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Your Best and Worst Sci-Fi TV Shows!


Rackhir said:
uh, oh ah, you wouldn't happen to have any "acquired" any"candid" photos of Angela Dotchin? While working on the show? :heh: :heh:

I fear my camera reflexes are lousy. I don't remember the last time I took a photo...


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First Post
First, I'll have to divide between "classic" (1977 and before) and "modern" (after 1977); with Star Wars, the whole approach to sci-fi television changed

"classic" top 5:
Twilight Zone - pretty much a given, it's influenced most good (and a lot of bad) sci-fi since
Outer Limits - not as good, but still memorable
ST:TOS - again, this set the standard for space sci-fi to follow, for good and bad
The Prisoner - maybe a tough call as sci-fi, but advanced electronics, mind control, rockets and a giant animated ball combine to put it in this category. Plus, it really messed me up as a child.
Batman - yes, it's campy and set back comics years, but it's still a lot of fun

honorable semi-genre mentions:
Wild Wild West - steampunk before there was the word
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea - submarine adventure was the space adventure of its day. "Seaquest" certainly didn't beat it

"classic" bottom 5:
Lost in Space - I thought it was dumb as a kid, and still don't like it
Land of the Lost - liked it a little more, but has aged very badly
Dr Who - I know this is heresy, but while there are many good episodes, they are outweighed by the bad
Electra Woman and DynaGirl - just plain bad
Time Tunnel - best of the worst, but has been done better by later shows

Disappointing mention:
Six Million Dollar Man - great intro and first years, but had a long slide downhill

"Modern" Top 5 (no particular order):
SG-1/Atlantis: Not high art, but conistent sci-fi that does a good balance between episodic stories and plot arcs. Probably the most family-friendly scifi currently out, with a strong non-cheesecake female character and not much in the way of "mature" themes (my 13 yo enjoys this a lot more than BSG)
DS9: Not pure Trek, but the best Trek Universe show. Got too mystical at the end, but still several strong seasons.
Firefly: Had great potential, and some great episodes.
Farscape: certainly a "love it or hate it" show. I happen to love it, as a show that was brave enough to both try bizarre ideas and to not take itself too seriously.
BSG (new version): here on probationary status; hopefully, the second season will be as good

Honorable mention: B5 - had 3 of the best-written seasons of sci-fi, but the acting and mediocre seasons 1 and 5 keep it just off the last

"Modern" bottom 5:
Final Season Award (shared) - "Battlestar 80", "Buck Rogers", "War of the Worlds" - all fair to decent shows that were ruined by a change in the core concept
NBC Superhero Award (shared) - Manimal and Powers of Matthew Star - both too short to get their own slot. And don't forget "Misfits of Science"!
V (the series) - miniseries was great, but the series simply ran out of steam and budget. when a 10 yo can spot recycled, mis-matched footage, you've got a problem.
ABC Superhero Award (shared) - Automan and "The Phoenix" - early 80's was a bad time for TV scifi
ST Voyager - best of the worst; could have been great, and had some great episodes, but degenerated into "The 7-of-9 and Doctor Show" near the end, and had a simply awful finale

Disappointing mention:
Crusade - Ted Turner and JMS do not make a good combination. Could have been a good show (Starblazers/Yamato in B5), but clashes ruined it
Last edited:

Mad Hatter

First Post
I don't want to make a list now, but I do want to comment on two shows that have been getting flak.

Andromeda's first 2 seasons were good. The characters of Tyr and Rev Bem were good concepts. But they wrote Bem out because the actor had some allergice reaction. Tyr's character was driven into the ground because the show became all about Sorbo.

Earth: Final Conflict's first two seasons were good as well. Kevin Kilner as Boone was still on the show and the character of Da'an was sufficiently shady but overall good. The problem came with Liam and the fact that season 5 had almost nothing to do with what came before it.


Hypersmurf said:

Anyone else wanna insult my work? ;)

(For the record, I'm well aware that none of the PRP shows were High Art :) But they were a blast to work on, and I can console myself that there is an obvious quality gap between Herc and Xena, and, say, Sinbad or The New Adventures of Robin Hood.)


Just how were you involved with these shows? Extra? Assistant grip? I'm all curious now...

The Mad Kaiser

First Post
1. Mystery Science Theater 3000
2. DS9 (last season excluded)
3. Farscape
4. Red Dwarf
5. Twilight Zone
6. BSG (2004-05)

1. Anything remotely associated with Scott "Tender-Vittles" Bakula
2. Homeboyz in Outer Space
3. Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
4. Land Of The Giants
5. Space Precinct
6. War Of The Worlds


SuperGamera said:
NBC Superhero Award (shared) - Manimal and Powers of Matthew Star - both too short to get their own slot. And don't forget "Misfits of Science"!

ABC Superhero Award (shared) - Automan and "The Phoenix" - early 80's was a bad time for TV scifi

Aww... I loved Misfits of Science and Automan!

Okay, so I was about eight, but even so! ;)

Kelleris said:
Just how were you involved with these shows? Extra? Assistant grip? I'm all curious now...

Stunts. I spent about four years as henchman to the BBEGotW.



Oh, so you weren't just a member of the set crew or something, you were one of those guys Xena randomly flips over. (In the physical and not metaphorical sense, of course.) Cool!

Now I'm going to see you in a weird barbarian hat every time I read one of your posts (for some reason, my dominant memory of those New Zealand shows).

Well, that and Iolaus dying or nearly dying biweekly in the mid-later seasons of Hercules.

Hand of Evil

Some of the 'missing' shows I have not seen on the lists. ;)

Planet of the Apes
Man from Atlantis
Man and Machine
She Spys
Knight Rider


First Post
I notice that the two people who rated Red Dwarf in their Top 5 Worst are American. Seeing as my brain can not comprehend someone not liking the antics of the crew of the Small Rouge One can I put this down to the eternal American/British humour conflict?

Otherwise I'm very, very confused.


First Post
SuperGamera said:
ST Voyager - best of the worst; could have been great, and had some great episodes, but degenerated into "The 7-of-9 and Doctor Show" near the end, and had a simply awful finale

I'll agree with 7 of 9, but, c'mon!, the Doctor was a great character. Would've been great if they had given Harry Kim some character development, besides being the kid.

Kelleris said:
Oh, so you weren't just a member of the set crew or something, you were one of those guys Xena randomly flips over. (In the physical and not metaphorical sense, of course.) Cool!

I said he'll flip ya. Flip ya for real.

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