World Cup Thread?

Am I allowed to be happy that Argentina and Germany both lost, and the Germans are in great peril of not progressing.
Costa Rica, my sweepstake team were quite poor!!!

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Am I allowed to be happy that Argentina and Germany both lost, and the Germans are in great peril of not progressing.
Costa Rica, my sweepstake team were quite poor!!!
Forget about great peril, Germany is done for this world cup. No way they can beat Spain.

Winning the cup was out of question from the very beginning, but we at least hoped to see the round of sixteen. Well, maybe in 2026

Another big upset, I’m hoping Japan can continue to do well and move on from the group of death, would love to see them go deep in the tournament. You’ve gotta love the Japanese fans that hang around and help clean up the stadiums.

Same script as the previous upset, favourite gets a penalty in the first, looks to be going on with it. Underdog comes out scores 2 in a 10 minute period in the 2nd half to win the match.


Has anyone else seen that Budweiser has threatened to award the winning nation with pallettes of unsold Buds? I wonder if that counts as an unfair advantage to the USA team - I really cant see any other team in the world wanting to put in the effort required to acquire the proffered brew

That explains why our team wants to go home as quickly as possible. Back in Germany we wouldn't even know what to do with this weird beverage. It's some kind of alcoholic drink we guess? But we rather drink be beer so no need for his budweiser stuff

Forget about great peril, Germany is done for this world cup. No way they can beat Spain.

Winning the cup was out of question from the very beginning, but we at least hoped to see the round of sixteen. Well, maybe in 2026
Interesting, I have a friend here, who is an avid football watcher, who felt (at least before the tournament started) that Germany were the clear favourites.


Interesting, I have a friend here, who is an avid football watcher, who felt (at least before the tournament started) that Germany were the clear favourites.
Well, I am only a casual fan but their last few matches didn't leave me with much hope.

After they barely ended up as 3rd (out of 4) in their nations league group, I wrote a 5th world cup off

The offsides camera disallowing goals for tiny portions of hands, arms and feet being offsides is pretty annoying. I mean, I played sweeper (back when teams still used them) my entire soccer career, and ran a relentless offsides trap defense, so while I appreciate the exact calls, and I have little pity for strikers, sure seems like the rule needs to be amended to 25% of torso or something if they can be that exact. A waggling hand should not be offsides.

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