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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 6 - Turn 7 (thread 3)

William Ronald

Out of the Darkness and into the Light

Edena, Hazen was seeking a way to stop the Dark Powers and it seemed logical to find their location and try to find a way to keep them away from Oerth and the other worlds. Sorry I did not post earlier, but the boards were down.

Sometimes to fight evil, you must confront it on its own ground. Here is a post that I worked on writing while the boards were down.

The background shimmers, and Hazen appearing as a mortal man appears. Surrounded by the dark powers, speaks:

“Alzem, please go. This is my struggle. I must triumph over my own darkness.”

“I have ever been a seeker for truth. I seek to save my world and other worlds. Thus, my quest.”

“You claim that your power is eternal and infinite. All I see is someone who is consumed with their own sorrow. Seeking a balm, you chose the pain of others. Yet it will never truly assuage your pain”

“Beyond all darkness and all suffering is a Light eternal. The Creative Power. I stand in the presence of those who deem themselves wiser than the Eternal. You offer me a choice of staying or leaving and condemning a friend, a brother, to eternal damnation. I reject both choices. However, I would stay rather than condemn Alzem to this place.”

“I pledge myself to the service of my world and life itself. You oppose life. In your pride, you fear all that you are not. You fear any will not your own. You have rejected the freedom you have granted and sought to enslave others. Yet you do not see your own chains.”

“In a sense, I do pity you. You fall short of your potential for goodness and love. It is within you, were you to admit it. You have perhaps said that you have no choice in your actions. Or told this to others. We always have choices.”

“I reject your hatred, I reject the desire to enslave others. I embrace love, compassion, freedom, forgiveness, and mercy. These are the things that you fear. Perhaps you are even afraid of these things for yourselves. Perhaps your redemption is beyond me. But if you do not seek it, you will never find it.”

“I can oppose you and your desires without becoming like you. We all have choices. That is my choice.”

“For myself, I believe that the Light is greater than the Darkness, Hope is stronger than Despair, Forgiveness more powerful than Revenge, and Love, above all else, is greater than hate.”

“I forgive you even as I oppose your efforts. I have seen the Angels fight, without hate in their hearts. With regret, perhaps, but in the service of Light and Love. Even if their bitterest foe were to repent on the middle of the battlefield, they would embrace him as a brother. As would I.”

“Even as you attack me, I do not attack you.” Hazen walks over to Alzem and lends the Solar of St. Cuthbert a hand to stand. If Alzem is attacked, Hazen tries to take the blows aimed at the Solar. He does not counterattack, but merely seeks to defend. “In a way, I feel sorry for you dark powers. You seem to be bound together only by hate. Love and friendship is stronger. By far. Your loneliness and pain must be great. Reject them. Embrace the light.”

“If the people of Oerth, Krynn, Mystara, Toril, and Athas reject you and your ways, you have no power. Indeed, perhaps the only power you have is what we chose to give you. I reject you, your power and your hate. From this place, I urge them to reject you.”

“I humbly ask that the peoples of Toril, Oerth, Krynn, Athas, and Mystara stand together as one. We are brothers, regardless of the flesh that we wear. I forgave the Underdark Alliance for their plans of war against me, and they have forgiven the war I waged against them. I have peace, with neighbors and friends, where there were once enemies.”

“I was angry with Forrester for his actions. However, I think it is possible that he could be forgiven if he asks and seeks to correct his deeds. He has vanished, and I fear for him. Sometimes, a soul can fall into darkness. However, it can rise to the light.”

“Perhaps Forrester sought to save the world he loved. This is something I can understand as a motivation, even if I disapprove of the actions.” Hazen looks around swiftly, trying to see if Forrester or other innocents are here with him.

If they are, he says to them. “Reject the darkness and hate. Embrace life, light, and love, and the goodness that is within you and the goodness that is greater than any darkness or hate. You can free yourself if you choose, my friend. Remember, there is Love also in the worlds.” If Alzem is all right, he will try to help any other souls in danger

“I reject you, and pray that Rao will strengthen me in my faith. Even beyond Rao, there are even greater powers of light. In a far place, I saw people of many different faiths, many forms, and many cultures call out to the Eternal One, who is beyond all words of praise and glorification, whom they yet praise and glorify. This was in a world without magic, but science. Although the people of that world brought great destruction on themselves, still they believe. As do I.”

“I embrace the light and reject the Darkness. I embrace a brother who risked everything for me. Go, Alzem. I will try to join you.”

Turning towards the souls in darkness, Hazen speaks “Reject hate. Reject revenge. Embrace love. Embrace forgiveness. Redemption is not easy but perhaps if you truly seek it, you shall find it. It would not be easy, but little of true value is ever easy. The way is before you if you seek it.”

With a thought, Hazen fills his mind with an image of a Light Eternal, that power whom before the Angels bow and the fiends tremble. He focuses on it and returning to his body.

“For Light, for Love, For Freedom, For Peace, For Justice, For Life, For all the worlds. May Rao and the powers of Good bless my people and all the worlds and their peoples.”

Hazen will attempt to leave.

(OOC: Edena, I spent an hour or so working on this. I do not know if it will work. If possible, Hazen will try to bring any soul truly seeking its way out of this dark place into the Light with him. He is not trying to bring the Dark Powers out, but is willing to help carry and support those who are sincerely seeking redemption. If this is beyond his power, he will try to encourage them to seek the Light and try to return to his body and Oerth.

I also ran this past Alzem, who asked that I add his reply.)

Alzem nods at Hazen, he knows that there are battles one must fight alone. This one is Hazen’s, to fight as he must. As Hazen starts to leave to continue his battle, Alzem grabs his arm, and looks into his eyes.

“Hazen, more than any other I know what you face here today. But know this you are never alone, that was my downfall, thinking no other stood beside me. Take this”

At this Alzem oust his hand to his chest and pulls forth a ball of pure white Fire.

“This is part of my essence, this is what I have placed to the side for this conflict. I do not know if what I have done is right, but I believe it is for the best. This is the fire of my emotions, the love and compassion I have buried to see this job done. Take this.”

Now Alzem passes the fire to Hazen’s chest where it is absorbed into his skin forming a protective barrier around Hazen’s heart to help him endure what he must now do.

“This will see you through your darkest time, this was my purpose here, this is why the angels protected me in the last war, and protect you now. I will wait for you when you return, and know that you are never alone.”

After this is said Alzem will stand there and watch as Hazen walks his own path, both knowing that each would have sacrificed himself to save the other. Also knowing that now neither will really ever be alone.

Alzem looks up and address the Dark Powers of the place. With a voice of authority never heard from him before, a voice that could command even the Angels

“There goes one who will best you. He has a greater destiny than even you can darken.”

“Be at peace my friend I will await your return”

(To which I add)

Hazen accepts the gift with a smile and says. "Do not fear my friend. As soon as I can, I shall return your gift. Love can strengthen determination."

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I'm still here. Visiting when I can. Posting when necessary or action is required.

Edena, I am claiming the Veiled Alliance. However, if Zelda claims it, then I will give up my claim on it. Otherwise, my claim holds, regardless of any other past, present, or future claims upon it.

William Ronald

Gwilym Raonul addresses the press.

"Archcleric Hazen, President of the Kevellond League and the Oerth Alliance, is not here right now. He is currently working on a project to try to battle the Touch of the Dark Powers which rule what we call the Domain of Dread. Powers so horrid that the Dark Lords of that plain are there mere prisoners."

"It is to be hoped that he returns soon. Before he left, he issued this statement."

"I am going in quest of a knowledge that is dreadful, but may help save Oerth, Toril, Krynn, Mystara and Athas. If I am successful, I will return and hopefully have a way to help protect the worlds. If not, it has been a privilege to serve as President of the Kevellond League and the Oerth Alliance. I have been honored to meet many brave and honorable people from Toril, from Athas, from Krynn, and Mystara."

"Despite the darkness of these times, we have to power to combat the evil around us. We must look past the differences of flesh and borders. We must forgive each other our wrongs. We can make a better future for all of our worlds, if we stand as one."

"In my heart, I believe Oerth will be restored to its former beauty. I urge all powers of Oerth to join this endeavour. The help of off world powers who wish goodwill to Oerth are welcome. All the worlds can be raised into places that of greater beauty, civilization, and goodness. We must all build a future worthy of our posterity, so that our heirs shall say of us: "In their time, they did the best for the worlds. We are honored by their compassion, their courage, and their wisdom. Let us build a future that honors their efforts and their sacrifices."

"In my absence, Gwilym Raonul will represent the Kevellond League. The President of the Baklunish-Esmerin Confederation is the vice president of the alliance. Perhaps the peace conference will bear fruit, or at least reveal the truth of everyone's intentions."

"Also, the Kevellond League and the Baklunish Confederation with their allies are beginning work on restoring Oerth immediately. (Edena, I presume that fighting in this interlude is limited to individuals. Maybe I can try to do some good for Oerth.)
We encourage all nations and powers on Oerth to aid this effort."

"We also will prepare our defenses against any attack."

Gwilym pauses, and there is a worried look on his face.

"I hope that President Hazen will return soon. He is a man of great courage, ready to sacrifice all not just for Oerth, but for all worlds threatened by the Dark Powers. I ask that all hearing this press conference will pray for him."

"I have just learned that fighting has broken out in the World Forum on Toril. The Oerth Alliance urges all nations of Toril and their representatives to stop fighting. Hatred feeds the threat to us all. If you must fight, fight against the hate that threatens entire worlds."

"I am prepared to answer questions from the press on Oerth and Toril. I will shortly leave for the peace conference in Ishtarland. I hope that President Hazen will join me there."

(OOC: If Hazen does not survive, I have already asked Edena about a new PC. Gwilym Raonul will be the PC if Hazen does not return.)


First Post
<< Can you feel it? >>
The illithid standing next to Anabstercorian nodded sadly.
<< It is the Third Touch. >>
<< We must stop them. We cannot let the Dark Powers succeed. We must create a time of healing... >>
<< But what can we do, Anabstercorian? We are not creatures of light... >>
<< In the deepest dark, no shadows can be cast. So can we prevent the Dark Powers from finding a foothold in the hearts of men. >>
Anabstercorian slowly twisted his hand in to a fist, and struck it against the Substare ground.
<< BLAST! We will NOT FAIL! >>

He raises both hands to the heavens, and speaks.

<< Ilsensine! You have always guided me, and I have always followed your will. Oh great brain! Oh, infinite mind! I beseech you, in your endless intelligence, grant me and my select chosen the right to enter Common Ground, the meetingground of the gods! For our power is like unto that of the lesser gods, this cannot be denied, yet we find ourselves thrust against powers we cannot stand against. Let us speak, and prevent us from violence, oh indomitable will! >>

OOC: Edena, I don't know if you have the Manual of the Planes, but Common Ground is a demiplane accessible only by gods. If they let us in - It'll be the first time mortals have ever seen Common Ground. The advantage? It is impossible to lose or gain hitpoints in Common Ground, so fighting has no effect. It is a true neutral ground.

I'll work on a speech for the press - It'll be done by tomorrow.
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Mr. Draco

First Post
Well, I'm working on my speech for the Torillian Reporters. One quick question (the cornerstone of the speech relies on your answer) has Kas completed the Cydian Metamorphoses?

Hrm, my post didn't seem to go earlier. Anyways:

Melkor, E-mail me exactly what is your red army project, if it isn't what I think it is (simply converting people to the red goo and setting it free with negative energy).

Tokiwong, expect an email tomorrow probably.

Waiting on the reply from the Lich Queen...

William Ronald

A Light in the Darkness

Hazen also adds this statement:

"Within each of us, there is an urge to do good and an urge to do evil. I side with the part of me and all beings that stands for compassion, courage, understanding, love and forgiveness. At the Trial of the Chosen, Iuz said that we are all evil. Each of us can chose our own path. If there are any in this place who are trapped souls, chose a path towards Love, Life and Light."

Elsewhere, Lord William Ronald, Mohghyr the Old, and Fand Dyvyr are going over notes.

"Is there any naturally occuring substance on Toril, Athas, Mystara, and Krynn analogous to the Oerthblood. Each world may have some substance or way of healing the Red Waste and the Mists. We can contact our friends," Lord Ronald said.

"You would think they would know of such a substance. Their cultures have lasted for millenia," Fand Dyvyr said as she shakes her head.

"What is know can be lost, and found again," Mohgyr says. "If there is no such substance on each of those worlds, we can import Oerthblood. Maybe find some way to have it grow on those worlds. There are always solutions."

"I hope Hazen can find the answers he seeks. He sometimes puts himself in great danger," Lord Ronald said.

"He does have his sense of duty. He is willing to die for Oerth and other worlds if he must. I hope he returns," Fand says. A look of worry crosses her face.

"Time will tell, but we must hope. Hope is perhaps the best weapon we have left," Mohgyr said.

"Fortunately, it is not the only tool at our disposal. We have sent out calls for everyone to start healing their worlds," Lord Ronald said.

In the Great Hall of the Kevellond League, Gwilym Raonul answers a question.

"No, we do not have any Red Steel or Red Goo. We briefly tried to determine its properties. We urge anyone who has any of these items to get rid of them. Healing spells work. 10th level magic is somewhat effective. Even more powerful magic will work."

"We have tried on our own to heal as much of the Red Waste as we can. However, the Kevellond League hopes that EVERYONE will divest themselves of these substances. They are born out of the death and suffering of many. I hope all the freed souls from the Red Waste will find peace."


First Post
World Forum

Mitsurugi watches the chaos with glee, his eyes narrowing upon the Humanoid party… he leaps down his blade not drawn until he lands behind his foes… as he attempts to cover the escape of his fellows, the dignitaries and emissaries of the Eternal Empire… once escape is secured he will follow with the use of their own 11th level magic to escape the World Forum leaving behind the chaos… with a smile…

Iuz and the press…

Iuz reclines in his crimson throne Talindra seated by his side on a similar yet smaller throne… Talindra watches the reporter enter after their tour of the grounds of Chorazin, a floating city in the Plane of Elemental Fire. The city is a splendor of crimson marble and walls that twinkle with flame… The press is show the highest esteem and their needs are seen to at all times… murals décor the walls of the exploits of the Pantheon of Darkness… especially Iuz, Master of the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness…

The reporters seat themselves and prepare for the interview, Iuz smiles reclining in his throne, and speaks softly, “I hope the tour was pleasant… and I trust the attentions of the various ladies of my court were to your liking… I, am Iuz, Master of the Glowing Darkness… a deity of Life, Change, and Conflict. I would like to extend a hand of greeting to you, I am very much honored by this occasion, to speak with the press.”

Talindra smiles as well, as Iuz continues, “The world is lurching towards conflict once more, I am sure you are of the bloody fighting brewing in the World Forum, born of words said in truth. It is no secret that I feel that Forrester should be punished for his actions… you may ask how can I, the harbinger of destruction be so hypocritical? I did what I had to do out of love… love for a world that I was willing to die for… I took upon me the host of the Red Scourge in my ignorance I felt that such an action would unite Oerth in a single devastating strike against a foe that threatened to consume all… I was as I said ignorant of the power and the majesty that is the Red Scourge… nor was I prepared for the actions of Forrester and his frank callousness to condemn a world to utter destruction…”

Talindra added in, “But condemn he did…” she continues, “but in that act of villainy milord was enlightened… and he plumbed the secrets of the Red Scourge… he delved into its majesty… and incorporated its voice… its vision… we shall give it shape… we shall mold the Red Scourge into a weapon to prevent such destruction from ever coming to pass to this world…”

Iuz nodded, “What is the Red Scourge, it is as I have said before… the rage of a world suffering in pain… in agony from an oppression of powers that wish to keep the people from their divine destiny. It is our birthright, Oerth’s gift to her children… a gift can be used for both acts of creation and acts of massive destruction… many call me a villain, a demon, and worse, I am all those things, and more. The Pantheon of Glowing Darkness seeks to elevate all life to a state beyond the normal ken… we seek to spread our message and bring the glory to all beings… and free them from the oppression of their masters…”

The reporter nodded somewhat puzzled by the words as Iuz continued, “Pain is a weakness of the flesh… suffering a weakness of the state… and death a weakness of the spirit… I shall make them distant memories… you ask if I am a villain… I am a villain of the worst type for I seek to have all peoples free… to seek the path… and open their minds to the majesty of the Glowing Darkness… that is my goal, freedom. Freedom from this suffering, and the enlightenment exists in the mystery of the Red Scourge. Its pranas and koans of pain and suffering hide the kernel of peace that so many have longed for… before I can begin the Golden Path before… I can eliminate these weaknesses I must first destroy the old order…”

The reporter nodded and turned to Lady Talindra, “And what is your place in this Pantheon milady?”

Talindra smiled almost wickedly, “I am his Empress… I am his confidant…” she smiled sweetly, “I support my husband, my lord, and my master. He has the brunt of many nations against him, for Freedom and the dissolution of corrupt orders is never a popular stance… but I believe in his words… and his actions…” she touches his arm lightly, “he will bring a new age to the infinite worlds…”

The reporter nodded and looked to Iuz, “And Milord… reports have come in that there is a tenuous alliance between your own power and that of the Eternal Empire of Toril… what do you have to say to that?”

Iuz smiled, “The tenuous alliance is strong, we have like philosophies and they have impressed me with their culture and their dedication to bring Forrester to justice. I have been so impressed that our alliance has strengthened immensely, and I hope it shall continue. Even now temples have begun to appear in their lands… I am much pleased about this…”

The reporter nodded, “Well I think we have taken up enough of your time, milord we appreciate the hospitality…” he smiled, “we look forward to your statements at the Peace Conference…”


First Post
I'm so flattered!

You guys just can't stop talking about me! I blush.

I'd step back in and correct Edena's RP'ing of the Humanoids -- he's doing a horrible job -- but things are just too silly.

I will say two things:

1) About ten thousand twenty-megaton bombs were used against the Elder Gods and the Red Army. They don't seem to have harmed Oerth in the least, of course, because nobody speaks of them. How nice!

2) On the other hand, some sun-stuff gets thrown at the Red Army, destroying their 100,000PL-ness, and somehow Forrester is to blame. Riiiiiiight. And somehow, I managed to kill a bunch of other armies and a bunch of Angels (who are immune from twenty-megaton nukes, I also hurry to point out.) I also must remind you that it was Edena, not I, who insisted after the fact that this attack somehow tore Oerth apart beyond the repair of 11th level magic.

Because if 11th level magic could repair all the damage, this really wouldn't be an issue, would it?

Carry on. I have little doubt that it is Edena's goal to reduce the Humanoids to the savages that they originally were, not to mention knock them back into the rubble. Have at them.


First Post
Re: I'm so flattered!

Forrester said:
You guys just can't stop talking about me! I blush.

I'd step back in and correct Edena's RP'ing of the Humanoids -- he's doing a horrible job -- but things are just too silly.

I will say two things:

1) About ten thousand twenty-megaton bombs were used against the Elder Gods and the Red Army. They don't seem to have harmed Oerth in the least, of course, because nobody speaks of them. How nice!

2) On the other hand, some sun-stuff gets thrown at the Red Army, destroying their 100,000PL-ness, and somehow Forrester is to blame. Riiiiiiight. And somehow, I managed to kill a bunch of other armies and a bunch of Angels (who are immune from twenty-megaton nukes, I also hurry to point out.) I also must remind you that it was Edena, not I, who insisted after the fact that this attack somehow tore Oerth apart beyond the repair of 11th level magic.

Because if 11th level magic could repair all the damage, this really wouldn't be an issue, would it?

Carry on. I have little doubt that it is Edena's goal to reduce the Humanoids to the savages that they originally were, not to mention knock them back into the rubble. Have at them.

OOC: Well that was mean-spirited...

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