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  1. K

    Can Kensi Change Enhacments?

    Was reading through Kensi - and It made me wonder - Can a Kensi Change the Enhancments on his Sig Weapon? Say he has his Enhancments Set at +1, Holy Keen Flaming < +5 total > ~ Could he loose the Holy bonus < taking it to a +3 total > and then spend the exp it takes to get form +3 to +5 to Add...
  2. K

    Race Only Classes

    This bug anyone else but me? 3.X Finally did away with all the stupid race/class restrictions - Only to put more of them back in with PrC's. Why can Only Elves be Arcane Archers? would it be unbalanced for a human or a dwarf to be? Why isn't there a Human Defender? Why to Dwarves get all the...
  3. K

    Combate Exp. + Fighting Defensivly

    Can you Use combat Expertise -And- Fight Defensively at the same time? I know Dodge bonuses usualy stack - and thise 2 actions add dodge bonuses to your AC.
  4. K

    Tanking Classes/PrCs

    I was Curious - Im looking through differant books tryign to find a good Tanking/Defender style Class/PrC. I know there is the Dwarven Defender ( not a dwarf though ) and Defender of Sealtiel ( BoED - But that whole book is broken and the class is too powerful ) And after that I coulnt find any...
  5. K

    Mounted Combat - Useful?

    Ok - So I recently got curious bout mounted Combat, So Im lookin though the Feats, Classes, PrC's and what-not. Im doin the usual, "Cool, Cool, Wow - Thats Nice!" Kinda thing and grining to my self as I add up the possabilities. Then I stop and Think, When is this useful? I been Gameing for...
  6. K

    Higher Crit Mod

    I know i have seen it somewhere before - Is there a Feat/Ability that allows you to increase your Crit mod? Like longsword goin from X2 to X3 ?
  7. K

    Monkey Grip

    Ok - Im reading through this feat, and Im getign a lil confused on how it works. Basicly, it says you can use a weapon built for a larger size catigory with out having to change the effort of use < going from one handed to 2 handed > But you still incure the -2 penelty. So - a Human can weild...
  8. K

    Threaten With A Bow

    Ok - i know lv2 in OotBI allows you to no longer provoke an AoO while useing a bow, And you threaten 5' with your Bow as well. Im wondering is there a feat out there that allows you to do that, wiht out taking the 2 levels in OotBI?
  9. K

    Summon Stud

    Ok - Haha - I had one of my players bring this up to me, and I went totaly blank on what to say. Can you summon a celestial animal - and have it breed with a normal animal while its summoned? Would you get a Half-Celestial baby? First thougth was that his ... err ... seed <sigh> would...
  10. K

    Meta-Magic Rod + Spell Storing Item

    Ok, if I use a ring of spell storing and fire it off while im holding onto a meta-magic rod, will teh spell im releasing become meta-magic'd? Will that work for non spell casters? Could a fighter with a spell storing item hold onto a Meta-magic rod of quicken - or even better a Persistant...
  11. K

    Xtrm Xplorer and APs

    Ok - Im lookin at Extreme Explorer PrC and i see, its 5th lvl ability allows him to retain a used action point if the roll was an 8. Hows it possable to get a score of 8 on an AP roll when all you have is d6 with no bonuses?
  12. K

    Homunculus Advancment

    Ok it says for Some EXP and Gold you can Advance your Humoc one HD. Now, this is my Question. Witht he Advancment is HD I assume its Saves/BAB/Feats Increase with it, But How much do they Increase Each Level?
  13. K

    Artificers and Psionics

    Ok, One my players brought this up, and I have to say I never thought about it till now. Can Artificers Make Items (wand/scroll/armor) that use the Psionic -spells- ?
  14. K

    Large Creature and Shields

    Ok - I know that as a larger creature you can use Larger weapons that deal more Damage. But what about shields? I know that a Heavy Shield gives +2 AC. But would a Larger creature use a larger shield? and if so, If they shield bash will it do more Damage? It wont give more AC, since it...
  15. K

    Artificers and UMD

    Ok, So im lookin though my brand spankin new Eberron book Oohh'ing and Ahh'ing with the ocassional "Kick Ass" thrown in there for flavor. I come to the Artificer and im Loving the class, Seems SO versitial and got alot of Flavor and flexability for differant play styles. One of the Great...
  16. K

    Large Warforged

    I have a Buddy wanting to play a Large Warforged in an Upcomming Game ( opposed to Med. sized as is Default ). Now, im looking all over trying to find out How to do this, what LA to place on it what Stat boost/penelties to apply So, If anyone can Help me out, gimme a place to look. Or toss...
  17. K

    Spell Cards

    Finally the book keeping has gotten to me! Wondering if anyone knows of a site that has a nice spell card down load, You know has all the info you need, you print em out and and just grab the cards you want to mem that day? I could do it myself, but im kinda clunky with Excel. SO if anyone...
  18. K

    Help Me Fix The Whip

    To preface, One of the hotly debated things among my group is the cookie cutter syndrome. You know what I mean .. Full Plate, Great Sword, Longsword. Never see a Falcion or Scythe, yadda yadda. Ok, to my point. I was lookin though the PHB today and noticed something i had not seen before...
  19. K

    Yet Another Gestaut Post

    Hello All, Been a Lurker for a while. But a friend and me have been haveing a talk about Gestalt characters, and im Curious as to your all's view. What do you think would be the "best" Gestalt Duo? We play in a Low magic world, with strick Arcane limitations so a wizzard/sorc prob not an...