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Your favourite non-D&D game?


Whoops, yes Dragon Age. Sorry, mind blank.

Nah, I know better than to make a fantasy heartbreaker system ;) That's the ONE thing all my years of gaming has taught me.

I'm pretty sure you're thinking of 13th Age, not Dungeon World or Dragon Age.

I'm exploring other systems now, but so far I've only played or run D&D (including d20 variants -- Modern/Future, Iron Heroes) and CoC. 13th Age simplifies a lot of the things I like about 4E into a tasty package, so it's very appealing for heroic fantasy, but I haven't played or run it yet. I have some interest in the d20 variant Legend, which is designed for build-your-own-class type multiclassing in a very interesting and appealing way, but it still comes with a lot of the d20 baggage that I dislike.

I own Dread, and I'd love to run or play it, but I haven't had a chance yet. I also own Fiasco and haven't tried it. And Savage Worlds, which I'm looking at both as a potential grittier Black Company style fantasy game, and as a sci-fi game (I like the grimdark BSG remake style). I've got Cortex, too, which I'm basically planning to compare to Savage Worlds for sci-fi.

Edit: And I recently picked up the Burning Wheel PDF after seeing it talked up a bit here. I looked at the physical book at my FLGS, but I loathed the aggressively retro layout and typesetting.

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Burning Wheel. I absolutely love the game. Character driven by the players, simple base rule with expanded sections to make fights, social conflict, and even stuff like resources important and tense moments for the group. Mouse Guard too because it is basically Burning Wheel lite.


There is a few games I really like and, as they satisfy different gaming needs for me, it's hard to decide which one is my favorite.

If I was forced to choose, I'd probably point to Nobilis. For the setting, for how it handles super-powerful characters, for the projects subsystem.

But Exalted and Mistborn come close after that.

And then there are games that I think are really good, but haven't yet have a chance to play or run more than a couple sessions. Like Dungeon World, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying and Fate Core.


The D&D playing I do is solo with the wife - I haven't played D&D in a group setting in 15 years. But I've been playing/Gming Hero weekly in a group since 1986.


+1 for Savage Worlds - my favorite overall. It is so easy to prepare and still complex enough to be fun to play. The design goals include ease of GMing but fun protections for the players. Bennies (like action points) are fun as are aces (exploding dice). I think the card-based initiative is so good that I import it to other games. It beckons me, and I could easily run any game with it - even converting other mechanics to Savage Worlds. And you can try it free: http://www.peginc.com/pdfstore/test-drive-savage-worlds-the-wild-hunt/

Another that appeals to me repeatedly is Omega World d20. It is a D&D-derivative, being a d20 game; but it really is a brilliantly concise adaptation of the classic Gamma World game. It is a steal for a $4.95 download: http://paizo.com/products/btpy7zeq Our group used it to play several games. I used it to run the adventures presented in Alternity Gamma World, and I would like to run it with the adventures in the expansions for the new Gamma World game (which I found to be a great 4e "lite" adaptation, but the players found to be too limited for character creation & development).

Others that bear repeating for me include Judge Dredd d20 for reasons similar to Omega World. It's a great adaptation of the familiar d20 rules to the Dredd setting. Also, core Rifts because it is so nostalgic & gonzo and I have the very good Machinations of Doom graphic novel source book to use with it. ORK! should be run annually for the orkness and the cool game engine it has (which could be adapted to other more serious games).

Anyway, I would take any of those off the shelf for our game this week if that call came.


Cute but dangerous
Star Trek, Star Wars, Shadowrun and Deadlands. In that order.

I would never try anything with "harn" in the name because that's German for urine and would just cause a lot of laughs and prevent any serious campaign ;)

Jan van Leyden

I would never try anything with "harn" in the name because that's German for urine and would just cause a lot of laughs and prevent any serious campaign ;)

Why, you could use the accent in Hârn to produce any funny sound. And as long as you don't use expressions like "in Hârn's way" <ou should be good. :blush:

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