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And that's just ONE barrel, and it costs only 250 gp. Now they can basically get as bit a fireball as they want, especially with 5e where money is plentiful. A 70d6 explosion only costs 2500 gp and is way more powerful than any fireball. Anyone can afford that, whether it's the PCs or actually the various powers in the world
how many necklaces of fireballs or wands of fireball can 2,500gp buy?

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Great Old One
how many necklaces of fireballs or wands of fireball can 2,500gp buy?

Exactly 0, or at most one if very lucky considering the rules published later. Moreover, even if you could get your hands on them, there are many limitations to their use (in particular wands. requires attunement by a Spellcaster).


This is an entirely reasonable question, and I am shocked that more of us aren't taking it seriously.

I, for one, know that my answer is driven by pure logic and has nothing to do with the emotional appeal of space hippos...


Nope. OK, you got me. It's purely emotional.


This is an entirely reasonable question, and I am shocked that more of us aren't taking it seriously.

I, for one, know that my answer is driven by pure logic and has nothing to do with the emotional appeal of space hippos...


Nope. OK, you got me. It's purely emotional.
I'm just imagining Spock's reaction to this appearing on his view screen. Fascinating just doesn't seem to cut it.

That space hippo sure is adorable though.

Exactly 0, or at most one if very lucky considering the rules published later.
um... neckless for a rare item looks to give me 1d6+3 beads and cost between 250gp and 2,500gp (so average is 1,375 for 6 beads or about 230gp per bead
Moreover, even if you could get your hands on them, there are many limitations to their use (in particular wands. requires attunement by a Spellcaster).
the Neckless does not require attunment


Mod Squad
Staff member
And that's just ONE barrel, and it costs only 250 gp. Now they can basically get as bit a fireball as they want, especially with 5e where money is plentiful. A 70d6 explosion only costs 2500 gp and is way more powerful than any fireball.

Why do you think they add linearly like that, when the Necklace of Fireballs doesn't?

If you want to create the ruling that makes them abusive, I can't stop you, but the rules precedent we do have doesn't work in that manner.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Exactly 0, or at most one if very lucky considering the rules published later.

So, why are there no necklaces that could be bought, but unlimited casks of gunpowder? Who gets to decide that?

As the GM YOU CONTROL the availability. What's the problem?

Moreover, even if you could get your hands on them, there are many limitations to their use (in particular wands. requires attunement by a Spellcaster).

The Necklace of Fireballs does not require attunement.


Great Old One
Why do you think they add linearly like that, when the Necklace of Fireballs doesn't?

And why would they not ? The necklace has special rules because it's magic, and note that these rules are specific because if you have two casters cast fireballs at the same instant (but still in sequence because that's the way the system works) using readied actions, the damage cumulates.

If you want to create the ruling that makes them abusive, I can't stop you, but the rules precedent we do have doesn't work in that manner.

There is no rule precedent, this is a specific item rule, that increases the spell level of an item effect, and obviously not applicable to "mundane" items who don't have a level.

So, why are there no necklaces that could be bought, but unlimited casks of gunpowder? Who gets to decide that?

Well, the rules, for once, there are rules about magic items, and there are no rules in the DMG about buying smoke powder when it's available.

Of course, as a DM you can always make some and that's what I've said from the start, I will be cautious and gun/smokepowder is not going to be ubiquitous.

The Necklace of Fireballs does not require attunement.

Which is why I wrote "in particular wands. requires attunement by a Spellcaster"

Voidrunner's Codex

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