WotC WotC Makes Over $1B In 2021!

According to ICv2, D&D publisher WotC made over $1 billion in total sales in 2021, including $952M in tabletop games. WotC is the first (and only) billion dollar publisher in tabletop RPGs, although much of this revenue will also be due to Magic the Gathering. It is responsible for a staggering 72% of Hasbro's total operating profit. Interim CEO Rich Stoddart indicated that tabletop games...

According to ICv2, D&D publisher WotC made over $1 billion in total sales in 2021, including $952M in tabletop games.

WotC is the first (and only) billion dollar publisher in tabletop RPGs, although much of this revenue will also be due to Magic the Gathering. It is responsible for a staggering 72% of Hasbro's total operating profit.

Interim CEO Rich Stoddart indicated that tabletop games grew 44% and accounted for 74% of the $1.3B sales for WotC in 2021. The division at Hasbro is 'Wizards of the Coast and Digital Gaming', so the remained came from the Digital Gaming side of things.



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OK. Let’s see.

Yeah pretty much. Anyone saying this is going to be XYZ (good or bad) probably has an agenda.

Making large changes at least is a risk. It can work but it can also blow up in your face.

5Es popular but it's because it's 5E changing that will be a risk.
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I crit!
Yeah pretty much. Anyone saying this is going to be XYZ (good or bad) probably has an agenda.

Making large changes at least us a risk. It can work but it can also blow up in your face.

5Es popular but it's because it's 5E changing that will be a risk.
I do think that most of the folks who are going to jump ship over this have already, loudly so.

But yea change is dangerous waters.

It’s one reason 5e change has been so slow to date. Why they didn’t mess with the PHB for so long. Fear and an unclear picture of just what the magic recipe was.


The EN World kitten
Ed Greenwood works in a freaking Library, while WotC is about to turn the Forgotten Realms into a billion dollar MCU/DCU/Transformers kind of multiversal TV/Movie Franchise. So start with Ed, toss him a million dollars.
From what I know of him, Ed Greenwood would probably continue working at his local library no matter how much money he had. Have you seen the guy's house?



I still have a fax machine (though it's internet-based). I last worked at an office that used WP in 2013. And several of the proprietary programs I use DOS terminal instances.

We have 1 fully functional typewriter at the office and one of the attorneys still uses it very occasionally. Not 100% sure for what but it's state court related.

We also still get a few faxes a day and still have to send faxes occasionally - though we went to electronic fax years ago - so for us it's little different from email.

This site has a detailed beakdown:

Including this little item. Be prepared to see D&D everywhere in 2023:

Leveraging Hasbro's unique ability to develop and merchandise key brands across the business, the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS feature film finished principal photography during 2021 and is currently in post-production. A full Brand Blueprint campaign is slated to maximize the franchise value of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS across tabletop and digital gaming, consumer products, licensing and entertainment to align with the scheduled theatrical release in 2023


I crit!
I am not sure that choosing not to kill the goose that lays golden eggs can be classified as "fear".
OK I’ll cop to fear being too strong a word. They have said they were worried about changing it too much. That they were surprised by its success. So much so that when it initially sold out (the PHB) they thought that something was wrong.

I do think that their changes are going to be just fine though. I suspect they’ll be OK.


I crit!
As an aside, I could still run a game every night of the week for different groups of people. And a relative of mine, not knowing I even played the game. Waxed poetic about trying to start. When I said I’d run a game for them we had a game night scheduled for a whole group before dinner hit the table.

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