Search results

  1. R

    Looking for Artists

    I suspect that the unpaid artist will not have any control over the IP you're developing, which is an artist's right I know I consider important. So, just to be clear, what you're really asking is: "We want an artist to work for us for no up-front money, no actual guarantee of any compensation...
  2. R

    I miss the pretty pages

    Dude -- not to defend Communism, but if you're going to slag off on something (that should be slagged off on), at least slag it properly. It was a very dictatorial thing to say or, because of the wondrous influx of so-called "free-speech-zones", a very Bushian thing to say. Communism is more...
  3. R

    What was the best moment of Gen Con for you?

    Naw -- passed on the art show since I didn't want to be tied down during the con. As it was I still managed to miss a pile of stuff. I spent much of Friday and Sunday sketching at the PCI booth, which kept me pretty busy, and was really the highlight of my con. ~Richard
  4. R

    What was the best moment of Gen Con for you?

    Wow -- didn't know you were there! It would have been great to finally meet you face to face! ~Richard
  5. R

    [MonkeyGod] GO TO HELL!

    Hmmm. . . New illustrations of nightmarish infernal creatures. . . any chance I could get you to follow this link: :D ~Richard
  6. R

    [MonkeyGod] GO TO HELL!

    I bought the book when it first came out -- thought the concept was wonderful, the rules horrible. The interior art was also uneven -- some good some horrible in a Diablo-fannish sort of way
  7. R

    Art for A Magical Society: Ecology and Culture

    1. Would you like to see one artist showcased, or multiple artists? Depending on the lead time, one artist could probably help shape the final look of the work and make it a better package over all. I come from a book illustration/design background where you usually only work with one...
  8. R

    Sell me on the RPGA

    I joined the RPGA for Living Greyhawk and, to a much lesser extent, Living City. Both went through some radical changes that soured me on them, but LG is still quite popular. I was thinking the RPGA was pretty much done for as far as I was concerned -- I decided to concentrate more on home...
  9. R

    Lost Prehistorica

    COOL!!!! That'd be fun. A monthly jam on one subject. . . . I've seen stuff like this at Eatpoo and ConceptArt. It'd be cool to do in a D&D context. Maybe we should move the thread. . . . ~Richard
  10. R

    Lost Prehistorica

    Mmmmm -- stone age tushy! Nope -- Tensen didn't ask me for any prehistoric pretties -- you? ~Richard (Mmmm -- Raquel Welch in a rawhide bikini. . . them's the goods!)
  11. R

    Lost Prehistorica

    So, you like drawing nekkid cavewimmin' then? ~Richard (I now have Frazetta's caveman and woman doodles from his old Ballantine art books running through my head)
  12. R

    Cry Havoc

    I'm not a mathematician, but where I come from 60% of 10.95 is 6.57. $6 is between 50-60% of 10.95. ~Richard
  13. R

    Inactive Publishers speak up!

    Hmmmm. Imagine the "ouch" of seeing you company, one of the larger independent D20 publishers out there, mentioned in a "dead publishers" thread. Considering that the Paradigm Living Arcanis page was last updated July 15th, that there was an huge LA event at this past Origins and three more...
  14. R

    Inactive Publishers speak up!

    Paradigm is still going strong. I just finished the cover for their Legacy of Damnation book due out in a few months and I'm about to start on the Arcanis Players' Guide cover. IIRC, they had decided to delay much of their output to bring it in line with 3.5 -- and then delay a bit further...
  15. R

    Little Canadia Suite!

    Mmmmmmmmmmmm, Beer. ~Richard (who knows what American beer and making love in a canoe have in common)
  16. R

    Little Canadia Suite!

    Hey -- whaddabout Canadian Artists! You, know, the kind that do covers for second generation mobile lager pits! ~Richard (BTW -- somehow lost your AIM name)
  17. R

    Choosing an Art Class

    Re-entering the educational arena can be a big step. Not only will you be undertaking an education in art but discovering how you learn now, after being out of school for a while. If I were you I'd look for a course offering drawing fundamentals - either with the model or with objects...
  18. R

    New collectible LOTR Minis game

    heh "Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeee! "Giant halflings with cookware are attacking!" ahem. . . . sorry. ~Richard
  19. R

    Illustrator Wanted! (d20 Fantasy Setting)

    Good Job This is pretty much the best way to make a call for this sort of work. Considering I was in a slog about how not to do it in a thread here several months ago, I thought it a good idea to reply with a "thumbs up" when someone gets it right. Best of luck to you! ~Richard
  20. R

    Character portraits

    Very nice! The stuff rocks! There's a few very minor things that will only improve with more experience. Try to construct your figures a little more fully under the clothing and gear and watch for that occasional wandering eye and you'll improve fast. ~Richard