D&D 5E wisdom vs constitution save


Not counting spell concentration which of these saves is going to be better?

I am building a multiclass Wizard-Fighter and I am debating which class to take at level 1.

This is a point buy game and she is going to start as a fighter with a 10 con and 10 wisdom or start as a wizard with a 12 con and 8 wisdom. The rest of her stats are S9 D16 I17 CH12. Hit points are awash, since if I start as a wizard I am going to go with a higher constitution, so less hps early but more in the end.

Normally I would say Wisdom is easily more important, but I will have Protection from Evil and Good which can make her immune to charmed and frightened from most enemies that throw those conditions and I think that probably covers about half of the wisdom saves in the game. Of course I could cast it on someone else if she has Wisdom proficiency and be reasonably confident I can succeed.
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Morkus from Orkus
Not counting spell concentration which of these saves is going to be better?

I am building a multiclass Wizard-Fighter and I am debating which class to take at level 1.

This is a point buy game and she is going to start as a fighter with a 10 con and 10 wisdom or start as a wizard with a 12 con and 8 wisdom. The rest of her stats are S9 D16 I17 CH12. Hit points are awash, since if I start as a wizard I am going to go with a higher constitution, so less hps early but more in the end.

Normally I would say Wisdom is easily more important, but I will have Protection from Evil and Good whichmake her immune to charmed and frightened from most enemies that throw those conditions and I think that probably covers about half of the wisdom saves in the game. Of course I could cast it on someone else if she has Wisdom proficiency and be reasonably confident I can succeed.
Poison and disease are con saves and are all over the place. If you're immune to charmed and frightened, go with con I think.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
They’re both major saves, so you kinda can’t go wrong either way. Discounting Concentration, Wisdom saves feel more frequent to me, but I haven’t run the numbers. However, I personally wouldn’t discount concentration, as even on its own that would probably make Constitution the most valuable save for casters. If you have a reliable source of immunity to charmed and frightened though, I think things might shift back in favor of Constitution (even discounting concentration). Only if it’s a reliable source though. If you can’t count on that immunity whenever you need it, it shouldn’t be considered as a factor, in my opinion.


Because of concentration, I'd go with Con for any spellcaster. All things being equal, however... they're pretty equal. Dex mostly just prevents damage, but Con and Wis tend to face the "save for suck" effects, just in different forms (body vs mind).


You can be a caster that does not need concentration and just cast other spells. I do not see many Con saves and would take a better Wis save even with protection spells.


In general, setting aside concentration, I consider Wis saves slightly more important; but for a caster, I would never set aside concentration, and would thus pick Con every time. The small difference in frequency and severity between Con and Wis effects is not nearly as important as keeping your spells up.

Also, most casters don't care that much about frightened--the best spells don't call for attack rolls, and you were probably trying to keep your distance from the monster anyway.


Has anyone made a list of saves for spells? This many Str save, this many Int save, &c.?
(edit: Just for the PHB)
In this case you would want to do it for the Monster Manual. Most saves made by PCs are against monster abilities, rather than spells.

But even there, it's tricky, because all saves are not created equal. Sometimes you fail a save and fall prone. Other times you fail a save and get your mind obliterated, after which a brain with paws will jump into your skull and pilot your body to attack your friends. And I don't think it's safe to assume that the distribution of minor vs. major effects is equal between the saving throws.
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