D&D (2024) WotC D&D Comunity Update for June 8th.

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Here. I am playing them. I have 3 times posted playtest reports 2 of them turned into fights. Right now I am trying to get up the nerve to post games 2-5 of a playtest and trying to figure out how to without turning it into a fight
Did the thread turn into a fight or the playtest turned into a fight? If you don’t want the thread to turn into a fight, or let’s say an argument, then don’t post it. All threads turn into a discussion/ argument, that is kind of the point.

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Then FUD applies. Though from your description all three seem apply.
No. If you only apply 1/3 and even then only in the broadest point calling it FUD seems (to me) be be dismissive and insulting to people taking a wait and see attitude. And again if the two stores and my personal (that totall over Laos with 1 store) small sample shows anything is it is a not minor amount of people.

Also not 1 of those pre order guys is on enworld (as far as I know). Although at least 2 people on here do go to cave comics so maybe


Did the thread turn into a fight or the playtest turned into a fight?
Threads. If I say any optniom or DM call or even just a bit of flower language to describe something. It has a chance to derail into arguments.
If you don’t want the thread to turn into a fight, or let’s say an argument, then don’t post it.
Again this is why I have not been posting but I am trying to get up the nerve to do so again.
All threads turn into a discussion/ argument, that is kind of the point.
Yeah but some turn into insults and some turn into discussion. More and more enworld has been insults.

No. If you only apply 1/3 and even then only in the broadest point calling it FUD seems (to me) be be dismissive and insulting to people taking a wait and see attitude.
I don’t see it that way, but I’m not trying to upset you. I said FUD plays into my attitude about the 2024 books so I don’t feel it is dismissive. It was just an east way to characterize what you described. I won’t use the term with you past this post.
And again if the two stores and my personal (that totall over Laos with 1 store) small sample shows anything is it is a not minor amount of people.
I never said it was minor. In fact huge numbers of people make decisions based on FUD on a great many topics (politics being the gold standard)
Also not 1 of those pre order guys is on enworld (as far as I know). Although at least 2 people on here do go to cave comics so maybe
I do t know what that had to do with anything, but OK?

Threads. If I say any optniom or DM call or even just a bit of flower language to describe something. It has a chance to derail into arguments.

Again this is why I have not been posting but I am trying to get up the nerve to do so again.

Yeah but some turn into insults and some turn into discussion. More and more enworld has been insults.
One persons insult is another persons argument is another persons discussion. Sometimes it is our relationship to the topic that colors how we view the discourse.
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To see what happens. At BEST it is U. The center word. Uncertainty
Why haven’t you or they waited for every other book then? If it is just uncertainty, that always exists.

You need to fear that your purchase would be wasted because you doubt WotC is being honest. At least that is what I am seeing in your statements.

Edit: just wanted to add that it is perfectly reasonable to have those thoughts and feelings.


Why haven’t you or they waited for every other book then? If it is just uncertainty, that always exists.
Normally it doesn’t. We normally know by pre order what it will be like and if it will work with the most up to date rules.
You need to fear that your purchase would be wasted because you doubt WotC is being honest. At least that is what I am seeing in your statements.
Again not fear at all.
Edit: just wanted to add that it is perfectly reasonable to have those thoughts and feelings.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
The playtest has made as big of carnage’s as 1e/2e and 3e/3.5.
Carnage, seriously?
Now people want to jump at me for 2 reasons
1) it’s MY fault someone isn’t buying the books cause I magically or useing scarecrow has made people afraid
2) it isn’t a good enough reason to the poster for why someone they don’t know isn’t spending money the way they want
No one has said either of those things.

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