D&D 5E Will Baldur's Gate 3 Change D&D?

Will BG3 change Tabletop D&D?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 38.5%
  • No

    Votes: 37 38.5%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 22 22.9%


We will most certainly see another DnD game in the BG3 engine. Whether that’s a different setting or not all depends on how much money Hasbro throws at Larien. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Eberon, but it could also be Planescape (but it’ll probably be forgotten realms again.)
I'd be up for a Spelljammer video game remake that was worth a damn. Or a Ravenloft one!

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Only if they included more story than the previous games. I mean, I would LOVE IWD3, but those games were more combat simulators than BG 1 and 2, if memory serves correctly.
I recall Swen Vincke mentioning that Larian's next project will be smaller scale than BG3 was. Honestly, a more story-light, combat-heavy game like an Icewind Dale 3, using the same engine as BG3, could fit the bill for the type of game they might want to do next.


Book-Friend, he/him
I recall Swen Vincke mentioning that Larian's next project will be smaller scale than BG3 was. Honestly, a more story-light, combat-heavy game like an Icewind Dale 3, using the same engine as BG3, could fit the bill for the type of game they might want to do next.
Cripes, just about anything would be smaller scale.

I recall Swen Vincke mentioning that Larian's next project will be smaller scale than BG3 was. Honestly, a more story-light, combat-heavy game like an Icewind Dale 3, using the same engine as BG3, could fit the bill for the type of game they might want to do next.
It would still be a Larian project. Which means its more likely to be story-heavy combat-light. If BG3 proves anything, that the passion you get from doing what YOU like can pay off.

I would get Tactical Adventures (Solasta) to make Icewind Dale 3, not Larian.

Honestly, if Larian were to do another game based on a D&D IP, I think they might actually have the chops for a new Planescape game.

Probably not a true sequel to Torment, per se, since the story of the Nameless One is pretty definitively concluded and should be left alone, but something in the same, narrative heavy vein set in the modern version of Sigil and a curated subset of the planes could work very well.
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Honestly, if Larian were to do another game based on a D&D IP, I think they might actually have the chops for a new Planescape game.

Probably not a true sequel to Torment, per se, since the story of the Nameless One is pretty definitively concluded and should probably be left alone, but something in the same vein set in the modern Sigil could work very well.
I agree, Planescape is far more Larian's style.

However, the one thing Swen did not seen entirely happy with was the restrictions of conforming to the D&D rules (setting: fine, rules: not so much). So my feeling is Larian will NOT do another full D&D game in the immediate future. The success of BG3 gives them the freedom to not need to partner with WotC. They will probably do BG3 DLC to distract from the people nagging for a sequel, whilst simultaneously starting work on something different. WotC might engage a different company to do a BG4.

If I had to put my money on anything, I would guess Larian's next project will be a Critical Role game that is not "D&D". We know Swen has met Matt Mercer, and following the OGL blowup Larian can pretty much pick and choose which D&D rules to use and which to throw away.

Addendum: It might be worth mentioning that the original Planescape CRPG deviated significantly from D&D rules.
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Honestly, if Larian were to do another game based on a D&D IP, I think they might actually have the chops for a new Planescape game.

Probably not a true sequel to Torment, per se, since the story of the Nameless One is pretty definitively concluded and should be left alone, but something in the same, narrative heavy vein set in the modern version of Sigil and a curated subset of the planes could work very well.
Schitts Creek Yes GIF by CBC

I see bg4 in the future

Changes to d&d -yes
-Matt Mercer has this in his adventures already. Party’s vs adventurers like in early act 1
Enemy encounters where goblins buff Allie’s etc
Vertical encounters
Many things . I think Bg3 and n some ways would make a great d&d adventure


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Late to the party, but here’s my 2 copper:

I don’t think BG 3 is going to have much impact on the design of the 2024 rules revision, if any. However, I do think it’s going to have an impact on how a lot of younger DMs run their games. Primarily, I expect there to be a lot of people adopting house rules inspired by BG3. I’ve had several YouTube videos in my recommended feed about “best Baldur’s Gate 3 rules to adapt to D&D” and “should you use Baldur’s Gate 3 rules in your D&D game?” and suchlike. I myself have long been opposed to the incredibly popular bonus action healing potion house rule, but having now played with it in BG3… I’m almost convinced it is actually the right move. I imagine a lot of folks are similarly going to be more receptive to the idea of the 1 minute short rest limited to twice between long rests. I expect a lot more DMs to grant advantage to ranged attacks from high ground and/or impose disadvantage on ranged attacks from low ground, and in conjunction with that I expect at least the more tactics-focused DMs to start employing more use of vertical space in their encounter designs. We might see a resurgence of interest in the Forgotten Realms setting - I know among us veterans there’s a lot of FR fatigue, but I think for more casual players the FR setting is mostly just background noise, but BG3 might get some of them more interested in actually delving into the setting’s lore.

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