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HM's Carrion Crown AP - IC


Thy wounds are healed!
"AH-HA! I have just the thing! Four Liquid Ghosts coming up!" Zokar shouts and turns to head to the bar quickly.

From there table the group sees the large man work at something under the bar. Then he sets the first of four glasses atop it. Whatever is in the glass glows with a faint greenish tint and an odd mist waifs from the top of it like an eerie morning fog.

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Firvinianna Laali, Half Drow Elven Sorceress

"Rudeness isn't important? Then we were raised quite differently." Gregori sits tight-lipped and visibly irritated.

Firvinianna is irked at being snapped at and looks right back into his eyes
from across the table, "Then don't be rude, Gregori. If speaking in my native tongue offends you, does that mean you are racist against elves? I have spent much of my life as an outsider because of the color of my skin. So tell me now if you are so bigoted."

There is sadness in her eyes as she is forced to remember the past and the prejudices she has faced. The proprietor's arrival brings a forced smile to her face, but more than likely the jolly man thinks she is mourning the Professor.

To take her mind off of the melancholy memories, she studies the drink preparations. Slightly curious, Firvin murmurs an elven incantation, keeping her hand gestures under the table and out of sight, "Mani templa," Keeping the concentration going while looking for any magical auras.

OOC: Cast Detect Magic

Firvinianna Laali


Gregori scowls and then laughs though there is little humor in it. "You're in Ustalav, where everyone distrusts elves. Why should I be any different? But I'm from Caliphas and have had no bad dealings with elves. It's not the tongue, it's the manner and the brusque dismissal. Clearly, you wish to have a private conversation. Be my guest."

He gets up and goes to the bar pausing to blink owlishly at the strange concoction the bartender is mixing at the bar. He smiles wryly. "Let me guess. If I were to ask what was in this you'd say 'Trade secret.' Am I right? Or might I persuade you to part with a few of your secrets, eh?" He's clearly interested in the process.


Firvinianna Laali, Half Drow Elven Sorceress

Firvinianna sighs, "Gregori, it was not so private that we would not explain later if it was nothing more than just a quip. Just please don't draw attention to it when we are trying to inconspicuous. I assure you that if it is important, I will tell you later when we have privacy."

She leaves Marshan answer for himself for the 'brusque dismissal' since she did nothing of the sort.


Firvinianna Laali


Thy wounds are healed!
"Secret? Why no secrets here," Zakor laughs.

"I had these two special barrels made," the man says pointing to the taps under the bar. Gergori can see that the barrels are a jet black with copper bindings. Runes are etched all around the binding like those used in incantations.

"When the ale is brewed the kegs pull restless spirits out of the air to mix with the hops. It is a way to keep them from causing mischief here in my establishment."
he says with another large grin.

"Here," he says pushing a faintly glowing glass at Gergori. "Try it."

[sblock=OOC] Sense Motive GE, DC is set below. [/sblock]
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Satin Knights

First Post
After Gregori has left the table, in a normal volume, but in elvish, "The *human* apparently is uncomfortable being with us in here. Let him go. Maybe we should speak in their tongue so as to not offend the *whole* bar." Switching to common, and looking at Halal, "So how does a Tengu get involved in the affairs of a teacher like Professor Lorrimar?"
[sblock=actions]Seeing the separation strategy of the human, he continues to speak in elvish for a bit, playing for the crowd that might understand elvish, and bolstering Gregori's apparent move.[/sblock]
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Halál watches the exchange between Firvin and Gregori carefully, his interest apparent. When Gregori makes his exit and Marshan poses his question he leans back somewhat in his chair and considers his answer.

"Well, the short version is that I stumbled across the Professor as he was being assaulted by some common back-alley thugs. We struck up a conversation, and from there a friendship based on our mutual inquisitiveness.

"What of yourselves? Firvin, unless I'm mistaken you were there in the alley that night as well, and in actuality already had the matter fairly well in hand. But surely that's not all there is to the story. And you, Marshan; how did you come to know the Professor?"

As he speaks, Halál's head occasionally turns or cocks to the side abruptly. The effect is initially somewhat disconcerting, but the other two soon realize that he's keeping an eye on the room . . . and that each time his gaze passes over Gregori at the bar it takes on a somewhat worried look.
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Satin Knights

First Post
"Many years ago, while I was in the Taldan Phalanx, the professor was visiting and teaching defensive strategies. The personalized attention in his teaching strengthened my arm as well as my arcane skills. He was only schooling us for a few days, but I have kept in touch with him from time to time. After leaving the army, I have been a bit of wanderer, much as he was. So, our paths would cross from time to time." As he speaks, Marshan is keeping a watchful eye on the other half of the room to the back of the birdman.


Firvinianna Laali, Half Drow Elven Sorceress

Firvinianna doesn't switch back to common, but instead speaks in the tongue of angels (Celestial) and translates the conversation for the Tengu, not caring what the locals think, being an outcast by her racial heritage already.

She adds her own story of the events of rescuing the Professor
<<In Celestial and then Elven>>
"I was on hand to aid the distracted Professor, but I did nothing special than use a few minor incantations. However, I can see that the rogues felt out numbered and outclassed opting to not discuss the issue further."

"I don't think speaking other languages will offend any here more than our general appearance. Ustalov doesn't have an official language; the people speaking Taldane, Skald and Varisian. However, we should be circumspect on displays of magic and alternative religions in certain situations, perhaps. By and large they are suspicious of their own neighbors as much as foreigners."

She shrugs, leaving the conversation on languages at that, as she looks around with a polite smile to see if they attracted any unwanted or curious attention. Continuing as before, Firvin says, "If we stay here for a few weeks to a month, we might want to try and build a positive reputation among the locals. Perhaps I should offer my services as an entertainer for the evening. When the proprietor returns, I shall address the subject."


Firvinianna Laali


Gregori Ostov

Gregori's done a fair amount of research but to say his knowledge of arcane runes was sketchy at best would be an exaggeration. He looks skeptically at the casks then at the glowing liquid the bartender has placed in front of him. He suspects the bartender is having a bit of fun at his expense but he isn't quite sure. "You distill ghosts into drinks?!" He reaches for the drink then hesitates then grabs it up and takes a drink all the while looking like a man who knows he is making a horrible mistake.

He sets the mug down a little harder than he intended and it makes a loud <THUD>. A slow smile spreads across his face. "Ghosts or not, it's good. I'd hate to see the day when you run out of ghosts and can't make more of this stuff." He chuckles uncertainly. "You must have a lot of ghosts around here."

[sblock=OOC]Gregori can't succeed at a DC 26 Sense Motive so I'm not entirely sure how to have him react. Maybe an alchemy check to see if he knows of something that might produce such a glow or to detect an element in its taste?[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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