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  1. Burrito Al Pastor

    What are you playing that is NOT D&D?

    I play Shadowrun (4th edition) and Deadlands (original-revised, not Savage Worlds) off and on, but more than anything else I would like to be in a good, deep, long-term Dark Heresy game. I'm not actually in any D&D groups right now, and oddly enough, I'm okay with that. 4e broke my D&D spirit -...
  2. Burrito Al Pastor

    Pathfinder 1E What kind of Pathfinder Psionics would you like to see from Paizo?

    Something with on-the-fly flexibility. Power points are good, skills could be viable, prepared slots are madness.
  3. Burrito Al Pastor

    Pathfinder 1E What project would you like Paizo to tacke next for Pathfinder?

    I'm assuming sword & planet falls under the "science fiction" option in the poll? Because that's what I want more of. Pathfinder has the infrastructure to establish some John Carter of Mars spinoff settings, and by god, that would be fantastic. Psionics would be good, especially if you can...
  4. Burrito Al Pastor

    Does Dungeons and Dragons need supported settings?

    WOTC isn't going to start supporting campaign settings long-term, or at least, not in the way that they did in 3e (or in the way that TSR did, for that matter.) Campaign settings are awesome if you like the settings that are being supported, but if a setting that is being supported is one you...
  5. Burrito Al Pastor

    How Can You Politely Say, "Your Character Sucks?"

    This would be a perfectly reasonable reaction if this player decided to put a 14 in intelligence knowing full well what the mechanical implications of that would be. By all accounts, he does not. If his playstyle was to play with a 14 int, that's fine, and nobody should have a problem with...
  6. Burrito Al Pastor

    How Can You Politely Say, "Your Character Sucks?"

    If the idea that it's important for people who are playing a game to enjoy playing that game is onetruewayism...
  7. Burrito Al Pastor

    How Can You Politely Say, "Your Character Sucks?"

    Any standard except the conceptual framework of expectations for stats in 4e. No, but it will make his character miss in combat. A lot. Which isn't satisfying at all. And he may find the game more frustrating than fun. And that's Bad. This isn't hypothetical; I've seen it happen. A friend...
  8. Burrito Al Pastor

    Defining "old school" by vote

    I'm kind of delighted to see such aggressively inconclusive results. I had to select "DM as adversary" because "module writer as adversary" wasn't available. A lot of the most old-school modules I'm familiar with (and I'm chiefly thinking here of Tomb of Horrors, Maure Castle, and Ravenloft)...
  9. Burrito Al Pastor

    A Question for the 25 and under crowd - What have you read?

    I'm suprised how much of Appendix N isn't on the poll. No Lord Dunsany? No Lovecraft? My answers, including omitted Appendix N authors: I've read Lieber, Howard, Tolken, Rowlings, Jordan, Mieville, Pratchett, Lovecraft, Lord Dunsany, and probably some Derlith. I also have Carter, de Camp...
  10. Burrito Al Pastor

    House Rules: If I show you mine, will you show me yours?

    I try to keep things informal where houserules are concerned. I don't ban things so much as I... very strongly recommend against certain things, should a player eye them. (Battlerager Vigor is my big one.) I have a very silly stat system - 21 point buy, as per normal point buy rules... except...
  11. Burrito Al Pastor

    Impossible To Run A GameForked Thread: I Owe Wizards an Apology

    My expectations are for the GM to love the setting he's running his game in. I don't want to people to run Eberron games because I want to play in Eberron games; I want people to run Eberron games because I want them to love it as much as I do. It was a contributing factor, but probably the...
  12. Burrito Al Pastor

    Forgotten Realms "Canon Lawyers"

    If you look at the Eberron books, you may notice something interesting - there's a lot of "Some people say" and "There are theories" and the like. Eberron is a setting that loves to put "maybe" and "usually" qualifiers on information about the setting, and I think it's much easier to use because...
  13. Burrito Al Pastor

    Staff Fighting and Dual Implement Spellcaster

    I'd allow it in my game, just because it's an awesome idea.
  14. Burrito Al Pastor

    Joke Names you've never used...but want to.

    The staples in our group have always been "Murderkill Hacknslash", "Kilafuk Soulshitter", and anything that would fit in with Flint Ironstag and Rip Steakface.
  15. Burrito Al Pastor

    D&D 3E/3.5 HALP! New to 4E, 3.5 makes me not understand :(

    Well, the one-square-cubes approach doesn't contradict any rules, because there aren't any rules on this right now; it seems to me to be the simplest solution, but if you want to try and ad-hoc your own thing, go to town. There's no height data on monsters, though, so, uh... good luck with that...
  16. Burrito Al Pastor

    D&D 3E/3.5 HALP! New to 4E, 3.5 makes me not understand :(

    All movement is expressed in units of squares; thus, altitude is measured in squares. Movement is never taken in fractions of a square. Thus, all creatures are always in vertical strata of one-square (i.e. 5') increments. (Incidentally, the ability of creatures to ascend or descend diagonally...
  17. Burrito Al Pastor

    D&D 4E New 4E DM - A couple questions

    I strongly reccommend that you do not run "Keep on the Shadowfell"; it's overpriced, uncompelling, unoriginal, gives PCs equipment at dramatically below the DMG standard rates, and the difficulty is frequently ludicrous. (To the best of my knowledge, nobody has ever defeated the goblin barbarian...
  18. Burrito Al Pastor

    D&D 3E/3.5 HALP! New to 4E, 3.5 makes me not understand :(

    A square is 5' as per the "Visualizing the Action" sidebar on page 266 of the PHB. Strictly speaking, it's actually more of a 5' cube, and the discrepancy between character height and square height is simply a result of the abstraction that's required in standardizing a three-dimensional grid...
  19. Burrito Al Pastor

    Arcane Power Excerpt: Vestige Pact

    I am delighted about this, because it's precedent towards incarnum. PHB4: Incarnum Power? :D (Also, going to have to resist making a Persona-themed character with this... THOU ART I AND I ART THOU!)
  20. Burrito Al Pastor

    Misdirected Mark and Defenders

    No, I think that covers it pretty clearly. It's good to know and think about, but I don't know that there's much to discuss.