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Search results

  1. Kalendraf

    Rogue survival in the land of the unliving. Looking for advice...

    I'm playing a rogue in a campaign setting that is dominated by the unliving. In other words, nearly all the foes are undead...and thus unsneakable and uncritable. I'm looking for any helpful advice on how to make my rogue better able to handle this situation. The character I'm running is a...
  2. Kalendraf

    What happened to DOorDice.com?

    Over the years, I've placed a handful of orders from DOorDice.com and didn't encounter any problems. However, over the last six months, something seems to have changed for the worse at this company. My first problem was back in February. I placed an order for a case of D&D minis which were...
  3. Kalendraf

    Deathbringer's CR17 - merited?

    Last night my party encountered a Deathbringer (MM2). The party currently consists of 6 characters of 12th to 14th level. According to the Deathbringer's CR17 rating, this should have been a fairly challenging battle. It wasn't. Even though the monster went first, the party shredded this...
  4. Kalendraf

    1HD humanoid skeletons - always CR1/3?

    The default humanoid skeleton in the MM uses the human warrior as a base creature. I was exploring what interesting variations on skeletons I could create. One fairly obvious creature to try is an orc. HD: 1d12 (6 hp) Initiative: +5 Speed: 30' Armor Class: 15 (dex +1, natural +2, shield +2)...
  5. Kalendraf

    Scroll spell casting blunder - could this happen?

    As part of a setup for a future adventure, I'm looking into the possibility of a scroll spell casting blunder leading to a certain situation. The rules for what happens on a blunder leave quite a bit of wiggle room, which is great, but I want to know if this sounds plausible. Suppose a wizard...
  6. Kalendraf

    Feat suggestions for low-level clerics?

    Lately, I've become somewhat interested in the iconic characters, mostly from a playtesting perspective, but also a bit out of nostalgia. Most of the character's feat choices make a certain amount of sense. However, when looking at the iconic cleric, Jozan, I'm rather perplexed. From the...
  7. Kalendraf

    Sculpt Sound usage questions

    The 3rd level bard spell Sculpt Sound looks pretty powerful. The summary info lists some examples of what it can do, but I'm wondering about some other cases. First of all, here's the description from the SRD: A) In the case of "deaden sounds" usage, does this act kind of like a 1-way...
  8. Kalendraf

    Slow spell vs. Combat Reflexes

    During last nights session, this was another topic that came up. Suppose a character or creature has Combat Reflexes, but is affected by the Slow spell. Slow Spell Affect: An affected creature moves and attacks at a drastically slowed rate. A slowed creature can take only a single move action...
  9. Kalendraf

    Various questions on grapple

    I've been playing 3e/3.5 for quite a while, and grapple comes up somewhat infrequently. Our group got into a discussion last night which makes me wonder if I am handling it exactly right. I'm hoping someone can answer a few quick things for me: 1) When a monster has improved grab (for example...
  10. Kalendraf

    Can't access reviews?

    Whenever I try to reach any of the product reviews, the link I try jumps back to the first product page. Also, it seems to keep asking for a login, but doesn't recognize my id, or the fact that I'm already logged in. If I try that login window, it gives me a strange error: Select DB Failed -...
  11. Kalendraf

    DR 5/Silver vs. Ice Storm bludgeoning damage

    This is hopefully a simple question, but I'm at a loss to coming up with a quick answer. According to the Ice Storm spell, 2d6 is cold damag e (elemental damage) and 3d6 of the damage is bludgeoning (like weapon damage from a club or mace). What I'm trying to figure out is what happens if Ice...
  12. Kalendraf

    Playtesting - what methods do you use?

    Some of my group's players and myself have discussed the possibility of publishing some of our material at a future time, likely in pdf format. We understand there's a lot of work involved, that we'll face enormous hurdles, and that in the end we may only sell a few units. We're not looking to...
  13. Kalendraf

    Kobold Adept4 - Balanced CR1?

    As I was flipping thru my MM, I spied this entry under Kobold. I rarely use kobolds, and I almost never apply NPC class levels to anything. But this -3 was just too tempting, so I decided to investigate. Is it justifed? (Note: Goblins have a similar CR adjustment of -2) With a kobold...
  14. Kalendraf

    PrC recommendations for archer-style bards?

    I'm looking for prestige class options for an archer-style bard. The main PrC sources are the DMG, Complete Warrior, Complete Divine (probably not much there) and Miniature's Handbook. Complete Arcane is an option, but I don't currently have it to refer to. I'd prefer to avoid other sources...
  15. Kalendraf

    Looking for feedback on custom item idea: Axe of Alteration

    I'm in the process of developing a custom magic item for my campaign, and I'm looking for some feedback. The working name I'm using is "Axe of Alteration". This particular example once belonged to a powerful orcish champion who's conquests are legendary. He was well-known for using a mixture...
  16. Kalendraf

    Need help computing exp for PC turned Wererat

    The rogue in my weekly campaign has contracted Lycantropy (wererat). Once the party finds out, in all likelyhood they will try to cure him of this problem, but it's very likely that this condition will persist for a few sessions before they are successful. I'm sure this has been asked before...
  17. Kalendraf

    Teaching 1e/2e gamers the 3.5 basics in 5 hours or less

    A friend of mine is interested in starting up a 3.5 campaign. He and all of the potential gamers have not played for some time, but they all have prior experience under 1e and/or 2e rulesets. I offered to run a one-shot adventure for their group to help teach them the basics of 3.5...
  18. Kalendraf

    Handling Perform checks past 30 - Looking for suggestions

    My weekly group feature a 10th level bard that is capable of incredibly high Perform checks. IIRC, he has 13 ranks in perform, 20 charisma giving another +5, Hat of Peform +8 (which he recently paid to have specially crafted). Together it's a bonus of +26, meaning that with a high roll on his...
  19. Kalendraf

    Chronicles of Prydain - Has anyone ever based a campaign on it?

    One of my favorite fantasy series are a set of 5 books I read when I was young: The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander. For those who are not familiar with these books, I highly recommend tracking them down and giving them a read. They are written for younger readers, and you should be...
  20. Kalendraf

    Advancing monsters - do the CR rules always hold?

    Last night, I worked on an encounter for an upcoming adventure. I decided to advance a certain monster (large magical beast) which is normally CR5 with 6HD. (I'm staying rather vague in case one of my players swings by). According to the guidelines, it raises 1 CR for every 3HD, and another...