• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

World War Z


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Alright, first off, in answer to the varied "I'd love to play the system, but I don't have the system" We should be able to work around that. Anyone who does have the system, make your characters pretty much as stock from the book. I'll look them over for brokeness, but I trust most of you, hehe.

For those of you who don't, My days off start in 3 days and extend for over a week. Before then I'd like you to write up something that describes what you'd like to play. Basic take on abilities, hobbies, strengths and weaknesses. I can write up a WoD sheet in about 5 minutes if I have a concept heh. I'll scrawl down a basis, you can look it over and see if it does justice, or resubmit it if it does not.

Once in play you can pretty much just go with the flow. Most abilities in the system are self explanitory, and anything you think you'd be able to do reasonably well, you'll have the stats for. You want to hack a computer, look at your int, look at your computers, add them, and start rolling.

This is the best solution I can come up with so far other than telling you go buy/steal the book from someone. I'd like everyone who wants to to be able to play =)

Jemal. Yes everyone is in the same city. No you don't know each other, Some of you might know one another if you want, but I won't force it on you. No I'm not going to force you together. You all live in the city and have for at least a short time. I'm gonna pick a skill/feat (Probably streetwise) that will give you base knowledge of what is where. Buns come in packages of 8 so that you buy more to supliment the fact that you get more hot dogs, which in turn makes you want to buy more hotdogs.


Kay kay, thats all for now folks. All are welcome so don't worry, If you want to play and you're willing to put in the effort to make a character, you're in.

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First Post
So I suppose next in order is to post a little bio about myself?

I might fake name myself, but I'm sure most of you can tell my name is Ethan.

D&D stats (I can sometimes be an egoist, so bear with me)
STR: 12
DEX: 16
CON: 14
INT: 18
WIS: 10
CHA: 14

So suffice it to say, I've got good strength pound for pound, I'm lithe and tread very quietly. I never get sick but I whine about minor hurts. I am quite the capable learner and have the retention of a sponge, but I lack common wisdomality at times. And I'm a manipulator.

Strengths: I can understand people quite well and have a good memory. I am quiet and stealthy, except for my ankles will occasionally pop when I walk. Then I'm not so quiet and stealthy. I'm like a factotem: good at everything, not exceptional at any. I do really well at Jeopardy, except for Connecticut State History. I've never been able to get that category down. Virtue? Maybe Chastity, Valor.

Weaknesses: I can be a know it all at times, and while I am impatient with people, I am very nonchalant about life in general. I take things as they come. I am obsessive compulsive, but only about inconsequential things, like objects being in their proper order, both in terms of sequence and angles. I can say things that I shouldn't have said. Sin? Maybe Pride.

Other Interesting Facts: I have been lucid dreaming about zombies for about 6 years. Very vivid dreams ranging from either hunting them directly, running from them frightened, holed up in a boarded house waiting for the inevitable, or coexisting peacably with them as neighbors. I manage a fitness center, but I majored in college in Molecular Biology with minors in Mathematics and Chemistry.

Appearance: 24 years old, 5'8", 140 lbs, Blue-Grey Eyes, Shortish curly brown hair, but I just got a haircut so it's a little shorter than normal. Dashingly handsome :D No tattoos or distinguishing marks other than a large scar on my lower back.

Background: Product of a broken home, youngest of three boys. Upper Middle Class. Four different colleges in three different states. Just moved to the area about a month ago, the gym hasn't opened yet, just getting equipment and staff all sorted out before we pre-sale. Have been living in a top floor loft apartment until I can find a house. Then this "African Rabies" came about and yeah. Crazy.[/sblock]

Ask me if you need to know anything more.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
By tradition set down a good 1000 years ago, bakers typically pack things in multiples of 4. 4, 8, 12, 16, 20. It's just one of those things.

Meat packers are human like the rest of us and count to 10, so naturally they'd put 10 hot dogs in there.

Intelligent meat packers now pack hot dogs in packs of 8, which simply means when you drop one off the grill, you've got an extra bun. It's a no win.

(just thought I'd prove my encyclopedicic knowledge merit.)


First Post
Jason West
not using my actual last name

well, heres me

Brawl*(kick boxing)

Defense 1
Health 8
Initiative 4
Morality 7
Size 5
Speed 10
Willpower 5
Virtue: Temperance
Vice: Pride

Direction Sense*
Toxin Resistance**

6'3", 297lb, 26yrs old, green eyes, gang tatoo on forearm, typically wear fatigues w/black shirt instead of olive

Born in the middle of the hood, from the time I was 8 till I was 17 i was in the local gang. When I was 17, I ws shot, and my people left me. While I was in the hospital, I decided to get away from the gang for a while, and after I was released, I moved to a different state. While I was gone I suffered multiple knee injuries. When I recieved news that my brother died, I returned home for the funeral. After getting back and helping deal with family matters, I opened a gunshop right outside my old neighborhood with two of my old friends. I had ran this shop for 4 years when I heard of this "African Rabies". Since then sales have increase in the panic. I live in a two story apartment, my landlord occupies the 2nd floor.

financial stuation:lower middle

hobbies: videogames, football, guns

strengths: strong mind, wont crack under pressure, can get just about anything I need, strong, proficency with handguns

Weakness:knee injury, overconfident, gang roots, heavy, smoker
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Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Ok, to everyone who doesn't have access to the book.

We'll start with Attributes: There are nine attributes in 3 groups of three

Mental Group:
Intelligence - mental power stat
Wits - mental finesse stat
Resolve - mental endurance stat

Physical Group:
Strength - physical power stat
Dexterity - physical finesse stat
Stamina- physical endurance stat

Social Group:
Presence - social power stat
Manipulation - social finesse stat
Composure - social endurance stat

Each score is ranked 1 to 5 "dots"

You start out with one dot in each attribute for free.

You get 5 dots to spend on a group of your choosing
4 dots to spend on another
3 to spend on the remaining

the 5th dot in anything costs 2 dots to buy.

Any questions?
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First Post
So I kiiiinda just bought the WoD book and was wondering if we're doing 5/4/3 for abilities or the 7/5/3 that has been previously mentioned?


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
That was my fault brain dead lack of sleep I guess don't even know where that come from...

Wow, stupid me...

should be 5/4/3

Didn't even notice I did it.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Lesson number 2:

Skills are likewise grouped into physical, mental and social.

Mental Skills:

Physical Skills:

Social Skills
Animal Ken

For the Skills you have 11/7/4 to spend, you do not get the first dot free with skills

Skill Specialities: Choose 3 specializtions to place on your skills.


Defense = Lowest of Dexterity or Wits
Health = Stamina + Size (5 for humans adults)
Initiative = Dexterity + Composure
Morality = 7 for starting Characters
Size = 5 for human adults
Speed = Strength + Dexterity + 5
Willpower = Resolve + Copmposure

Choose Virtues and Vices Whenever you act in a way consistant with your Virture even though it is not to your advantage you regain all your willpower

Whenever you act in a way consistant with your Vice at the sake of someone else, you regain 1 willpower point.

Virtues: Charity, Faith, Fortitude, Hope, Justice, Prudence, Temperance
Vices: Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Wrath

Finally, you get 7 points to spend on Merits but I can't type them all out right not, but this should help you along...

Don't worry I double checked all my numbers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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