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Wing and Sword: Life During Wartime


The Shaman said:
Marcel hits the ground near Sgt. Katsourianis. The Greek sergent is fumbling with the pistol holster on his web belt. “I’m all right,” he says, wincing. “Bastard hit my sidearm.” A quick glance at the sous-officier’s belt reveals a jagged tear to the leather holster – the pistol knocked clear by the round is lying on the ground among the wheat stalks. “Knocked me over,” Katsourianis finishes. He glances about, taking in the scene, sees the legionnaires advancing without him. “Let’s get out of this field, Doc. Head for that barn,” he orders.

Marcel lets out a low whistle at Sgt. Kat's luck. "If you need me to check it out, let me know later. You might get some nasty bruising or even broken bones from that sort of hit." Marcel glances over at the pistol. Reaching over and picking it up, he hands it to the officer. "Lucky, though, that's for sure," Marcel says with a wide grin.

Once Katsourianis gives the order to advance, Marcel responds with a short "Oui, Sergent", and advances toward the barn, his carbine leveled toward the door. He walks in a low crouch, trying to keep only his head and shoulders above the tips of the wheat.

ooc: Move toward the barn as ordered. Stop at the edge of the wheat before I lose concealment. Spot 23 (!) Listen 4

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Vidal glances back in his approach to the barn to see the squad leader stand unharmed. It's enough of a relief to calm his nerves back to their state in the moments before the incident, though the fatigue still tugs at his mind as he continues cautiously toward the northwestern corner of the barn.

The Shaman

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En avant! Let’s go, let’s go!” cries Sgt. Müller as he races toward the barn. The legionnaires scramble to catch up, but the sergent-chef is the first to reach side of the barn – reaching for his grenade pouch, he lobs a smoke canister up into the loft through the open doorway as the rest of the section approaches. White smoke billows from the opening as the Sgt. Kat and the choc arrive at the west wall of the barn – eyes strain to catch movement at the barn, the house, but all is tranquil and quiet but for the sound of the legionnaires’ boots on the ground and the rattle of their gear.

The double-door that closes the west entrance to the barn is closed and padlocked. As Pyotr and Vidal arrive, Sgt. Müller points to the southwest corner. “Cover the south side,” he orders. Normand and Pamuk are assigned to cover the northwest corner, Nedjar the open loft. Marcel and Sgt. Katsourianis are the last to arrive – Marcel notices a slight limp in the section leader’s gait as they race out of the field and across the yard to the barn.

Across the farmyard Cpl. Sembène joins Syrovy and Asmussen behind the goat pen, their rifles trained on the house – Silvio Ortu hustles toward the barn through the wheat field, the AAT-52 smoking in his hands.

Sgt. Müller wastes no time. “Nedjar, take Kerenin and Gaspard, move along the south wall, cover the east door and the farmyard. Go!” Nedjar looks to Pyotr and Vidal. “Follow me,” he says as he slips around the corner of the barn.

“Kat, set up Ortu at the northwest corner, to cover the house and the yard,” Müller continues, glancing up toward the smoke-filled loft entrance above. “You, me, Pamuk, and Mador will clear the barn. Doc, you stay here and cover that opening,” says the German, motioning toward the loft with his MAT-49. “Mador, shoot that lock off,” he finishes.

End of rounds four and five – I compressed time slightly during the run for cover since there was no fire directed at the legionnaires in either round.

Normand: Roll to hit the padlock – any number other than a 1 hits. Roll damage normally.

Revised initiative order as of round 7:
Pyotr 13
NCOs (Müller, Katsourianis), Choc (Nedjar, Pamuk) 12
Marcel, Vidal 8
MG (Sembène, Ortu, Syrovy, Asmussen) 4
Normand 1


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Marcel nods his assent to Müller and raises his carbine to cover the loft, his eyes squinted to block out the sun to adjust for the dim light inside the barn. He can't help but recoil slightly at the report of Normand's rifle, but he manages not to blink.

ooc: Kneel and cover the loft as ordered. Hold my action and fire if I spot any movement.

Spot: 15

If a shot is needed, here's my attack roll.

Attack: 5


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Pyotr sticks close to the wall of the barn, following Nedjar close enough to cover him, but far enough to stay out of a grenade's blast radius. He continually scanned the area, the muzzle of his submachine gun swaying left to right.

The Shaman

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Revised game map attached - thanks again for the suggestion, Bobitron! :)


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    Was farm game map 6 revised.JPG
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Vidal follows a couple meters behind Pyotr. He checks the south wall of the barn for cracks or other openings as they pass by, then scans the trailer, wagon, and stables for other fells, surprised a little that they would leave only one behind on as ineffective a suicide mission as this.

Spot: 20

The Shaman

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Nedjar leads off along the south side of the barn. Tall shuttered windows look down from the wooden wall as the legionnaires warily slink past. Across the farmyard a horse stirs in a corral alongside the stable opposite – an old wagon and a newer horse trailer both sit empty nearby. Near the low mud-brick building south and east of the barn are four large haybales, cured golden by the sun.

The lock shatters under Normand’s round. Sgt. Müller glances at Ortu as Kat points to the northwest corner of the barn then makes a sweeping gesture with his arm. The Sardinian nods and drops prone at the corner, the machine gun resting on its bipod. Müller says softly, “Kat, you and Pamuk go up the left side, Mador and I up the right.” He looks directly at Normand. “You stay right behind me. I’m looking low, you’re looking high, understand?”

Marcel watches the opening to the loft, carbine trained on the splintered doorway. The thick white smoke from the canister wafts down, only partly obscuring the damage done by the machine gun rounds to the wood framing. As he watches, Sgt. Müller grabs Normand’s shoulder, and motions at the door, pantomiming pulling it open together. The burly Frenchman and the short German each grip the door and pull. Normand: Strength check, please.

Pyotr and Vidal creep along behind Nedjar as they approach the corner. Suddenly a figure comes into view, running across the farmyard toward the stable, a rifle clutched in his hands – he glances back, sees the legionnaires, and races for cover behind the old wooden wagon. End of round 6. Normand and Müller are not visible on the map due to the overhanging beam above the loft entrance.


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    WaS farm game map 7 detail.JPG
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Pyotr's gun instinctively rises up aiming in the general direction of the running man. "Nedjar! There by the wagon!" He nods in the direction of the escaping man. "Should we take him down?"

Pyotr will come up closer to Nedjar and kneel as he speaks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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