Bradshaw is a new one - I'll have to add that to my "nearly my name" list! (I get a lot of Bradley and "Bradford Adams" for whatever reason).
5 September is the given launch date for the 5e Nexus, so only test partners have access to it now. They've had to push it back a bit, but we never had a firm date, just 'before August' (i.e. hoping to announce at Gen Con), but that slipped. Still 'done right' is much better than 'done quick'.
I (naturally) love what you said there about 'done right' - we actually pushed the Early Access date back for 5e NEXUS because we had a couple of additional publishers want to jump into the pool with us late in the party that we really wanted to include. One of those was Ghostfire (we have their Grim Hollow Monster Grimoire in there now) and the other will be announced on the EA date of 9/5.
Definitely keep in mind that this is for the content in our digital reader and game compendium - no character tools yet - but with the Ghostfire Grimoire and Kobold Press's Tome of Beasts 1 and 2, it will be a monstrous release!
I looked at this a little bit, as I bought the Marvel RPG on Demiplane, and if I do their paid monthly membership, I can share the book with other accounts. I did not look close enough to see if this works with both free accounts and paid accounts, or just paid accounts.
Content sharing is definitely a key offering of our subscription! You can share with up to 24 accounts however you would like to share (including to free accounts) - there are no artificial restrictions like being in a campaign for it to work (I got the hint strongly in that past life that no one really liked that part).
And for all the fans of other, non-D&D games out there (like me and my team), keep an eye out for the Vampire and Marvel RPG character tools coming soon. It took us some time to build an underlying platform for character management that was flexible and powerful enough to not only support the complexity of Pathfinder, but dozens (potentially hundreds one day) of games. We have now spun up Avatar Legends in less than 6 weeks, and it looks like we're going to be close to that for both Marvel and Vampire simultaneously. We believe we'll have full character tools for a dozen games by the first part of next year. And we're talking the good stuff, like Pathfinder, Avatar Legends, Marvel, Vampire, Hunter, Werewolf, 5e, ALIEN, Vaesen, and others we can't publicly talk about yet.
And this isn't "here's a character sheet you have to fill out yourself, just digital," but white-gloved tools that will make onboarding to new games a simple process for all those groups out there that wish they could try something new, but are held back because people in the group want "something like DDB" for whatever that prospective game is.
I have no idea if images are allowed here or not, but I'll try and see. I've attached a small peek at the Marvel and Vampire WIP.
That same approach is what we'll take with 5e, and the flexibility we've built into the platform will allow us to cover the wide spread of 5e tweaking and customization that third-party and community creators are putting out there!