D&D 5E You Cant Fix The Class Imbalances IMHO


At least without a rewrite like 4E. Do that it's a different game.

I think you could tweak the game a bit to help. A combination of buffs, nerfs and changing the game dynamics. Eg monsters can be resistant or mmune to non magical attacks and AC scales better than saves. There's not much in the way of actual magic resistance or immunity. Advantage on saves is a said joke outside things like dragons and higher cr critters.

OSR games get a few things right.

Saves that scale (all of them)
Magic/spell resistance. Your spells can just fail.

Classes advance at different rates. I would suggest this ratio drop a 0 if required.

Fighter 1500 xp
Rogue 1250 xp
Cleric 2000
Wizard 2500

Find a tier list and map the top 3 classes to the wizards xp, next 3 get fighter xp while rogues, artificers and monks level up faster.

Cleric and wizard could maybe switch places. May as well go back to different xp rates everything else dince has been worse along with level dipping etc.

I don't have much faith One D&D is going to fix much just pay for errata and nerf the worst offenders.

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Tony Vargas

At least without a rewrite like 4E. Do that it's a different game.
In other words, you can fix class imbalances. It's been done, with every class that appears in 5e, and more.

That only makes it a different game if you consider radical class imbalance a defining trait of D&D.

Which, like, is not that unreasonable. Going on 48 of D&D's 50 years of history, the classes have been imbalanced.


In other words, you can fix class imbalances. It's been done, with every class that appears in 5e, and more.

That only makes it a different game if you consider radical class imbalance a defining trait of D&D.

Which, like, is not that unreasonable. Going on 48 of D&D's 50 years of history, the classes have been imbalanced.

Well it's been done ended badly. They're not gonna do it again someone has to buy this stuff.

And 4E created new problems eg slow grind combat, straight jackets on the classes, forced roles etc.

Tony Vargas

Well it's been done ended badly. They're not gonna do it again someone has to buy this stuff.
4e outsold its predecessors - like every ed has, thanks to econ growth & inflation (in terms of units, no ed until 5e touched 1e's record) - it just had absurdly high goals.
And the edition war.

So, fact, the classes can be balanced.
And you're saying WotC has chosen to make them imbalanced, intentionally, going forward. I'm not going to argue against that.
And 4E created new problems eg slow grind combat, straight jackets on the classes, forced roles etc.
Those are just edition war dog whistles for class balance.
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It seems obvious that, if you didn't have a high tolerance for imbalances, you wouldn't play an imbalanced game, if there were practical alternatives.

Or, the way the majority of people (thats "all the players for which 5e is the only edition for 500 Alex") play does not reinforce or highlight the imbalances that are perceived by an aggrieved portion of the terminally online playerbase?


4e outsold its predecessors - like every ed has, thanks to econ growth & inflation - it just had absurdly high goals.
And the edition war.

So, fact, the classes can be balanced.
And youre saying WotC has chosen to make them imbalanced, intentionally, going forward.

Those are just edition war dog whistles for class balance.

You haven't seen the recent updates have you. Every edition sold less than one before it, 4E did not outsell 3.0 apparently. 3.5 maybe.


Rapid collapse as well I bought two gopues blind oops.

Voidrunner's Codex

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