D&D 4E Will you buy 4e?

Will you buy 4th edition?

  • I will buy it sight unseen

    Votes: 283 38.9%
  • I might buy it, after initial reviews

    Votes: 163 22.4%
  • I probably will not buy it, but might eventually

    Votes: 172 23.6%
  • I absolutely will not buy it

    Votes: 63 8.7%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 47 6.5%

Whizbang Dustyboots said:
I originally voted "I might buy it, after initial reviews," but as more information has come out, I'm definitely in the buy column.
Hehe, same here ;)

But I am still firmly in the "I might play it, after initial reviews" category. It definitely wouldn't be the first RPG I bought simply because I was interested in the system and not because I was interested in ever playing it.

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I voted for sight unseen because I'm active in the RPGA and they're going to use it. I really like 3.5. I always bemoaned the people that complained about the 3.0 switch but I never played a lot of 2e so I wasn't "wedded" to the system but having played a lot of 3.x I'm a big fan of the system. I'll probably hold my nose when I get the 4e books but get them none the less.


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