World War Z


First Post
Wednsday August 22, 2007. 3:11am

It was just another typical evening in Saskatoon. A happy 20 something degrees, light bit of rain showers, though only briefly blotting out the sun with small clouds. People were bustling, work was approaching, less than 20 hours now before he had to be back into the weekly grind of work. He'd kill to get out of it.

Adam sat bored at his computer, tired and sick.. too tired for videogames, but too stubborn to screw himself out of even moments worth of free time in favor of refreshing sleep. It was just the type of person he was. Yet there was simply nothing to do, his roommates asleep or busy, he didn't much care which.

And so he went about his night, fingers tapping on the keyboard typing away some pointless story, happily oblivious and unaware.

[sblock=ooc]Okay, this would be the starting post. Whatever you'd be doing/were doing 3:11am on the 22nd is where you'll be starting. I'm gonna try and pick up the action pretty quickly, and time is gonna progress pretty much when I say it does ^_^; Any questions, askem in the ooc. Also Ethan, your char is now up in the rogue's gallery.

Also, before I go to bed. This is a link to the google earth city of Saskatoon. Anything east of the river is considered the 'good' side of town, anything west, the bad. If you want to simplify your lack of knowledge of the city, you can just edit in that you've moved in recently. Otherwise I'll do my best to append info as needed.[/sblock]
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Jim yawned as he chatted idly with his room-mate Adam. Glancing at his watch, he realized it was 3:00, and realized he'd been up since about 10. He said good night and closed his door, but instead of heading to sleep, he did what he usually ended up doing.. He Forum Trolled.


First Post
Jason was walking the streets, no will to sleep at all. As he walked west across the Victoria Ave. Bridge, he zipped up his heavy jacket, "Hell," he said to himself "been here a month and I'm still not used to the weather." The cold weather was affecting his knee, so he looked a little crippled.
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Mike couldn't sleep. He had been home at around 6 pm and taken a nap. Now he just laid in his bed. It was already a week since he changed to day-shift but he still couldn't sleep at nights. That's what half a year doing only night-shift does to one. So he picked up the book. It was boring old fantasy novel but not boring enough.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Darwin woke up and looked around... dark..

He crawled across the bed and checked where his cell phone was plugged in,

"3 in the morning" he thought. "I got class tomorrow, I gotta get more sleep."

Wandering out of the bedroom he stumbles his way to get a drink of water.


Unable to get to sleep, the restless Jim gets off his computer and decides to head to the nearby 7-11 on 8th street, checking if either of his room-mates are up and want to go with him.


First Post
One eye cracked open slowly, Can't risk two, if two open, I can't fall back asleep. Ethan stayed motionless in his bed, laying on his side, knees slightly bent. He had only been in town a few weeks, living in a pretty nice loft on the east side. It had been pretty low-key for him, adjusting to a new life in a much less busy world, waking up early and working, coming home alone and sleeping all night long. Only time would tell how this endeavor would work out in the end. Damn, I'm thinking too much. I can't fall asleep if my mind keeps racing.


Walking the streets, Jim couldn't get over how Empty they were.. usually there was at least one or two other people, or a car, out, but it seemed like the city was so QUIET....


First Post

For you it seemed a relitively typical night. A top floor apartment on the best side of the city you were rarely bothered by anything. Tonight, the only thing keeping you awake was your neighbors dog. The building had a policies against animals, and you had complained about this little mongrel barking at all hours of the night, but the tenant, a friend of the owner had thus far gotten away with things.

If anything was atypical tonight, it was that dog. Yapping as loud as it could manage, for the better part of the last two hours, waking you up on and off with its steady cries, even from two stories down. It seemed that you were destined not to sleep this morning.


Your phone blinked its time happily at you, a bright, blinding flash into your eyes that sent them dazzling. So much for sleep. Frustrated you headed to get a drink of water, stumbling out into the hall.

As you woke up, you could begin to focus more on the sounds. Your house was just off of Broadway ave. Up several blocks from the famed part of the city, you rested in the more comfortable residential districts that dated back perhaps three decades. It was generally a quiet neighborhood, elderly couples, and new homeowners, most without families.

Which was why the sound of alarms was odd. Distinctly you could make out car alarms, that was obvious, two or three of them going crazy, shutting off for an instant then turning back on, as if something was intentionally setting them off.

Dimmer beneath that, mostly when the car alarms paused close together, you could hear ringing bells, the sound one might associate with bank alarms or whatnot, a much louder, shrill noise splitting the morning air.


The area of downtown in which you lived was a rather relaxed bit of the city. Unlike the north end of downtown, close to 22nd street where drugs, prostitution and other vices were so prominant, the southern end, close to the river was actually considered by many to be one of the more scenic areas of town. Your apartment was on the 9th floor of one of downtown's few sky scraping appartment buildings.

For you it would be a relitively uneventful night as you read your book, a soft chiming heard from your open window, you'd think nothing of it until close to 3:30. Settled back with your book, the smell of wafting smoke would eventually hit your nose.


[sblock=Jason]The bridge collapses under your weight, falling several hundred feet to the river and killing you instantly.

Err... Sorry, I was thinking real life there, not fantasy. The structural integrity of victoria street bridge is... lets just say its in question hehe. Had to make the joke.[/sblock]

Victoria street bridge was the smallest of the pedestrian available bridges in the city. Dubbed by many to be "Cthulu's bridge" for the maddening difficulty of driving across it, the bridge was actually quite scenic in the evening, or as much as anything could be. It allowed a commanding view of the river and the downtown area.

From here Jason could hear the ringing bell, and, were he to struggle he might even be able to pick out precisely where it came from, the open space of the river disapating the sound and making directionality more difficult to determine.


The pair of them had headed out of the house for a walk, the old duplex they shared somewhat stuffy towards the late evening, it was good to get out into the cool august air, the rain finally abated for the first time in nearly a week.

The ground beneath them was still damp the mass powerline they lived beneath buzzing as it fed power from the nearby station to the sprawling businesses of 8th street. The pair of them were chatting for lack of anything to do, discussing work, women and the lack of both in some cases as they headed to a nearby drugmart.

[sblock=ooc]Everyone who thinks they got some hint towards the coming hell, make a Perception check. This is Your wits + Composure.

As a quick sum up on how to roll. You add the two relevent stats, this gives you your pool. You then roll that on invisible castle, attempting to beat 8. If you roll a 10, add a success and reroll that 10.

Penalties, such as for trying to see something when it is dark come in the form of subtracting dice from your pool. I will handle this in most instances, simply by removing the last "X" number of rolls. Also, appologies for the delay, been sick all week =([/sblock]


First Post
Throwing off the heavy covers, Ethan sits up, legs over the side of his bed. "I hate that damn dog." He reluctantly gets up, knowing that doing so spells doom for the prospect of sleeping through the night. He walks down the stairs and into the kitchen, where he grabs a Coke from the fridge. With a hiss and a pop he opens it and sits down to see if anything is on this late at night. Informertials and news permeate the channels, ranging from razor sharp knives to new locales of this African Rabies. Never one to dwell on the news, Ethan continues to flip through channels until something, anything catches his interest. Finally he rests on a rerun of the X-Files, watching half-heartedly as the dialog is interrupted by the incessant barking.

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