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BattleStar Galactica:Season 3.0--10/20/06--Arc 3

Dark Psion

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Steel_Wind said:
Indeed, an excellent episode and I think the best of their "mini-conclusions" on the various mythos arcs they have shown over the past 38 episodes. Whether it was the conclusion to the Caprica/Kobol story arc, Pegasus, and now this one - clearly the best of the "crescendo episodes" so far.

Regrettably in some ways, we are now back more or less where we started. Here's what has changed:

  • Anders and Kara married;
  • Lee and Duwala married;
  • Helo and Sharon married?
  • Baltar gone from the fleet as a traitor;
  • Hera in the Cylon's hands;
  • Ellen Tigh dead;
  • Pegasus destroyed;
  • Cylon "peace" experiment a failure;
  • Human population in the 30k range?
But apart from all that - what's next? :p

1. Presidential power struggle in the offing with Zarek and Roslin duking it out at Thunderdome?

2. New Caprica Police and the Collaborators to be resolved?

Also the fleet will be much more "rag tag".

Most of these ships have been sitting on the ground for a year and a half and they were scavenged for the parts that built New Caprica and probably used their fuel to power the buildings before the cylons came.

Also, when you add in the ships that were lost when Gina detonated the Nuke last season and especially the loss of the Pegasus (That ship had a lot of resources to draw upon), the fleet is going to be in very bad shape.

The next couple episodes will be very interesting to see where the characters end up. Lee is not the only one out of combat shape, both physically and mentally.

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Truth Seeker said:
Special Effects are handled by the same people who worked on the Firefly series, I think. And they did wonders...
I know it's also the same visual effects supervisor from DS9. As much as I like that show, the effects back then were nothing compared to some of the BSG stuff.


So does anyone know where to get a nice hi-res screenshot of Galactica peeking out of the nebula? That's a desktop background right there! Heck, even a shot of Pegasus opening up with her forward batteries would be pretty sweet!

The Grumpy Celt

So, the moose-stash is gone. What about Lee's fat? What is it gonna take for that to be gone?

Also, when will this episode air again? I missed it the first go.
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Truth Seeker

My mind said "Shark in space", when I saw that.
jhallum said:
So does anyone know where to get a nice hi-res screenshot of Galactica peeking out of the nebula? That's a desktop background right there! Heck, even a shot of Pegasus opening up with her forward batteries would be pretty sweet!


First Post
LightPhoenix said:
I don't think that Tigh killed Ellen, I think he just drugged her and left her there for the escape, leaving her on New Caprica.

Also, I love the fact that Adama gets all the praise, and Tigh gets none, except from Adama. Very fitting. I think Dark Tigh has been the best thing to come out of the settlement, excepting maybe Depressed Baltar.

I'm pretty sure he killed her; drugging her and leaving her for dead seems like a very strange way to go about doing it.

I felt really bad for Tigh at the end. He's just broken mentally and phyically, and while everyone is cheering for Adama no even notices the shell of a man who had perhaps the most difficult role of anyone involved in the escape. Not only did he have to poison his own wife (who he still loved) for treason, but he also had to order numerous suicide attacks by men he knew very well. I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to kill himself in the next episode.

Truth Seeker

Half a season...
BlueBlackRed said:
Like everyone else, I loved that episode.
Unlike shows like Lost, BSG has never let me down. And I was worried it would turn into junk after last season's finale (that worry went away a few weeks ago).

Now I'm just sad that there's only 8 or 9 episodes before the season is over.

And as for comparing BSG to B5, while B5 paved the way for a show like BSG, BSG is by far a better show.

The Grumpy Celt

So, how long before someone starts kvetching about how the show jumped the space shark?

I mean, how can they top this aside from producing a wonderful show, produced by great writers and performed by great actors, a show that plumbs the depths of the drama and tragedy of the human condition at its bleakest - and therefor arguably most pure - and on the hole is a worthy science fiction take on the Aenied? How? I ask you how?


Where do you want to see the show go? How long do you think they can keep the show good and how long will the show last?

Anyone read any of the books for the new show? They any good?

And when will this episode air again?

The special effects were indeed top notch. They don't actually show that much scenes, but whenever they do, each scene looks amazing.

The scene with Karas mindgame - pure evil. Leoben is ...incredible.
The scene between Tigh and Ellen - awesome, bitter.
Pegasus going down fighting - awesome. (Even if they also used the cliché of "dying hero ship rams enemy ships")
Galactica falling through the atmosphere - pure amazing visual. (and it was a good idea to include that scene in the teaser, because learning the real context and having expectations overblown is part of the fun :) )

Very good episode indeed.

I don't agree with others that we are back where we started - a lot of things changed. The only things that are really still the same is that the main actors remained, the RFT is again running and searching for Earth. The relationships have advanced and changed, Baltar is now with the Cylons, minor characters are dead. Very important for the show - a lot of characters made bad decisions or at least decisions that might haunt them for a while.

I am a little miffed at the way the plan went. I would think Adama would have had escape pods ready, in case the plan worked, so they could get back and still sacrifice the Galactica and save the Pegasus, which is by far the most battle ready ship. Likewise, Lee should have got in, pulled his Han Solo, and then jumped out again, bought a little more time. It kind of seemed like a plot contrievance, since the show is named Battlestar Galactica.
From what it loooked like with Pegasus, they don't really have escape pods (at least not FTL capable ones) on the Battlestar, so they need Raptors to do the evacuating. Even if they had on board - Galacticas destruction or evacuation would have meant the failure of the mission - once the Basestars and the Raiders aren't bound with Galactica, they can shoot down the escaping ships (or nuke the whole city and all ships from orbit). If Galactica had survived long enough to let the ships escape, they could probably have used any escape pods/raptors available and give up the ship. But their job was to evacuate the planets population, they couldn't leave before that.

Still, it was certainly a neccessity to lose Pegasus, not Galactica, from a story-telling perspective and they could have played it out differently if they _really_ wanted. :)

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