came up with:

Eldritch blast is more like a short-lived curse than a weaponized burst of magic. The energy beam itself does not cause damage; it’s more like a laser sight on a gun that tells the curse which creature to target. The curse instantaneously causes its victims to generate an uncontrollable surge of magical energy, “shocking” themselves with force as if they had tried to cast a spell but it backfired horribly (see also: mishaps in teleportation and using a spell scroll too advanced for you).
Eldritch blast harms creatures but not objects for the same reason a virus can only harm living things; the damage comes from the creature’s own biological processes being turned against it. Or, in the case of undead and constructs, the sustained magical processes that animate them.

I like this take because it fits well with the general witchiness of the warlock class. Blasting your enemies with bolts of power is for sorcerers. Warlock magic is more dark and insidious.

I really like how creative you're being. I think that would make perfect sense for the class, as you say, considering the "witchiness" of it. But it doesn't feel like it goes with everything else. To me, it'd make much more sense if the damage, then was either untyped or necrotic. And the actual description of the spell ("a beam of crackling force") just feels off with this. I feel even more that EB should target objects after reading some Forgotten Realms novels, where warlocks through Eldritch Blast around blowing up objects as well.

So, I think this would be a great idea for an innate ability for a reworked Warlock, but that it clahse with the description and flavour of Eldritch Blast. An "Eldritch Curse", perhaps?


I could buy this interpretation if the cantrip did literally any other kind of energy damage other than force damage. But the very nature of force damage is inherently kinetic. It is not associated with a curse or bodily processes. Magic missile does not deal damage because it targets tissues or cancels out living energy or biological processes, it is a solid projectile that is effective because of the impact and force it imparts upon contact with its target. Shield does not work because it somehow weakens the attack, but creates a physical barrier that resists force, which is why it cancels magic missile.

But, very creative attempt to explain it.

Oh, I've never really interpreted force damage as literal physical force, for reasons others touched on. I just see force as pure magic, that can either be shaped into a solid object (as with Bigby's hand) or focused into destructive energy (as with disintegrate). Force damage is the most quintessential magic act there is: the power to make someone dissapear.


I really like how creative you're being. I think that would make perfect sense for the class, as you say, considering the "witchiness" of it. But it doesn't feel like it goes with everything else. To me, it'd make much more sense if the damage, then was either untyped or necrotic. And the actual description of the spell ("a beam of crackling force") just feels off with this. I feel even more that EB should target objects after reading some Forgotten Realms novels, where warlocks through Eldritch Blast around blowing up objects as well.

So, I think this would be a great idea for an innate ability for a reworked Warlock, but that it clashes with the description and flavour of Eldritch Blast. An "Eldritch Curse", perhaps?

For me, the key thing here is that the ability is not just "magical blast," but specifically eldritch. It's pumping its target full of something weird and sinister. Don't think "eldritch curse," think "curséd blast."

Wednesday Boy

The Nerd WhoFell to Earth
The force damage is what gives an Eldritch Blast its power. It targets an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us (like Bigby's grasping hand) and penetrates us (like magic missile). It binds the galaxy together (until someone casts disintegrate).

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