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Wing and Sword: Life During Wartime

The Shaman

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Capitaine Martini holds up a hand at Pyotr’s question. “César, contact Lt. Degasser and tell him we’ve reached our objective,” the captain directs his radioman. César Asturas looks up at the cliffs on either side of the gorge. Oui, mon capitaine,” the slender Spaniard replies, “if I can get out from this hole.” He reaches for the handset dangling from his shoulder.

The captain turns to Pyotr, sweeping back the hood of his djellba as he does so – the native garment, his olive skin and dark hair, and the five-day growth of beard on his face give Capt. Martini the look of an Arab himself. “Abd-el-Hamou was a marabout, a Muslim holy man, and a leader of an insurgency against the French in the 1870s and ‘80s. The Army tried for seven years to capture him before they managed to lure him into an ambush in 1883 or 1884.” He looks up at the crenelated roof of the tomb. “The colonel of zouaves who finally ran Hamou to ground by bribing one of hi followers announced he was going to put Hamou’s body on display in Algiers, but the Arabs stole it away in the night, right out of the encampment, and several years later this appeared. No one knows for sure if Hamou is here or not, but tradition holds that this is his burial site. The tomb is a shrine to the faithful, for those seeking baraka – good fortune.”

Burhan Pamuk looks over at the jackals following Marcel’s question, then picks up a rock from the ground and offers it to the medic. “They’re jackals, not lions,” the Turk opines. David Nedjar chuckles, and adds with a smile “I think that donkey may be too far gone even for you, doc.”

“Hold on, Fortier,” Sgt. Katsourianis breaks in. “Your orders, mon capitaine?” the section leader asks Capt. Martini.

The captain looks around the gorge for a moment. “If Lt. Ferrand’s intelligence is correct, there is a supply cache around here somewhere, buried perhaps. Gaspard, can you look for tracks here?”

Vidal glances down at the sandy floor of the gorge. Oui, mon capitaine, should be easy with this soft ground, as long as no one tramples the sign, sir.”

“Get started, and we’ll hold position until you say otherwise,” Martini replies – Vidal turns his attention to the dry soil, walking gingerly in a wide circle around the tomb and the ruins. Sergent, after we get the go-ahead from your man, post lookouts and scout the approaches” the captain resumes to Kat. “We have the trail we followed in, up or down the gorge – what about that far wall?”

Oui, mon capitaine,” Kat answers, quickly issuing his orders: Manolo Sánchez and Jens Asmussen as lookouts, Silvio Ortu and Karel Syrovy to select a covering position, Pyotr and Nedjar to scout the approaches, Marcel and Normand to check on the dead donkey, Raffaele and Pamuk to search the tomb and the cemetery –

“Be careful,” Capt. Martini interjects as Kat hands out the last assignment, “all of you. Beware of booby traps, and stay alert. Remember we may want to place an ambush here, so avoid making too much of a disturbance and watch your trash – leave as few traces of our presence as possible.”

Vidal walks wider and wider circles around the tomb as the legionnaires look up at the stone walls of the gorge, or study the chipped and fading paint on the walls of the tomb, or check gear that’s been checked and rechecked throughout the day. The tracker stops and starts several times before finally returning. “Sir, there are hoof prints and footprints around the area, but they don’t seem to lead anywhere. They may have covered their tracks, sir.”

The captain nods and looks at Sgt. Katsourianis. “All right, get to work,” the section leader orders.

Remember, it’s a Spot check to look around an area, a Search check to examine a specific feature up close. I will give circumstance bonuses or drop DCs if you give specifics about where your characters are looking or what they are looking for – this has the effect of making the things they arent looking for a bit harder to find, however.

The attached photo gives an idea of the layout of the tomb and the ruins and cemetery, but it sould not be taken as an actual depiction of the area – the first photo is an exact depiction of the terrain and features.


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Marcel grins at Nedjar and Pamuk's comments. "I've seen a jackal attack victim once early in my career. The guy barely survived. The mouth is full of bacteria from decaying meat. Not to mention they can snap a thigh bone in half if they get your leg right." He shakes his head. "Well Normand, let's go. Cover me." He slings his rifle and starts toward the beasts, throwing rocks and speaking with sharp tones. "Scram!"

Reaching the carcass, he gives it a glance over before dropping to his knees to search the body for booby traps, an ugly, messy task.

ooc: I'll take 10 or 20 on my Search check, whatever's allowed. Maybe Normand can Aid me? Then try to determine the cause of death.


First Post
Normand had taken note of the tireur's look earlier on, and is getting tired of the other man's crappy attitude. So, with a smile he calls out..

"Hey Ortu, why don't you help Marcel and I chase them? I once heard those jackals don't attack each other."

As the rather predictable man throws him a dark look, Normand then winks at him with a sneer on his face.

Alright, enough for now..

He then walks up to the beasts with his brass knuckles slipped on, heading straight for the bigger one, rather confident they'll scatter, but knowing that if they attack, punching out the leader should be enough to make them back off. He then stands next to the body, looking it over as best as he can from a standing position while Marcel is being more thorough.

OOC: I'll take 10 on my Aid another for Marcel
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The Shaman

First Post
“What’s the matter? Afraid of a couple of putain dogs?” Ortu snaps as the grenadier and the medic walk toward the base of the cliff where the jackals and vultures gather.

“Don’t let him get under your skin.” Manolo Sánchez walks a few paces behind the pair, on his way to take up a position down the gorge from the other paras.

“Silvio is ten litres of merde in a five litre bag,” he continues, keeping his voice low as he speaks, “but a tireur needs to be arrogant like that. In a real firefight his life expectency is about twenty seconds – he better believe he’s the toughest putain bastard around, or he won’t do his job. And he’s a Sardinian, so he’s stupid, too.” Sánchez smiles, but beneath his thick stubble, the old legionnaire’s face is gray with weariness. He dips his head and continues past as Marcel and Normand confront the jackals.

The scavenger pair observes the legionnaires’ approach, heads low to the ground. At first they are reluctant to give ground, darting back and forth in front of the rocks that conceal the carcass, but a few well-thrown stones discourage them at last, and the two tawny canines withdraw a short distance away to watch the men, wary and dejected.

Flies swarm over the remains of the donkey – torn flesh, growing ripe in the oppressive heat, hangs in loose tatters from the animal’s ribs. The jackals have ripped open the donkey’s abdomen, spilling its intestines on the ground and digging out the organs protected by the ribcage.

Hands wave frantically to keep the flies at bay while the two paras inspect the corpse. There are no obvious signs of trauma, but with the damage done by the scavengers it’s difficult to be sure why the donkey died. Marcel notes that the fur on the pack animal’s snout is gray, and the skin around its ribs pulled tight, suggesting age or perhaps ill-health. There's blood and fur on the rocks, suggesting that it fell from the trail above, and unless it twisted around as it plummeted, the donkey was most likely ascending the trail.

Marcel carries the stench of dead flesh about him as they finally step back from the carcass. Vidal Gaspard studies the ground a few meters away. “Find anything?” he asks.

The radioman waves an arm at the scene in the gorge. “Does this remind you of anything?” he asks. “A dozen paras alone in the desert, searching for fells? Feels like we’ve done this before.” A wry grin turns up a corner of his mouth.
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"Gaspard, have you finished looking around here, the cemetery and tomb?"Barzini calls. Upon Vidal's affirmative response, Raffaele moves cautiously to the edge of the cemetery.

"What do you think, Monsieur Pamuk? Did they tell you anything useful at Arzew? I think we should maybe look for bootprints that Vidal may have missed; because an unfamiliar bootprint might indicate main force irregulars have been here, eh? Of course you've probably already seen that kicked over dirt-clod, or that bent grass or that different colored patch of dirt over there. Any of those might be signs of mine emplacement, trap building, or the supply cache for which we're to keep an eye out. Or it might be a sign that it's time for a few bottles of wine to take the edge off. Let's inspect the cemetery and the area around the tomb carefully, so we can eventually get to the drink. Keep your gun handy."

OOC: This is Raffaele exercising Charismatic Leadership.
DC10 +1CHA result is 12 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=607034

Am I correct that Pamuk gets +1 to all attack and skill rolls as long as he's within 30 feet of my friendly directions?

How many Search rolls do you want for looking for 1: unfamiliar bootprints, 2: mines/traps/caches as evidenced by hardware, earth displacement, color/moisture difference, vegetation variance, etc.?

Raffaele's intent is to examine the cemetery, then the area around the tomb (watching out for windows and doors, then think about entry into the tomb.


Marcel reports back to Sgt. Kat. "Can't tell anything for certain about the donkey, Sergeant. The scavengers have done too much damage. I would guess it fell." He shrugs and wanders over to where Normand and Vidal speak.

"Haha! True, Vidal. But this time is different in two ways. First, Normand hasn't been shot or peppered with shrapnel, and we are days in. And second, we have a beautiful and seemingly revered tomb as our backdrop. I just hope that the fells don't think we are here to set up camp in their holy place."

He pauses, thinking aloud as he washes his hands in water from a canteen. "If this place is a shrine, shouldn't we be concerend about pilgrims? I don't want Ortu blasting away at the first guy he sees in robes."


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Normand spits before talking.

"Fils de Pute Ortu. Wouldn't be surprised to learn he wear robes himself."

Looking around, he then shrugs at the rest of what Marcel said.

"True pilgrims wouldn't be much of a threat, I'd think. And I doubt they come here that often, and two of them just left. Why did those idiots lie, though? They obviously came here, and lost a donkey somehow. Why not say so? This is all nonsensical. We're missing something."


Marcel grins, a strange sight considering he still has a streak of fetid blood on his face. "Mon ami, I'm not afraid of pilgrims. I'm just afraid of what the wolves..." he motions to the paras... "might do to the sheep."

"You're right though. We need to unearth the reason they would lie. Search the tomb with me?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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