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D&D 5E You find a magical _____, it does _____


The whole purpose of these kinds of threads is to exercise our creativity and maybe give others some inspiration - and for the sillier ones like this and the change-a-magic-item thread, it's a form of entertainment as well. If we had any intention of keeping this stuff to ourselves, we wouldn't be posting it on the internet.
(If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then outright stealing somebody's idea is the highest compliment, lol)

The Wanting Seed

This magical seed is about the size of a peach pit, and is bright green and somewhat fuzzy. When planting the seed in the ground, the person doing so may make a wish (not to be confused with an actual Wish spell)... Within a week, the Wanting Seed will sprout and grow into a large tree. In another week, that tree will die, and the trunk will split open.
The trunk is hollow inside and may contain something relating to the wish that was made - an object, an answer, etc.
There is a 20% chance that the tree will also sprout a new Wanting Seed.
If the wood of a Wanting Seed tree is used to make a bow or club, or the haft of another weapon, that weapon counts as magical for the purposes of damage resistance and may be further enchanted.

A large round ball of dark crystal, with a small circle of clear crystal embedded in it, filled with a murky liquid...
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Kai Grieb

First Post
Hey, thanks, guys! The game isn't completely D&D-based in itself, but most of my characters within are, and some of these items sound like tools my characters would legitimately use. One of them is even an Elven messenger. The GM's pretty lenient, anyway, and it's an equal parts storytelling / combat -focused forum game, so I don't think it'll be a problem. Thanks again, and Merry Christmas!

Kai Grieb

First Post
The Sultan's Grief
Favored mount of the Sultan Syl-Ralan Pesarkhal of the third dynasty, "Dune-Strider" was also a magnificent war mount and was instrumental in many of the Sultan's most famous victories, which are now lost to the sands of time. Grief stricken upon his noble steed's death, Syl-Ralan had Dune-Strider stuffed, enchanted and eventually moved to his tomb upon the Sultan's death.

When the words "Dune Strider, you magnificent beast! Are you ready for battle?" are spoken in any language, the camel will reply "Most definitely your Majesty! I am but your servant - point me in the direction and we shall charge into Glory!" The camel kneels, enabling someone to climb into the saddle at which point Dune Strider stands again. Wind and dust blows in the rider's face for 1 minutes while the camel gallops in place.

Next item: a Roc feather quill pen

This one is equal parts sad, funny, and just plain bittersweet... :.-(



A large round ball of dark crystal, with a small circle of clear crystal embedded in it, filled with a murky liquid...

Orok The Obsidian
This nightmarish orb, when rubbed has an equal chance of releasing either a plague of Skeksis upon Eberron or Borys upon Athas

Next Item: A wolf bone with a thin luminous green circle around it

Next Item: A wolf bone with a thin luminous green circle around it

The Rod of the Pack
While holding this rod which looks like a wolf bone with a thin luminous green circle around it, you can use an action to activate it. It summons all wolves, dead and alive, from a radius of 1 mile around you to come to you, the holder of the rod. It is up the the DM to decide whether these wolves act friendly or hostile to you and your party members.

Next item: Four golden rings, linked together into a short chain.
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Rings of the Pugilist
These rings are actually made of brass, but have a brilliant golden color to them. Whether it is due to the enchantment or not is not readily apparent. When one ring is put on each finger of a hand, open hand strikes with that hand do more damage. Double the strength modifier to any damage rolls (minimum 1 damage) when you successfully hit with the hand wearing the Rings of the Pugilist. Strikes with this hand also count as magical attacks for the purposes of overcoming resistances.

PS I wanted to make this into some sort of Yuletide item (ie "Five Golden Rings!") but my muse was not with me this morning. More caffeine!

Next Item: A braid of course grey hair fashioned into a bracelet.


Rings of the Pugilist
These rings are actually made of brass, but have a brilliant golden color to them. Whether it is due to the enchantment or not is not readily apparent. When one ring is put on each finger of a hand, open hand strikes with that hand do more damage. Double the strength modifier to any damage rolls (minimum 1 damage) when you successfully hit with the hand wearing the Rings of the Pugilist. Strikes with this hand also count as magical attacks for the purposes of overcoming resistances.

PS I wanted to make this into some sort of Yuletide item (ie "Five Golden Rings!") but my muse was not with me this morning. More caffeine!

Next Item: A braid of course grey hair fashioned into a bracelet.

Bracelet of the Korred: As an action, you may pull off a length of hair. The hair may become any piece of mundane equipment less than 5 pounds, or a length of rope up to 100 feet in length.

Next up: A little stone statuette of a Gelatinous Cube.


You find a magical puppet, it does not look good.

Oh, I thought this was one of those memes where you hit the center auto fill button to determine the answer. Nothing to see here...


Study of the Plasmancer
This little figurine was a model of an ooze constructed by the sociopathic mage, Victus, before his more nefarious work resulted in his subsequent execution. At the time, the blasphemer was masquerading as a puppeteer as he travelled the known world looking for magical ingredients and unfortunate test subjects. When the magical word "Vive!" is spoken, the figurine comes to life, transforming into a tiny gelatinous cube about 8 inches on a side and serves vaguely under the speaker's nominal command. After several prominent cats went missing, Victus enchanted the item with a camouflaging feature. When the word "Virtzevigor!" is whispered, the figurine changes into a sickly-looking puppet until the command is repeated. After 12 hours as a living ooze, the magic runs down and the item changes back into normal statuette form until it recharges for at least 48 hours. Finally, if the word "Juiblexfrever" is spoken in the general vicinity of the statuette, it animates and does a little slimy dance.

Next: A pouch containing twelve teeth from various species that have been carved or otherwise shaped into the forms of people with expressions of alarm. A thirteenth scrimshaw person bears a leering smile instead.
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