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Search results

  1. A

    Looking for Carpe DM's Paladin PRCs

    Specifically I am looking for his Kreuzritter. It was featured in KODT Issue 80 ( so yeah, this is from over 5 years ago), but shortly bvefore that was posted on a long lost thread several months prior to issue 80s publication. I believe it was 3.0 compatible but if a 3.5 version exists...
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    Grappler/Pugilist Prestige Class for a Monk?

    It's been over a year since i have posted to this site (and that long since I have had a game) so I am sure i have missed much. In any case, I am playing a Half-Ork Monk (level 1 Barbarian-->level 2 Fighter-->Monk; with appropriate alignment shifts) that specializes in...
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    Where cani find Pulp adventures?

    Hi, its been over 6 months since i last posted here so bear with me if i screwed anything up. I am looking for either a site that has adventures, adventure seeds or other pulp roleplaying stuff (even pictures would be nice) or A Company that is selling pulp Roleplaying...
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    Mutants and Masterminds: Other Genres

    For those of you who play Mutants and Masterminds in a genre besides that which the authors intended. What power level do you guys play at? What genre do you use the system for? What sort of changes have you had to make? Be detailed. I am thinking of running either a pulp or...
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    I need ideas for a City of Evil Spirits...Please help me!

    I have an inklingof an adventure idea. The players are off to find an artifact to help them defeat a demonic intelligent Iron Golem. The world is a low magic post-apocalyptic type of thing (Grim and Gritty Rules). Wellthe adventure kernel revolves around a Parlainth type lost city (...
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    Improved Grab

    The owlbear says it can use improved grab if A claw hits. So does only one claw have to hit? does it get penalties to the grapple check if only one claw hits? How do you apply the Negative 20? does it apply if a dragon does not use its claws to keep a victim grappled in its...
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    Flying Owlbear. does it exist?

    isnt there a Flying Owlbear? where is it??
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    Can you threaten witha melee weapon? Sneak Attack?

    Ok Scenario: We have two kobold theives. They are both wielding crossbows. they are within 30 feet of the target and opposite of one another. Do they get flanking bonuses? Are they then capable of Sneak attacks? What if a non-thief threatens during melee and the kobold thief...
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    M&M and pulp heroes...eek

    I want to do a Pulp game. i am uing the Dungeon magazine and Forbidden Kingdoms. To create super hero characters ( like The Shadow) i have thought aobut using the Mutants and masterminds rulesset. Unfortunately M&M does not use a normal damage system. how much damage should...
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    Ultramodern Firearms. A question, Grim-n-gritty

    Does the Ultra modern Firearms books give you enough info on each weapon so you might derive the statistics for a Grim-n-gritty system rules set ( caliber, barrle length, propellant size, ect)? Or does the ook use another set of mechanics that give each weapon its own personality?
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    New Comic Book: Fort..as in Charles Fort...witha young HP Lovecraft!

    Yeah, thats right, Darkhorse has a new Comic out. I have been looking for the past month for comics to inspire my soon to be occuring Pulp game. I have picked up "Ruse" and "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" ( soon to be a movie starring Sean Connery). Today I picked up a Tombraider...
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    Why dont you guys like Forbidden Kingdoms?

    Ok, i bought this book, read a good portion of it before looking at reviews both here and at RPG.net . I wanted to doa pulp adventure but i am tired of waiting for Pulp Cthulhu and I found Pulp heroes ( from Dungeon/Polyhedron) to be to thrifty on rules ( particularly spells)...
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    What OGL/D20 games do you guys own or play?

    What Genre is anyone playing? What OGL/D20 genre games work out the best? Currently I have Godlike (OGL): World War II Supers (similar to White Wolf games) Forbidden Kingdoms (OGL): Pulp Game Weird Wars: Blood on the Rhine (d20): Wolfenstein Roleplaying Mutants and Masterminds (OGL): Comic...
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    Anyone run a Pulp Campaign or publish pulp adventures?

    Anyone know of any online or published Pulp Adventures or even campaign stories? I want to see how others do this sort of Genre game. I prefer D20 but i will take anything.
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    Pulp Inspiration: Where to go for pulp.

    Ok, i have been interested in Victorian Genre games for a long while now. Recently Pulp has gotten my attention So far i have gotten Roleplaying Cliffhangers: Gurps Forbidden kingdoms: Otherworld Creations (d20) Dungeon/Polyhedron PULP ADVENTURES Pulp Adventure: ICE Godlike...
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    Pulp: What sort of psychic/magic-user should i use?

    I am ian pulp frenzy buyingup all sorts of pulp games ( this happens every few years, 5 years ago it was anything remotely Victorian, but i never get to play the games). Well this timei have gotten some interest from my players. I am trying to integrate the 2 D20 sources that are...
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    The Vorhgund ( a Barbarian race for my low magic world)

    Ok i had this idea inthe shower this morning so its still pretty rough. Vorhgund Deep beneatht eh high halls of Krak na-Borg, the dwarven citadel retreat from the onsaught of the Borughai Riders, dwell the uncivilized race, the Vorhgund. There they blindly wander the ebon...
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    Monk HP rather than Wis Defense bonus

    I wanted to ditch the Monk's Wisdome based Dodge Bonus in lieu of more Hitpoints. so how many hit points would a point of AC bwe worth? i figure 8 would be suitable. but should it be more? if i dump the Wis AC bonus for added HP i will allow monks to use any...
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    Which miniature game do you prefer?

    well i have thought about getting a miniature game for quite a while. I have played warhammer, i own the old INFERNO game, i am very interested in Gear Krieg, and so far Chainmail has left me cold. I am interested in just about any genre. My only concerns are support, cost and...
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    Bards and thier wacky fascinate ability.

    WEll my campaign has hit a wonderful snag. i say wonderful because it actually propelled the game forward, led to 2 hours of total enjoyment and generally rocked. What amazing facet of the game did this? Why, the Bard's FASCINATE class ability did. According to the rules...