World in Flames


First Post
I'm just starting to get into this mother of all WWII boardgames. A friend of mine invited me over to try the game which he had set up and I could not believe the extent that this game goes to simulate world war II. Any players of this game on these boards?

I'm new to the game and would like to discuss tactics and ideas as I'm at a disadvantage not knowing the rules a well as my friend does and I'm still in the process of absorbing the extensive ruleset as it is.

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First Post
Thanks a lot Merric. I tried to give you XP but it won't let me for now. I checked out before and have chatted with a few people about it. This game is a beast with over 4200 counters in the new edition coming out in 2011. But it's a ton of fum though.


First Post
4200 counters? Damn, it sounds like something delicious to play but seeing how we can't even find time to play Twilight Imperium yet(it sits in my shelf taunting us), I'm not sure we'd ever find time for this. Yeah, it's probably meant to be left sitting in the game room for weeks on end or the like but with little ones running around, we just can't do that.

Jan van Leyden

4200 counters? Damn, it sounds like something delicious to play but seeing how we can't even find time to play Twilight Imperium yet(it sits in my shelf taunting us), I'm not sure we'd ever find time for this. Yeah, it's probably meant to be left sitting in the game room for weeks on end or the like but with little ones running around, we just can't do that.

I knew a group of cosim-gamers a long, long time ago who had a special game room where they deployed a game of World in Flames or Empires in Arms and met once per month for years on end to play.

Image my bouts of hilarious laughter when I read the strip "Guns of August" in Bundle of Trouble. :)


First Post
4200 counters? Damn, it sounds like something delicious to play but seeing how we can't even find time to play Twilight Imperium yet(it sits in my shelf taunting us), I'm not sure we'd ever find time for this. Yeah, it's probably meant to be left sitting in the game room for weeks on end or the like but with little ones running around, we just can't do that.

Like I said the game is a monster. Every possible unit is represented as well as each and every ship (not including merchant and convoy ships) that took place in both the European and Pacific theaters of war. Although the war starts in Sept 1939 with Germany invading Poland, things from there can and do take a stark departure from history.

You have to track everything from escorting convoys from North America to ensuring that your units are in supply, that you are taking the right course with your production, to weather, and everything else in between.

The drawback to the game is the length of time to play. We started the war last night and played from Sept 1936 to March 1940. We started at 7:00 PM and ended at 1:00 AM. (Six sold hours of gaming.) You can spend days and days playing this game out. And every country is represented.

The game just boggles the mind in it's scope....


WIF is, hands down, the best grand strategic game of WWII made. Third Reich is perhaps better known, but WIF is better balanced and more challenging. Axis and Allies is a fun beer and pretzels game, but has nowhere near the depth of WIF.

One of the best features is that the game resists "perfect" plans. Units have variable strengths and are drawn randomly - maybe you'll get the best 3 armor units in your initial draw, maybe you won't. Kind of difficult to plan the perfect opening move when you aren't certain what units you'll have. The same issue with building units - you don't know the exact stats until it is ready to place on the board.

In addition, turns are played in impulses, but the number of impulses in a given turn is uncertain. Generally clear weather turns have more impulses than poor weather turns, but I still remember one game where the first two turns of Barbarossa ended with the minimum number of impulses. Huge benefit to the Soviets (who really needed the help, having gotten bogged down in Turkey - don't ask...)

One thing to keep in mind is that there are different editions of the game. I'm most familiar with 4th and 5th edition, but Final Edition is the current one. There are also numerous add-ons, such as Planes in Flames, Ships in Flames, Convoys in Flames, etc. Each adds expanded gameplay, but at the expense of addtional counters and rules.

That's the one drawback of this game. It's truly a monster game and while a 60 page core rulebook may not seem like much compared to an RPG, compared to the typical wargame, it's a lot to keep up with. If you can play Squad Leader, you can play WIF. But if you want something quick and easy, Axis and Allies this ain't.

If you haven't heard, Matrix Games is producing a PC version of Final Edition. It's still got a ways to go, but it looks good so far. Here's the link to the forums:

World in Flames

BTW, I'm envious. I haven't been able to find a WIF group for some time now and need my fix. :)


Eternal Optimist
Yeah, "monster games" were something that I wanted to play in my youth; now I'm more happy to play games that I can finish in a sitting.

Games like Twilight Struggle, Successors, Advanced Squad Leader, Washington's War...

I'm hoping to get Here I Stand to the table soon. :)



First Post
Like I said the game is a monster. Every possible unit is represented as well as each and every ship (not including merchant and convoy ships) that took place in both the European and Pacific theaters of war. Although the war starts in Sept 1939 with Germany invading Poland, things from there can and do take a stark departure from history.

You have to track everything from escorting convoys from North America to ensuring that your units are in supply, that you are taking the right course with your production, to weather, and everything else in between.

The drawback to the game is the length of time to play. We started the war last night and played from Sept 1936 to March 1940. We started at 7:00 PM and ended at 1:00 AM. (Six sold hours of gaming.) You can spend days and days playing this game out. And every country is represented.

The game just boggles the mind in it's scope....

Yeah, it sounds great and our group does want to do a WWII counter game but we need something that doesn't require quite that much time. Six hours is our normal max although we are hoping to pick a day later on where we can do something longer(current plans being that aforementioned Twilight Imperium that's been taunting us).

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