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WotC's Chris Perkins Describes Tomb of Annihilation

With the adventure coming out in just a few days (September 8th), WotC's Chris Perkins summarises the concept and drops a few hints.

With the adventure coming out in just a few days (September 8th), WotC's Chris Perkins summarises the concept and drops a few hints.


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Only problem I have with this...and, honestly, I thought I was going to *hate* it...is the "hook";...now, nobody can be returned from the dead! If that wasn't the hook, I'd be all over this AP! :) I also wonder how people in campaigns where raise/resurrection magic isn't available. Could make for interesting in-game conversations.

Why do I have a problem with that? Er...people don't get raised from the dead or resurrected in 99.9% of my games (even when we play high level; with we only do/did back in 3.5e or 2e...nobody really ever go to high level in our 1e/Hackmaster 4th campaigns, whowuddathunkit?).

sounds like this could work perfect for you then ...

Does it have to be in your world, cause it sounds like it fits your style of play.

You already dont like resurrection ... this campaign is all about that. In a world where raise dead always happens ... boom I hate raise dead. Just alter what happens after the PCs win or lose. If they loose ... your campaign already says Raise Dead doesnt work. Now we know why. If they win, you can still limit it but it could explain why you can only do it rarely and then you could have a second campaign based on the Death gods are MAD now!! RAWR

anyways ... I get it. I dont like Raise Dead magic either, but that is how I am going to roll with it. There was a time where mortals were able to conquer death ... and someone figure out how to capture souls like the gods. Now the players want to get that power back, but it's at a cost and coming back from death will never be the same again win or lose.


So how about this. Just flip it. You don't have raise dead in your world/wheelhouse/ethos NOW...well, here comes 'Ayh-sur-rak'! he's avaricious. And in LOVE with death!!!

This is good also!!

Why is he raising the dead? what power is that giving him?

love this concept to ... you cant have that power? It will destroy everything if the rich/powerful can just keep coming back! He must be stopped\

Not sure how much it would change the actual adventure



sounds like this could work perfect for you then ...

Does it have to be in your world, cause it sounds like it fits your style of play.

You already dont like resurrection ... this campaign is all about that.

Oh, it's not that I don't like Res/ResDead...it's just that it's never been a "thing" in my campaigns, for like, almost 40 years now. Even when there were PC's capable of it, it just didn't come up that often. Last time raising someone from the dead was a 'thing' was...2001'ish? Another DM was running The Shackled City using 3.5e. That campaign got silly once we hit around 14th or so...the amount of death was absurd, and raising was almost a daily occurrence. It was rather laugh inducing, to be honest. Even the DM was starting to think "WTF is going on?". My character and another players character died; but we both had complex Contingencies (or some magic item, I can't remember) where if we died, our bodies would get teleported to a specific room in a specific church in the City of Greyhawk. We pre-arranged payment and whatnot with the high priest there (an NPC buddy of ours). We got resurrected there...and stayed there. Eff the Isle of Dread and the Demogogon it rode in on!

Other than that little "run", pretty much nobody gets raised/resurrected...even when they have the means to do it. I mean, somebody dies a traumatizing death in a horrible, horrible way...and now they want to go back for seconds? o_O With the distinct possibility that they may only live another few hours or days, and die AGAIN in a new, traumatically horrible way? Er...maybe once or twice...max. After that, they'll get the "Your up, sir, do you want to go back to the living?", and the sane spirit will say "No effing WAY am I going back to that nightmare! I'm going fishing for the next hundred years...bye!"

Anyway, yeah. Now, EVIL people may want to come back...."What!? You're screwing me...in more ways than one...Asmodeus! I was told I would be a general in hell's army! This is BS! As soon as I get the call to be raised, I'm outta here!" ;) So, if anything, in my campaigns, it's really only the bad guys who would want to help fight Acererak...

Hmmm..... maybe I can run it as an "evil" campaign? That makes a LOT more sense that Good folk trying to 'fix it'.


Paul L. Ming

Voidrunner's Codex

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