D&D 4E Will you buy 4e?

Will you buy 4th edition?

  • I will buy it sight unseen

    Votes: 283 38.9%
  • I might buy it, after initial reviews

    Votes: 163 22.4%
  • I probably will not buy it, but might eventually

    Votes: 172 23.6%
  • I absolutely will not buy it

    Votes: 63 8.7%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 47 6.5%

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IF I buy 4e, it'll be core only. I think I'll also avoid setting books despite how much I love Eberron. I'd rather try my hand at creating my own setting so I don't have to worry about researching someone else's setting.

On the other hand, I might keep going with 3.5e and do the same with all of the books I have. Maybe dump off my Eberron books and sell all the other books I barely use anymore.

I'm also hoping the PDFs will end up being dirt cheap like the pre-3e PDFs are.

I own OD&D, Moldvay/Cook Classic, Mentzer Classic, Holmes Basic, 1E, 2E, 3.0E and 3.5E. So I would be breaking precedent if I didn't, and would no longer own every edition of D&D.

That said... it depends. If they 4E is more like 1E than 3E, I'll buy it. If it continues to morph into some other game, I probably won't. Already, I don't really consider 3E to be "D&D". If 4E is really just "generic fantasy game with unified core mechanic", well, I don't need it.

I sold off all my 3x books except the Psychics handbook quite a while back so no I won't be buying 4e. I have switched to true 20 instead. It fits my needs a bit better

Definitely getting it.

It'll be great. :)

Personally, I think we could probably end up calling it 3.75, but that'd sound stupid - I don't think there'll be too much difference between 3e and 4e.

Except, maybe they'll get rid of ability scores for monsters?


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