Winter Ceramic DM™: THE WINNER!


I'm ready. Creative batteries all charged.

smacktalk huh? I bet clay won't even be able to glaze a donut when I'm done with him.
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I'll second the request for smack-talk. :D

(Admittedly, I'm not sure I have any smack-talk, but it is a fun component...)


First Post
smack-talk commences-

i was trying to take a piece of candy from this little girl once and she smacked em really hard.

i mean, there was a red spot there for like 5 or 6 minutes, and i think it welled up a little bit.

it hurt.


alsih2o said:
smack-talk commences-

i was trying to take a piece of candy from this little girl once and she smacked em really hard.

i mean, there was a red spot there for like 5 or 6 minutes, and i think it welled up a little bit.

it hurt.
We're here for you, man.

I am still shuffling my pics, so it will be at least a coupla days before we start.

UPDATE: near as I can tell, the list of competitors looks like this:


...and no alternates yet, so if more people want to be on the backup list that would be just grand.

I am waiting on permission from some photogs and we are off.
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Short recap

While we're waiting on a few photographers to give the OK, short recap of the rules &c:

72 hours from the time the pics are posted.

No editing once you post. This is an automatic disqualification.

Reference the pictures in your entry, with a number, the name of the pic, or a direct link. I will say from experience that the footnote method is way easier than trying to insert links.

Any genre is OK. I f you write an adventure, it should be d20 3.x e, obviously, but does not have to be DnD. I have tried really hard to use pics that are flexible.

Length is up to you, but think of the judges as fidgety small children who had a few too many bowls of Frosted Sugar Boms, if you get it into your head to write a novella. ;)

Judge notes: maldur and arwink can speak for themselves, but I am kind of a snot about spelling and grammar. It would be wise to run your entry through a spell/grammar checker before posting it.


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