D&D 5E WotC has updated the Hadozee glide ability on DnDBeyond

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B/X Known World
Glide. When you fall at least 10 feet above the ground, you can use your reaction to extend your skin membranes to glide horizontally a number of feet equal to your walking speed, and you take 0 damage from the fall. You determine the direction of the glide.

For reference, here's the old one.

Glide. If you are not incapacitated or wearing heavy armor, you can extend your skin membranes and glide. When you do so, you can perform the following aerial
• You can move up to 5 feet horizontally for every 1 foot you descend in the air, at no movement cost to you.
• When you would take damage from a fall, you can use your reaction to reduce the fall’s damage to 0.

Glide. When you fall at least 10 feet above the ground, you can use your reaction to extend your skin membranes to glide horizontally a number of feet equal to your walking speed, and you take 0 damage from the fall. You determine the direction of the glide.

For reference, here's the old one.

Glide. If you are not incapacitated or wearing heavy armor, you can extend your skin membranes and glide. When you do so, you can perform the following aerial
• You can move up to 5 feet horizontally for every 1 foot you descend in the air, at no movement cost to you.
• When you would take damage from a fall, you can use your reaction to reduce the fall’s damage to 0.
can you confirm it's pay wall blocked, or am I just not finding it?

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