I don't think anyone here is saying "4e is nothing like WoW" in that sense (as in there is 0.0000% resemblance between the two).
WoW is a fantasy MMORPG (yes, while it is far from common, you can occasionally find
good RP in WoW, if you know where to look and have some luck) whereas 4e is a fantasy TTRPG. The point being, they're both fantasy RPGs.
Of course they are going to have similarities. The point of debate, so to speak, is whether that resemblance is of any greater significance than the similarity WoW has to most other fantasy RPGs.
You can say that you feel 4e is very WoW-like because encounter powers feel like cooldowns to you.
I can say that I feel that that doesn't feel very WoW-ish to me because I feel that cooldown powers like dragon's breath (from earlier editions) feel to capture the cooldown concept much better
for me.
This might well be colored by the fact that a friend of mine created a TTRPG last year that was mechanically very similar to WoW (complete with aggro "meters" and real cooldowns). Unsurprisingly, it proved less than completely successful, though it wasn't entirely unfun to playtest. I've experience with WoW, 4e, and even a TTRPG that tried to do what WoW does as WoW does it, and that no doubt affects my viewpoint.
When people talk about a "feeling" they're expressing an opinion, and while we can debate those opinions until we are all blue in the face, there's nothing to be gained by getting upset over not having changed someone else's opinion. It's their opinion.