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Wing and Sword: Life During Wartime


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"Bordel de merde! This is not good, Pyotr!", whispers the burly frenchman.

He tries to determine how bad the fire might be, and how little time they might have.

Watch check with +4 bonus: 17

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The Shaman

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As Pyotr looks in vain for smoke in the darkness, Normand sees the small flash of flame reflected in the glass of the car window. It lasts for several seconds, then disappears – a moment later it begins again, a brief flicker of orange light.

The sputtering flame and the vague hint of smoke wafting around the doors of the garage suggest that whatever’s burning is rather small, and that it’s burning intermittently.

If your characters continue to observe, make another Watch check with the same +4 circumstance bonus – if they move or attempt to get the sergent’s attention, make a Sneak check as well.


Marcel taps Sanchez hard on the shoulder and motions toward the door. "I'm going!" he hisses through closed teeth. He moves in a crouch, shuffling down the alley. His hand drops to his pocket to remove a small but bright flashlight, ready to flip the switch on at a moment's notice.

ooc: Sneak +0, Watch +3. Short on time, Shaman, so if you could roll for me I'd appreciate it. Marcel's intention is to flash the light in the person's face and attempt to get them back in the house. Does the accent sound local or like someone from France?

The Shaman

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Marcel steps over the low fence at the rear of the house, slipping quietly past a lemon tree as the back door swings inward and light spills into the garden. A little old woman wrapped in a heavy coat with a small bundle in brown paper in her hands slowly pushes open the screen door and carefully steps out on the tiny back porch of the house. Marcel crouches near the hedge at the rear of the house and clicks on his flashlight.

Nothing happens.

Again he slides the button back and forth, but the light is dead.

Sneak 19, Watch 22 – ranged touch attack with flashlight 1. Her accent is definitely from the south of France.


Merde, Marcel swears inwardly. Ah, well. Might have caused a scream anyhow.

He slings his carbine as he stands, holding both hands out with palms forward. His voice is clear but soft. "La Madame, restent svp tranquille. Je suis avec la Légion, et j'ai besoin de vous pour rester à l'intérieur."

ooc: Diplomacy is +7 if needed.

*Madame, please stay quiet. I am with the Legion, and I need you to stay inside.

The Shaman

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Apparently trusting that the replacements have his back, Sgt. Katsourianis continues to look around the corner of the building, oblivious to Pyotr’s gestures.

Looking in the windows inset in the garage door, Normand sees the flame reflected in the glass again, and then darkness. Seconds pass, and then a different glow appears, a yellowish light that radiates from somewhere near the northwest corner of the garage. For a moment the glow fades then a narrow beam of light flashes in the darkness – a flashlight, perhaps? Through the glass the Frenchman hears a soft bump, its source difficult to discern.

Marcel rises from the shadows, little more than a meter from the old woman – she is visibly startled, rasing the bundle of trash in front of her as if to ward off an apparition. Mon Dieu! she gasps softly. Her head cranes toward the medic as she peers at the legionnaire faintly illumined by the light spilling from the open doorway, clutching the paper bundle close to her chest like a talisman. “You nearly scared me to death! What are you doing in my garden in the middle of the night?” she says, her tone accusing.

Diplomacy 10 – perhaps Marcel should stick to younger ladies...?

Attached are exterior and interior maps – Normand may view the interior map. Note that the northwest of the garage interior is obscured from his view by a large storage cabinet in the middle of the west wall. There wasn’t enough light for him to identify details, only the rough placement of objects around the room.


  • WaS garage map exterior 6.JPG
    WaS garage map exterior 6.JPG
    94.8 KB · Views: 78
  • WaS garage map interior 6.JPG
    WaS garage map interior 6.JPG
    87.6 KB · Views: 76


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Swearing to himself, Pyotr quickly and quietly makes his way towards Kat, putting a hand on his shoulder to let him know that he is there. He then whispers, "Sergeant, we spotted flickering light from inside the station and are presuming it to be flames. Normand is keeping watch on it now."

Sneak: (1d20+7=26)


"I am sorry, Madame. I didn't mean to frighten you. Please keep your voice low and step inside, I'll explain as best I can." He covers the flashlight with a hand and toggles the switch back and forth with a frown. "You are not safe here right now, but you will be inside."
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