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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 6 - Turn 7 (thread 3)

William Ronald

Tokiwong: The person that Thayadon Fasfoni (kaboom's character) called a worshipper of Melkor was the representative from Calimshan, not the Eternal Empire.

Hazen and Gwilym Raonul arrive at the peace conference. Four people are with them. One is a halfling in academic garb, one is an orc, one is a human dressed in the clothes of a gardener, and the fourth is an elven woman.

Gwilym Raonul gestures to the press. "I would like to introduce some friends from Toril who have asked to be guests of the Kevellond League at this conference. I would like to introduce Professor Loren Corvir of the University of Shadowdale, one of the fore most experts on political affairs. I am honored to introduce Sergeant Krunnon Gror of the Ravens Bluff Police Department, Martin Walston, chief gardener of the University of Hope Island, and Alvarianna Corsin, proprietor of the Leaping Stag one of the best restaurants in Arabel. I meet them during my visit to Toril."

Hazen addresses the audience, the press and the delegates.

"It is true that we can triumph over our own darkness and the Dark Powers. We can chart our own destinies. "

"Lord Iuz, the existence of good and evil are not threatened. Indeed, those and many more choices will always remain with us. As for your new order, may I remind you that it was the Church of Shade that poisoned your lands in the Bright Empire. It was the Church of Shade who sent assassins after you and Lord Rary. I have treated you with respect and dignity. You fought bravely against the Shade, as did your soldiers. I am disappointed that you now ally with them. I am disappointed that you called the Red Armada to Oerth."

"You have not explained the nature of your idea, the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness. All I have heard is that you will explain it. What do you seek? What is the philosophy of the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness? An idea can only be judged if it is espoused."

"Lord Kalanyr is correct in his statement that war need not summon the mists. Oerth, Toril, Krynn, Mystara and Athas can be saved if its people will it. The power of the good within each of us can triumph over the darkness in ourselves."

"Lord Iuz, do you repent for summoning the Red Armada to Oerth? Are you determined to let other peoples and other worlds live in peace? I am aware that Lord Melkor has called for an invasion of Krynn and Mystara, at the urging of his ally Rajaat."

"Also, I believe that the Chosen of Mystra acted to halt the fighting. If the fighting continued, the Eternal Empire's delegate could have been slain. As things stand he seems somewhat confused. Lord Thayadon Fasfoni accused the delegate from Calimshan of being a follower of Melkor."

"Someone who breaks up a fight is not taking someone hostage. Indeed, most of those who fought at the World Forum have diplomatic immunity. While this can protect them from charges, others have a moral right to question their actions."

"There are some who would say that in calling the Red Armada to Oerth -- which proceeded to attack ALL OTHER NATIONS -- you were denying the other societies of Oerth their right to pursue a destiny. What do you say to this? Some have even said that in merging your citizens with the Red Goo that you denied them their sovereignity as individuals."

"You have stated you wish to create a new order, but have not explained its purpose. What liberties will people have under your new order? You have previously stated that your citizens have a choice: they can worship you? Giving a person one choice is not freedom or a choice? It is merely inflicting one's will upon another."

"Lord Iuz, your words are elegant. However, I believe your meaning needs to be made clearer? What do you want for Oerth? What is your vision for the future? What values does the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness stand for? So far, your actions and that of Lord Melkor seem to state that it stands for the annihilation of those who may have differing opinions. Or their absorption into the Red Armada? Words are important and powerful. However, actions speak louder than words."

"Based on your actions, one must conclude that you wish to dominate entire worlds. To destroy all who would disagree with you. I have treated you with dignity. When your soldiers and mine fought the Church of Shade, your wounded were treated no differently than those of the Lortmils or the Pomarj. I have never called you a devil. After all, your father is a demon prince so you are obviously not a devil."

"You have stated that never again would you betray Oerth. However, Lord Melkor -- your former enemy and now your ally -- seeks to invade other worlds. The plan is quite obvious: use the resources of Krynn and Mystara to attack Oerth and Toril. You have allied yourself with the Eternal Empire of Toril, a military regime that overthrew its own democratically elected government. Yet your delegate -- pardon me, the delegate of the Eternal Empire -- complains about a lack of democracy -- and is a member of an unelected government."

"You have a forum larger than you would have imagined some years ago to explain yourself and your ideals. Yet your alliance with Melkor seems to indicate that upon achieving your goals you will brook no voice of opposition."

"Lord Melkor, your ally, has openly lied about the nature of the mists. I know the truth about them. Fighting does not provoke the Mists, but hatred and atrocities do. It is possible to fight without hate. Lord Iuz, I ask you to consider your actions and your alliances. You summoned the Red Armada to Oerth. You and Melkor helped lead it."

"What is the truth of the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness? What are your values? What rights would the individual have in the world you envision? Or are those who say that the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness should be renamed the Pantheon of the Gilded Lie correct?"

Hazen turns to Lord Kalanyr and Lady Siobhan. He bows politely before them.

"I thank you for your hospitality and your efforts on behalf of peace and understanding. There are many I wish to talk with. Also, I will have an announcement later today of some import."

"Lord Kas, greetings. what is your opinion and that of the Union of Oerth on what Lord Melkor and Lord Iuz have said here?"

"Anabstercorian, greetings. What is your analysis of the situation?"

"I will spend a few minutes greeting the assembled delegates, and give those whom I have spoke with time to consider a response."

"For those who say that greed and hatred cannot be conqured, history argues against you. Are they present within us all? Yes. On the other hand, they can be mastered. There are lives on many worlds that testify to this."

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Anabstecorian, Melkor has a good laugh after hearing your words, than he says:

-Anabstecorian is incompatible with peace, because his ultimate goal is to make The Ililthidi Race rule supreme upon the multiverse, and all other races shall be their slaves

-Mina is incompatible with peace, she desires all to be slaves of One God.


First Post
William Ronald

Tokiwong: The person that Thayadon Fasfoni (kaboom's character) called a worshipper of Melkor was the representative from Calimshan, not the Eternal Empire.

OOC: He was using my post as a quote so I think he was talking to the Eternal Empire dignatary... actually it is quite ovious he is talking to the Eternal Empire he uses quotes from my post not Melkor's and calls Fu Zhao a follower of Melkor and then demands that a ruling be made and he implies that fleeing is not an option...
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First Post
LordMelkor{Talos} said:
Anabstecorian, Melkor has a good laugh after hearing your words, than he says:

-Anabstecorian is incompatible with peace, because his ultimate goal is to make The Ililthidi Race rule supreme upon the multiverse, and all other races shall be their slaves

-Mina is incompatible with peace, she desires all to be slaves of One God.

<< Yes, my ultimate goal IS to make the Illithid Race supreme among the universe, but that's a long term goal and quite compatible with peace. I not only do NOT intend for other species to be our slaves, I intend to peacefully assimilate all other species in to ours through neoceremorphosis. >>
<< I'm aware of Mina. We have an... understanding. I promise that she shall not disrupt our peace. >>

OOC AND TO EDENA BUT THERE'S REALLY NO POINT IN KEEPING IT ALL THAT SECRET SO JUST READ IT AND CACKLE, CACKLE, CACKLE: Edena, can I shield Anabstercorian's thoughts, intentions, and actions from Mina?
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First Post


William, you missed some posts, I calmed down.

Melkor looks at Hazen with hatred and despise:

-Better to serve myself than those weaklings, those vermins, like you do, Angel! They listen to your message of peace and love out of fear, they listen to you only because they want your protection. But I, unlike you, don`t deny the truth, when I return from my journey I will posess power and wisdom beyond your understandind! Than he disappears in Darkness.

- - -


Melkor sits, as Hazen did. Melkor, knowing from his studies where to search, dives into himself, abandoning the outer world for the inner one.
It is a long fall into himself.

Indeed, Melkor - just like Hazen did - falls much farther than even he expected, and certainly farther than any mortal would have expected.

He plummets on downward into his own heart, deeper and deeper.
The Prime Material Plane gives way to the Astral Plane, as Melkor drops farther and farther.
The Astral Plane, gives way to the Abyss.
Then the Abyss, gives way to the Plane of Shadow.
And still Melkor falls.

Finally, Melkor falls into a region of mist; not the Mists of Ravenloft, but a different kind of mist.
This mist glows a faint dusky color, giving some illumination to the darkness.
There is a smell of rot, and a sense of long and ancient decay here.

Melkor finds himself standing in a labyrinth of corridors.
The rocks are crumbling, dust covers the floor, the smell of mold is very powerful, and water - from where even Melkor does not know - drips down through the webwork of cracks in the stone.
The floor is so decayed that it cracks and crumbles under Melkor's feet as he walks along.
He comes into a room. A very large room of octagonal shape, with a arched ceiling over 40 high in the center.
A statue of Melkor himself adorns the center of the room, arms lifted in triumph, body strong and muscular, with a mighty hammer held in his clenched hands.

Yet the statue, like everything else here, is in an advanced state of decay.
It is crumbling, the flesh losing definition as flakes of stone break off, and a pattern of small, broken rock lies on the floor all around it.

On the other side of the room from where Melkor entered is a mirror.
The mirror, is not decayed at all.
It is perfectly smooth, made of an unknown substance - it is most certainly not glass, and the mirror is not reflecting anything except for Melkor himself. His reflection looks back at him from it.

Walking up to the mirror, Melkor perceives a light growing within the mirror, and this light is coming from a path of glowing rock that leads out over nothing.
It is some sort of vision. For the mirror itself is no Gate, and there is nothing behind it except the crumbling wall.

The path brightens, and Melkor - looking in - can see it travels 20 feet forward, then splits, with one path leading forward and left, and the other leading forward and right.

The path that leads forward and left leads up to a brilliantly lit area.
In that area are 11th level spellbars, an 11th level prison. The ghosts of mages and clerics appear, their wands and staves aimed at the prison.
Then the ghost of Melkor himself appears inside the prison.
It is a perfect replica of the Torilian prison that Melkor was encaged in, back on Turn 5, except for one difference - it is Erika Lesage who is standing amidst those Torilians, not Forrester.

The path that leads forward and to the right leads up to a mighty throne.
This throne is carved of one great piece of adamantite, and tremendously powerful Shade magic emanates from it.
The ghosts of beautiful women appear, kneeling before the throne, chained and scarred.
The ghosts of powerful warriors of Shade, and Shadow Dragons, and hideous monsters from the deepest part of the Plane of Shadow, all appear, and all bow in obesiance to the Throne.
Then the ghost of Melkor appears in that throne. A crown is upon his head, a scepter in his hand. Power springs from his hand, authority is in his pose, dauntless strength lies within his body.

From behind Melkor comes a voice:

Welcome, Melkor.
Do you understand what you see?

Melkor, upon turning, sees a tall figure, completely robed in red, looking at him.
There are no visible hands coming from the arms of the robe, and no face is visible within the cowl.
Magic, if used, detects nothing within the robe ... but detect evil shows very powerful evil. Evil so potent that perhaps it's strength alone is enough to fill the robe.
Evil so great it has it's own consciousness, it's own unholy life.

The figure speaks:

We knew you would come here, eventually.
We wish to instruct you.
Instruct you as to what you face in your own future.

The figure points at the mirror:

One of those two is your future.
One, and only one.
As for you, so the future is decreed for all who follow you.
As your fate is decreed, so is the Fate of the Shade.

The figure then laughs, a mocking, jeering laughter, and it is directed right at Melkor.

You fool.
You have led yourself and the Shade into a deathtrap.
You know very well of what I speak.

The figure gestures dramatically:

As I speak, Iuz and Anabstercorian are allying to destroy you.
As I speak, Phibrizzo prepares to assail you.
As I speak, Kas, the God Emperor, and Mina prepare to attack you.
Acererak has turned his back on you, Melkor, Lord of the Shade.

The figure laughs again.

The Alliance of Oerth alone has the 11th level strength to grind you into the dust.
The Alliance of Oerth, alone has that strength.
Hazen could put his foot on your neck, and crush you under heel.
He is moving, Melkor, to do just that.

The Torilians have enough power to destroy all the other Spheres, much less your pitiful, weak power that you dare to call the Shade Empire.
The Torilians ... are united with the Alliance of Oerth, my dear Lord Melkor.
Erika Lesage will put forth her strength. She is far more formidable than Forrester.

You are alone, Lord Melkor. Alone.
You consider Rajaat an ally? Rajaat is a buffoon. Rajaat is a loser. A pathetic weakling who could not even protect himself from Athian magic, much less the incredible might of 11th level magic.

You face Iuz, Anabstercorian, Phibrizzo, Kas, the God Emperor, the entire Alliance of Oerth, and ALL the powers of Realmspace, and Mina stands against you, and the Immortals of Mystara, and even the Dragon-Kings would stand against you if they dared - and they will dare in the end.

And you hope to endure? You hope to win? You actually think you are going to win?





Do you think mercy will be according to you, when they take you?
Do you think mercy will be accorded to your Shade when they are taken, Lord Melkor?

The figure, Melkor realizes, is actually smiling ... somehow he realizes that.

When your Shade are hunted down and destroyed, you will have no worshippers in this quadrant of reality, Lord Melkor.
You will be banished - forever - from this reality.

In other words, my dear friend, you will be DEAD.
Your dead body will float in the Astral Plane, among the bodies of all the other Dead Gods.

Until the Torilians find it - which they will - and utterly destroy it for once and all.

Or perhaps the Torilians will put you on display.
You might make a fitting wall ornament. Or perhaps a soveneir in one of their historical museums.
Kender and children will stroll by where you are imprisoned for all eternity, and laugh at the monstrously silly figure they see in there.
They will all laugh, Melkor. Elves, dwarves, humanoids, illithid ... they will all laugh at the former Lord of Shade, whose aspirations were bigger than his will to carry out.

The figure points at the mirror again, at the RIGHT-HAND way, at the throne at it's end.
The figure speaks:

There is another way, Lord Melkor.
There is a way for you and yours to have a Realm that will last for all eternity.
You will be absolute ruler there, and nobody - not even the Torilians even if they came in force - could daunt you there, or hope to win against you.
For you would be master of that Realm so totally that nothing could enter or leave except by your will ((that is literally true. The figure is telling the truth.))
You would be the master of all in the Realm, in body, mind, and soul.
Your Shade would be your absolute servants - those that attempted revolt, as those Shade in the Plane of Shadow did - you could instantly crush.

You know of where I speak. Ravenloft.

It is called a prison by those who understand it not.
It is called a place of horror by the ignorant.

What they do not understand - or perhaps they understand all too well - is that Ravenloft, is growing.
Growing, my dear Melkor.
With each new Realm, with each new Darklord, Ravenloft grows.
It will continue to grow, as the power of evil grows, and it will suck the whole of the multiverse in, and the Darklords will rule all the lives of man and beast who walk upon any planet in any Sphere in the whole of reality.

You see it happening now, Melkor.
You see Ravenloft taking Realmspace, Greyspace, and Krynnspace.
Ravenloft will take them, and make them it's own.

When that happens, Lord Melkor could be waiting for them.
Waiting for them, Lord Melkor!
And YOU would be the Darklord, when their Crystal Spheres were pulled in.

The figure laughs, a grim, horrible laugh:

Some of them dare to think a Good Domain will be established if Realmspace is pulled in.
They are idiots. There ARE NO Good Domains in Ravenloft.
There will NEVER BE any Good Domains in Ravenloft.

But there could be the Domain of Lord Melkor.
Ruler of Realmspace, Greyspace, and Krynnspace, and Athas too.

The figure looks intently at Melkor:

As Darklord, you would have supreme power over them all.
They could not touch you.
Their 11th level magic would fail in your Realm.
Their science would fail in your Realm.
The Shadow Weave would be the SUPREME magic in your Realm, and it would whelm ALL OTHER magic, and those who did not practice the Shadow Magic would be all but helpless against those who did.

Then you could have a revenge upon them all.
Erika Lesage ... she would be brought before you in chains, and soon enough you could break her and make her more truly yours than ever the elven girl was.
Forrester would be trapped, unable to escape ... and you could hunt him down, and take him to your dungeons. He would never die, so long as you willed it, and your torturers could practice their arts day and night.
Hazen, who dared to defy you, would find his angelic strength useless against you in Ravenloft, and his altruism would not avail him against the iron chains of your might.

The Alliance of Oerth would be crushed and the Shadow Throne reestablished.
The Union of the Worlds would bow and scrape before Lord Melkor, the God Emperor casting down his crown and kneeling before you.
Kas the Imbecile you could make into your Court Jester.
And Anabstercorian could be dissected by your Shade scientists - even we acknowledge there is much to be found in that swollen head of his.

All that could be yours, Lord Melkor.
All of it.

All that is required is that you step through this mirror, and will that your Shade step through with you.
That is all you have to do.

The figure gestures to the left-hand way, to the Torilian prison, where Erika Lesage is sternly and sadly looking at an imprisoned Melkor.

Or perhaps you would prefer THAT fate instead?

You are an intelligent being, Lord Melkor.
Would you not prefer her at your feet, kneeling, in chains, the marks of your whip on her back?
Or would you prefer to be made into the Torilian Zoo's latest exhibit, for kender and children to laugh at?

The choice, is yours.

((If Lord Melkor steps through that Mirror, he and all the Shade immediately travel to Ravenloft. A new Domain appears, gigantic in scope, and Melkor is the Darklord of this Domain. In this Domain, he effectively is the supreme power ... overcoming him by magic or force would be almost literally impossible by any means.
If Realmspace, Greyspace, Krynnspace, and Athas, ARE pulled into Ravenloft, they BECOME A PART of this Domain ... the Domain where Melkor is the Darklord. Where Melkor is the supreme power.
For Domains in the Demiplane of Dread, Ravenloft, appear as the Dark Powers will them to appear.
If Realmspace and the other Crystal Spheres become a part of the Domain of Melkor, I do not think it too difficult to guess what will happen to all of you then.))

- - -




- - -


LOL. I had hoped for an: Oh (deleted) !!

I don't know what Melkor will do, of course.

I am guessing I just put a capital P on that Peace Conference of yours ...

- - -


Melkor looks with delight at the vision that the figure shows him:

-Fool, you think you can manipulate me! Ha, I accept but know that I myself am a Dark Power, greatest of all, and you will soon bow before me! I shall rule entire Ravenloft, and Plane Of Dread shall swallow ALL of the multiverse, and there will no light left, no hope, no mercy, Dread will rule supreme! And I will rule upon it unchallenged, wielding Power Of Darkness, Of Red Scourge, Eternal Night!

Then he steps through The Mirror.

- - -


Oh well.

- - -


You are getting an OH (deleted) from me.

Melkor, good roleplaying on your part.

I am waiting to see the rest of this, but I will have to leave for a few hours.


Re: Anabstercorian

Melkor, everything in this post is completely out of character. Everything here is stuff your character would likely have learned upon hearing about Ravenloft.

Any power that enters there as a Dark Lord is a prisoner. They suffer eternally. They can never escape. They can not influence other worlds to any appreciable degree. Going into Ravenloft is rather like jumping into a black hole. You can't get out and you will be crushed. You will be in a prison worse than the one Forrester put your character in earlier in the IR.

You always have choices. Ravenloft is worse than you can imagine. Your character essentially becomes a prisoner. I suggest you do a web search on Ravenloft if you doubt me.

I am trying to be helpful to another player in this. Edena and everyone, can you explain the consequences of Melkor becoming a Dark Lord of Ravenloft. Indeed, most of what the Dark Lords in Ravenloft do is meant to free them from the Domain of Dread. They are trapped, and so would you if you seek to enter.

You could decide to try to return to the peace conference. You are being presented with only two options by the Dark Powers.
You can always make your own way. Also, saying that they will bow to you may make them VERY ANGRY.

You may wonder why I am doing this. Someone in the IR asked people to do this. Out of respect for you as a player.

Melkor, you have little idea what you are doing. Can some of the other players let Melkor what they know about Ravenloft.

- - -



OOC: I know there are problems with EnWorld just frustrated posted some decent stuff and it gets overlooked cause of the problems with the board... hey Edena if it is okay with you I might save some of the stuff from the game and place it on my boards just in case... My Boards


Sure thing, Tokiwong. Go ahead and do that, and I'll take a look in.

Melkor, you may change your mind, if you wish.
If you wish to talk with William OOC about this, please go ahead.

However, whatever your decision is, 24 hours from now it is final.

William, you underestimate the danger. Think about this:

If Melkor becomes a Darklord, and the rest of you are pulled into Ravenloft and his Domain, well ... you know what happens next.
If Melkor becomes a Darklord, and the rest of you manage to avoid being pulled into Ravenloft, they still have Melkor.
If Melkor refuses to go to Ravenloft, he stays and fights the rest of you, which hastens the process of you all being pulled into Ravenloft.

Any way you cut it, the Dark Powers win.


First Post
Iuz smiles to Hazen, "What is our philosophy? We wish as much as any to dominate words... we wish to bring an enlightenment of the spirit and the flesh."

Iuz ponders for a moment, "Do I show repentance for my actions... I show that I have seen the path... after the merging with the Red Scourge I saw something. A glimmer of a future yet untold. A flash of light like fire that wracks my mind as much as the events of the present.”

“You say that Thayadon acts to bring peace and order then so be it… allow my dignitaries to be escorted out peacefully instead of forcing an issue before they are allowed to leave. I find that tyrannous… but then again… as you see it I am but a tyrant that is taciturn…” Iuz smiled.

“Once we were allies… once the Shade poisoned my lands… but that is the past… things change… was it not your own emissaries that pressed an issue that we should destroy Anabstercorian for his actions at the end war against the City of the Gods? And yet now… today he stands here in your presence and you have yet to chastise him for his actions… He murdered countless millions on Luna and strengthened the Red Scourge… and yet he is treated as a friend? I say if you are to call me on being inconsistent then you should observe your own actions as well. Hazen I have always prided myself on holding you as an intellectual equal very few can match wits and words with me as you have,” Iuz sighs, “But our paths and philosophies are divergent.”

“Where you seek the light… I quest for the perfection of Glowing Darkness. What are my beliefs? What is my philosophy? It is life. It is the dynamic structure of creation that is life, the cycle of creation and destruction. We are on the tail end of that cycle descending into the depths of destruction. Life is both good and evil… law and chaos… it is the ephemeral substance of the universe, a delicate gift that many of us have taken for granted. I wish to create life… pure… heal Oerth and make good the deeds of my place in nearly destroying the one thing I love above all. I do this not out of good, nor to restore the balance; I do this for pure selfish survival. The one instinct that ties all creatures, the desire to live and exist. This survival instinct is not my own, it is that of Oerth, the world calls out in pain for we have abused her greatly.”

“This is the lesson of the red Scourge… it is the pain… the rage… anger… dilutes the mind… it damages the spirit… and in its wake is destruction… Consumed by the anger of a world… how else was I to act… I know this now; the rage took me into great depths of depravity and maliciousness. I was no longer Iuz, I was the Red Scourge… I was pure rage and violence quantified…” Iuz clenched his fist, “My allies seek to continue to plumb its depths, and I shall not stop them… I have no need for the substance, for the anger and rage has abated… I am Iuz now… changed but still who I was… and yet forever different.”

“I do not wish to destroy whole worlds… my people have heard my words and understand the burden I carry on my shoulders. I seek only to create a world where there is peace, where there is understanding and where I may pursue my path… is this an essentially evil act no. To protect my dogma, my faith I will strike at my enemies… to protect my children, I will not abide by while those who wish to worship Melkor, Hellmaster, Talindra, or myself are persecuted for their faith. Nor would I impede upon that of the Union of Oerth… or Kalanyr… I allow choice… life is choice… but,” Iuz glows with blackened flames, “do I wish to dominate… no more then an alpha wolf wishes to lead his pack. I act as the part given me… I am a leader among men… among the divine… I cannot deny my role. I shall not deny the Golden Path laid out before me. Hazen,” he turns his gaze upon him, “you asked if I had a message and that is it. I seek life, that is my purpose… the purpose of the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness but the old order is corrupt… for life to flourish it must be torn down or restructured… through conflict or words it shall happen… the Crusade will begin with words or the bloody edge of swords… I leave that for you all to choose… I will not make decisions I leave you the freedom to make your paths… we all know the dangers… we can all feel the pinpricks of the Mist… the call of the Dark Powers… We as a world must choose wisely. If you demand our destruction then so be it… if you demand a more peaceful means of coming to accord then so be it… I am prepared for either option…”

Edena, you have Creamsteak and My original secret retreats mixed, I have the Labryinth and he has the weaveform.

Also, I believe you mentioned Valkys collected Melkor's Arm and Leg, Anabstercorian's brain fluid, and I think something of Vaeregoth in that battle they had...the League of Warlords will research immediately to find out their capabilities and uses :)


First Post
Rulings, answers, and comments on posts

William Ronald

Posts from the Temp thread

Hello, my friends.

I am including the relevant posts from the temp thread here.
Also, can people contact Zelda and wish her well? She has been a little under the weather.

Here are the posts:

(rest of article deleted)

ANSWER: Thank you, William. Thanks for putting this post up from the temporary boards. I'll be e-mailing Zelda. She's really had a bad time.

- - -


The fighting in the World Forum has been halted.
A fair number of resurrections have been cast.
And a fair number of diplomats are being questioned (having diplomatic immunity, they cannot be arrested.)

Wait a second, I'm not done yet.

After the fighting delegates are subdued, Thayadon addresses them.

Most of you probably think that that the Chosen of Mystra have no business interfering with the politics of the United Commonwealth. You are right. However, I am here to show you something. I will show you a mere illusion, but it all happened at one time or another.
He then projects the most horrid things that the Church of Shade has done.
The atrocities go on and on. People are changed into red soldiers, screaming as their flesh changes into Red Goo. Slaves are whipped to death for the pleasure of their Shade masters. Fertile ground turns barren and bleak.
After the grim illusion is over, Thayadon's voice quietly seems to be everywhere as he says

This is what the shade would have done to you, and they will get their way if the Commonwealth hacks off its arm by creating a blood feud, one that will be agitated by the Shade supporters so that it will not die until the Shade enslave you.

I wish to ask for a law that will support ANY action against the Shade, and I ask for this law to be passed immediately so that any Shade worshippers that have already infiltrated the Forum be mind-scanned and punished accordingly.


There are jeers from the delegates at the statement that the Chosen of Mystra do not normally involve themselves in the affairs of others.
There are jeers at the Chosen of Mystra in general.
After your speech, there are a lot of calls for scanning for traitors, as they are called, who worship the Shade - nevermind the fact, Creamsteak, that freedom of religion is protected under UC law.

I am waiting for Reprisal to step in and clean this situation up.

If he does not do so, some of the delegates will be found to be secret Shade-worshippers.
In a total violation of the laws of the World Forum, they will be arrested, thrown into prison, and interrogated brutally, for fear and a strange lack of reason seems to have taken over at the World Forum.
Not that these Shade worshipping delegates have much to say, except they were sent here to cause disruption, and that OTHER delegates were ALSO sent here for the sole purpose of causing disruption and disunion on Toril.
THAT will cause a witch-hunt to start, and more delegates will be arrested.

At which point, that is the end, really, of the World Forum.
The concept, the concept of the peaceful assembly of all the Powers of Realmspace, for their common interest, will collapse.

Reprisal can stop this from happening.
However, he must take a firm hand to do so.

- - -


Fu Zhao scowls at Thayadon, "So you wish to persuade this Forum with Illusions and tricks to prove some point? If this were a show of prestidigitation then I would applaud thee... but this is a Forum for intellectual debate."
Fu Zhao waves to those assembled, "We of the Eternal Empire will not stand behind such parlor tricks... you wish to pass your law then do it through the proper channels... because of your interference many of our wounded could not be transported from this Forum to be healed... an obstruction of those that wished nothing of bloodshed only debate... and you deined them that... you penned them in... like rats to be slaughtered until you could prove your point..." he scoffs, "Your words... fall on deaf ears... I assure those that tried to escape and could not because of the wards placed are not pleased with your actions..."

ANSWER: This speech greatly aggravates the situation that I outlined above.
Many delegates cheer Fu Zhao, and jeer at Thayadon.
There are then hundreds of calls for mass scanning of everyone present - including the delegates of the Nations of the Chosen of Mystra - for traitors.
Everyone looks at the delegates from other nations - especially those from Oerth - with sudden great suspicion.

- - -


<< I'll answer these questions in the order that they were raised. >>
<< First of all, Erika Lesage can take her "high ideals" and "peace and light" and cram it up her ass. That is NOT a personal insult, mind you - She's one of the most brilliant life forms I've ever sensed. We simply disagree on some points. >>
<< For example, the Luna debacle. Had I realized the presence of the 2nd Touch, and the fact that the Red Goo of Luna would remain unfazed by my sterilization, I would not have undergone the attack. It would have been an utterly meaningless waste of life - And was. Because I did NOT realize that my attempts were ultimately futile, I tried anyway, panicked by Melkor's assault on my armada. Had I succeeded in destroying the Red Goo, the deaths of those 3 million men, women, and children would have been worth it, EVEN IF THEY WERE ILLITHID. >> He pounds his hands together to emphasize these last words. << She would disagree with me - To her, the presence of the Red Goo was less of a risk than the deaths of three million innocents were worth... We simply disagree on that point. >>

ANSWER: I would simply like to point out that Erika Lesage is shown a record of this broadcast.

<< If the UCR attacks ME personally, they can expect to have their guns rammed up their noses telekinetically. If the UCR attacks the Army of Darkness, they would respond with force whether I would like it or not, and I owe it to them to lead them effectively in such an encounter. If the UCR attacked the Penumbral Hub, a civilian target, without explaining its reasons, I would respond with great violence. Perhaps this is hypocritical after the Luna debacle - So be it. Hypocrisy will be eradicated with time.>>

<< I believe that humans, and all thrall species, are destined for eventual extinction at the hands of the Illithid, but I believe it will be an extinction happily accepted - Not a death, but a metamorphosis in to something better. You need only look at the metaprobabilistic statistics of our various species to see that the Illithid offer a basically superior body and brain form. It's not a hostile racism any more... Besides, although my allies will hate me for saying this, dependence on slaves is not power but weakness. Allies are better than thrall, and illithid are better allies than humanoids - We're just brighter. >>

ANSWER: Across Realmspace, Anabstercorian's speech above is met with anger and denunciation, with boos and hisses.

<< I would rather be captured by the UC than have the Dark Powers win. The reasons behind this are obvious. >>
<< IF the UC captures me... Hmm. That's an interesting question. To be completely honest, I didn't give the possibility much thought... I don't give them that much credit.
I would expect, frankly, a very swift show trial followed by an immediate obliteration of my psyche, or a temporal stasis treatment in the very best of cases. They'd have a devil of a time catching me, though. I don't think it'll happen, unless I turn myself in for some reason. >>


A lot of belligerent people in Realmspace proceed to talk about how the UC will crush Anabstercorian, Penumbral Hub and all, and how he will be captured.
They explain to each other that they hope he is put to a very long, slow death.
They agree that the UC should pursue a militaristic and unwavering (read: unreasonable) stand concerning Greyspace, since Anabstercorian is there.
Those in Realmspace who want peace just look on, unhappy and silent.

- - -


As I told you, FOLLOWER OF MELKOR, what I projected actually happened, and you may use any truth magic you wish to afferm my statement.
Of course I should put it through the the proper channals, because then you could run before it was resolved.
So you want to escape after destabilizing the UC. Not surprising.


The Supreme Commander of the Eternal Empire was watching when these comments were made to his delegate in the World Forum.
The Supreme Commander immediately contacts the Chosen, demanding a full apology for these statements, and threatening to break off diplomatic relations if an apology is not given.

In the World Forum itself, the delegates of the Eternal Empire stare at Thayadon in shock.

- - -

Mr. Draco

Behold Torrilians. I am Kas the Terrible, known as the Godslayer, and God of Strategy, Destruction, Retribution, and Justice. This is my true form.
Perhaps rumors have come to you, perhaps not. Whatever the situation, know this, I am the first of the transcendant. I have achieved the form of the perfect being. I am the first of the Cydian race.
We are not interested in petty squables about 'good' versus 'evil'. They do not concern us.
What does concern us however, is our doctorine. The doctorine of the Union of Oerth. That doctorine primarily states survival.
There are those who would question our motives. Those who seek to tarnish our reputation amongst others. Let their thirst for our downfall be saited with their own dissapointment.
They now stand, ready to fight. Their power shall prove to be their downfall however, at the hands of the Union of Oerth and the remainder of the nations of this planet.
The one known as Melkor, and his allies, Iuz, Rajaat, and the Hellmaster are even now ralling their armies against those of Oerth. They will fall. One by one to the wayside of life, where they shall be trampled and broken by our might. None who espouse their ideals shall remain to poison the minds of others.
Let this serve as a warning then, to any who would seek to deny the survival of the Union.
We will survive through your greatest efforts. Not only survive, but you and your people will be destroyed by us. Those who remain to surrender will bow before us, pledging their lives in service to the Cydian race.
Now, any questions?

The reporters look up from their notes momentarily, gathering their thoughts before speaking out.

What is your opinion on the dark powers?

They are complete fools. Their efforts to draw us into the domains of dread are doomed to failure, for they too by doing this, attempt to deny the survival of the Union. Thus, they too shall forfeit their victory.

What do you think about the recent events in the world forum?

Whether or whether not those babbling politicians can decide upon plans peacefully is not my buisness. However, I will say that they have proven themselves to follow true with my original opinion: that they are a large group of idiots that could not decide which restaurant to eat at, much less the fate of a world! Now, as to the rest of the UC, I admire Lesage for her persistance and patience with those fools. Perhaps she can bring sanity and order to them, apparently, they cannot manage to hold onto it themselves.

Are there any remaining questions?

(if any other faction has reporters with specific questions, now would be the time to post those questions if you want Kas to answer them.)

Edena, if the reporters have any further questions, please let me know.


This little speech on Kas's part causes many Torilians to reaffirm their original position, which was that the Oerthians are militant savages, and ought to be treated as such.
This speech really goes over badly on Toril: a lot of Torilians feel they have been openly insulted and threatened, their country has been insulted and threatened, and they are tired of being insulted and threatened by the people of Oerth.
Those people who are for peace, just watch with increasing despair, and wonder when the inevitable war is going to start.

For the first time in 40 years, war fever begins to spread through the United Commonwealth of Toril.

- - -


Melkor teleports to the conference and adresses The Githyanki Queen:

Ha! Hazen is nothing more but a deluded foul! He can`t suceed, he CAN`T overcome The Mists, for he CAN`T overcome The Darkness that lies in the hearts of men, it is impossible to defeat Hatred, and Greed, and Suffering, these are primordial emotions, which are eternal! There is one that is a much greater threat to you- Anabstecorian, Chosen Of Ilsenine. For mighty are The Ililthidi, they have power of Elder Ones, yet are free of their madness. There was a time, ages ago, when Ililthidi ruled upon most of the multiverse, and no one could stand in their way, until your ancestors, Gith, rebelled against their masters, and Penumra was destroyed. But now Anabstecorian has rebuilt The Penumral Hub, and The Race Of Ililthidi is uniting around him. I know him, he has a spirit of fire, his will achieve his goal AT ALL costs, he has no weaknesses of ones like Erika or Hazen, no mercy or compassion, no belief in foolish concepts such as Democracy, only pure WILL, and if his will prevails, Race Of Githyanki would be once again enslaved!

You are wise, Queen, indeed, Strenght in Unity!
If people of Toril, Oerth and Krynn unite around The Pantheon Of Glowing Darkness, they shall be protected, for we wield The Power Of Darkness that can rival those of Dark Powers, we have no reason to be afraid of them, WE are Dark Powers ourselves, we have fully embraced The Night Eternal through Red Scourge, we have Power, we have Understanding! Hazen is a fool in his belief that Light will prevail over Darkness, That Power Of Preserving can defeat The Power Of Unmaking, Corruption and Decay- isn`t everything destroyed, sooner or later? Only The Darkness is eternal, and through it can Eternity be achieved! Yes I agree to ally with Union Of Worlds agaisnt Alliance Of Oerth and Torillians, even with Anabstecorian, despite his treachery.


The Githyanki Lich Queen is greatly angered when Anabstercorian is mentioned, and more angered when the illithid are mentioned, and MORE angered when the Penumbral Hub is mentioned.
She speaks coldly:

Well then, Lord Melkor, I suggest the Shade ally fully with the Union of the Worlds, and vice versa, while there is still time.
And bring Iuz into the alliance, and Phibrizzo.

That would isolate Anabstercorian, since the Torilians will not ally with him.

A nice speech, Lord Melkor, but I want action.
I want to see some action here. Some real effort at unity, and not talk.
So far, I haven't seen it. If I do not see it soon, I will return my people to the Astral Plane.

- - -

William Ronald

Hazen will answer any questions the reporters have. If he is made aware of the reaction of the other worlds, he becomes very humble.

I am honored that my words were so well received by the people of Toril. You are the spiritual heirs of those who gave all for their world. You honor me beyond words with the trust and goodwill that I have heard. I am humbled by what I have heard.

Athas, Krynn, and Mystara are also threatened by the Dark Powers. There are good and noble people on these worlds. There are lives which honor the values of compassion and sacrifice. Despite the differences of race, faith, nation, and world, what unites us is far more powerful and important than what divides us. It is this vision that Ian Payne left for Toril. I believe he is proud of what the peoples of Toril and Realmspace have accomplished.

Hazen turns to the Angel, nodding after speaking of Ian Payne. His face is full of the utmost respect as he speaks of the Saint.

If there are no further questions, I shall attend the peace conference. As a courtesy to the press, I will say that I and several others will make a major announcement soon. I believe it will help generate further good will on Oerth and beyond.

I thank you for your time and your patience. I believe if the peoples of the worlds stand together, no threat, no darkness can triumph over us.

If there are no further questions, Hazen will go to the Peace Conference. (OOC: I will work on a suitable message and a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT that Edena knows about.)


The Torilians are not mollified by this speech, not after what Kas and Anabstercorian have said on live TV (see above.)
There is great anger in Realmspace, and the trouble in the World Forum - and the speeches just given there by Tokiwong and Creamsteak, which are also being broadcast live - are making the situation worse.

- - -


Think hard on the Truth of what Melkor has said, his actions do not reflect his words.
I find myself in agreeance with the Illithid, Melkor uses this speech and those reasons merely to decieve he has no intention of peace merely a desire to let us become weak before he strikes. Such is the way of darkness. Your lies do not decieve me Spawn of Shadow and Lord of Darkness and I dount they decieve many others. You also speak a lie when you say fighting sparks the mists and the goo, there was fighting for centuries before and neither appeared, the truth is that it is not the fighting that attracts the mists but the hatred and the attrocities committed during the fighting. The Dark Powers do not feed of battle, indeed in honest battle valour,honour, courage and many others of the markings of light are clear, it is the hatred, the torture and the apathy that battle can trigger in the hearts of many that feed the Darkness. False peace from fear strengthens the Dark even more than battle could, they would feed of such deciet and become mighty indeed. Remember honest battle when needed is less of a dangerous than a false peace. Although I would prefer True Peace but I know that a false peace is pointless,will not last and will only strengthen the powers of Darkness, to drive back the mists we require a true peace.


The people of Realmspace do not, in general, know what the Alliance of Oerth is.
So, they see a being talking openly of allying with Anabstercorian, who is greatly feared in Realmspace, and who has just made a very vitrolic speech that threatened the United Commonwealth.
As a result, people pay little attention to the rest of Kalanyr's speech.
All they get out of it is that the majority of the Oerthians seem to be siding with Anabstercorian.


First Post

<< I would rather be captured by the UC than have the Dark Powers win. The reasons behind this are obvious. >>
<< IF the UC captures me... Hmm. That's an interesting question. To be completely honest, I didn't give the possibility much thought... I don't give them that much credit.
I would expect, frankly, a very swift show trial followed by an immediate obliteration of my psyche, or a temporal stasis treatment in the very best of cases. They'd have a devil of a time catching me, though. I don't think it'll happen, unless I turn myself in for some reason. >>


A lot of belligerent people in Realmspace proceed to talk about how the UC will crush Anabstercorian, Penumbral Hub and all, and how he will be captured.
They explain to each other that they hope he is put to a very long, slow death.
They agree that the UC should pursue a militaristic and unwavering (read: unreasonable) stand concerning Greyspace, since Anabstercorian is there.
Those in Realmspace who want peace just look on, unhappy and silent.


Anabstercorian reaches off to the side at the peace conference and grabs a small letter that teleported there just a millisecond before his hand reached the spot. He opens it and reads it.
<< Hm. And here I thought I was being diplomatic! Oh well. I suppose I'll just have to do something foolish and audacious again. >>
He relaxes and sits back at the peace conference, silently murmuring to himself, << Ilsensine, bring wisdom back to this place... >>



First Post

A few questions regarding 11th:

Do activities taking exactly one hour stop Category 4 or greater attack/defence?

ANSWER: Not at all. Only activities that take greater than one hour.

Can you perform more than one of those actions at a time?


- - -


Fu Zhao looks perplexed, "Follower of Melkor.... can you prove this claim or do you make random accusations with a whimsy... I seek not to destablize anything... I only speak from the knowledge I know... and is it not true that Forrester nearly destroyed Oerth or was that another Illusion fostered by this Melkor... you insult me this day... greatly Chosen..."

He waves to those assembled, "And this you call democracy... where hypocrisy such as this exists. Then freedom of choice is an illusion... if powers such as this can deny us our rights to speech... then I say what good is this Forum... if it shall be taken over by terrorists who demand their ways... and hold us hostage... yes... hostage... you hold us in bondage and then expect us to accept this? That is incredulous... then you call me a follower of Melkor... scan my mind and you shall see I serve the Eternal Empire... and only them..."

OOC: Which is true... he is not a follower of Melkor...


The situation in the World Forum grows uglier.
The Sergeant At Arms demands the Chosen stand down, and states he will handle the situation now.
That is not a request, but a hostile order.

- - -


Melkor you would desire to fight the Dark Lords?
You who have time and again sought to destroy this world
Who has wanted to destroy all worlds.

No Melkor there can be no peace between us, there will be no pact. Kalanyr is right there is no hope to be found with a false peace. Those who do not truly want peace must be eliminated, so that those who do may have it. You say you can fight the dark lords, I say you cannot. When you enter a dark room do you create more blackness to see with? No. You turn on a light, or bring one with you. This you cannot do, your soul, what you have of one, is shrouded in darkness and cannot bring light to the dark.

ANSWER: The Torilian public watches, and technomantic cameras bring it all live to the 100 billion plus audience.

Zelda Themelin

OCC: Hi, 'flu-girl' Zelda here. I am slowly catching up. I am back with you monday unless unprobably tragedy hits again or sky falls or something like that.
Nice to have you back kaboom, oh, and nice job people. You have almost not wrecked things up more badly this time, 'third touch' though, bad, bad.

ANSWER: Hey there, Zelda. I hope you feel better soon. Expect an e-mail from me soon!

- - -

The Forsaken One

Still here, reading up every damn hour just no posts cause I've got nothing constructive to post

ANSWER: Remember your alloted 5 changes to reality, Forsaken One. You CAN announce any or all of them during the Interlude.

- - -

Zelda Themelin


Btw, could someone tell me story behind Forrester's concubine, and how she ended up with Melkor and why Forrester wished her welcomed to that fate and suffering.
(I recall only part of the story).
I asked this about one rambling post to Edena once (heh, well, easy to recall, since I've e-mailed Edena about 5 times total), but he was busy, busy, busy and never answered.
Well, I just ask again, since I am still curious.
Well Forsaken One, you are on the good side of constructive posting.

ANSWER: Zelda, Lord Melkor attempted to recover the True Staff of Ancient Penumbra, which had been taken from Anabstercorian by force, and taken to Realmspace.
Forrester laid a trap, and Lord Melkor was caught in it.
In retaliation, the agents of the Church of Shade in Realmspace attempted to kidnap Forrester's family.
They were mostly foiled, but they captured Forrester's chief concubine, the elven girl who is the eldest daughter of the now deceased Queen Amlaruil of Evermeet.

Melkor has since broken the mind of this unfortunate girl, and made her into his pleasure slave.
He abuses her, tortures her, physically and mentally.

Forrester the PC stated IC (I believe it was IC) that he cared not what happened to this girl, and that Melkor could do his worst to her, as far as he was concerned.
Forrester also stated, IC (I believe) that he was never comfortable with the situation he had with the elves.

If this was an OOC statement, which I do not think it was, then I would be ignoring it.

However, I believe it was said IC, and Melkor's agents of Shade learned from Melkor of Forrester's speech, and have put it to good use in their effort to tear apart the United Commonwealth of Toril.

For you see, Zelda, you must consider what happened in the 2nd IR.

The elves decided to destroy the world of Toril, and their Fleet of Vengeance came to do this.
The Elves of Evermeet arose as Watchnorns (good undead), and assaulted this fleet as it approached Toril.
They did this as repatriation for what they considered to be earlier crimes of their race against everyone else.
Thus, the Elves of Evermeet turned against their own kind, and in so doing, they played a key role in stopping the Fleet of Vengeance.

Afterwards, the hatred that had existed between Forrester and his humanoids, and the Elves of Evermeet, ceased.

Then, the Elves of Evermeet were raised from the dead by a colossal stunt pulled by the nascent Church of Toril.

Further war tore Toril apart once more, as the illithid (Anabstercorian among them) tried to destroy the other races.

Again, the Elves of Evermeet fought, this time at the side of the humanoids, against the invaders.

Afterwards, the Elves of Evermeet asked to join the Humanoids, and merge with them into one people.
Forrester accepted this request, and as King of the Humanoids, he became King of the Elves as well.
Then, the Humanoid Alliance joined the Technomancy and other Powers to form the United Commonwealth of Toril.

This was an unprecedented time, in which elves frolicked and danced with orcs, gnolls, bugbears, and all the others, and the humanoids - now a civilized, very bright and psionically gifted race - returned the friendship and goodwill.
The elves and humanoids interbred, producing new races, and eventually forged themselves into one people.

The daughter of Queen Amlaruil, who had been killed in the war, and who was now technically Queen of the Elves of Evermeet, asked to be Forrester's concubine, for she was romantically attracted to him.
Forrester, apparently, returned the feeling, for he took her as his concubine, and the two had a number of children.

Therefore, the statements by the agents of the Church of Shade are very destructive and divisive, as Melkor intended they be.
The elves in the Humanoid State are aghast.
The humanoids themselves, are surprised, and are wondering if they should be associating with elves.

You must understand that both elf and humanoid look upon Forrester with awe and respect (or former respect), and they take what he says as gospel.

The whole atmosphere of friendship, goodwill, and tolerance has been destroyed, and replaced by sudden suspicion and anger - anger that will turn to hatred and war, if it continues to build.
The Mists of Ravenloft are feeding off of this development, growing in power and strength, bringing the day when Realmspace is pulled into Ravenloft closer.

However, if you take it at face value that Forrester's statement was IC, and that Melkor gave this information to his lieutenants, and his agents are spreading this information openly in Realmspace, the results are disastrous.

Erika Lesage could do something to stop this situation from escalating, but she has to act, and she has not done so yet.

- - -


... enjoy violence and bloodshed, as you did before your Fall! But now you lack the freedom, enslaved by The Light, and need excuses to do what you want! In the past you responded only to Lloth, all those beneath you were your slaves, your property. But now you are a slave of your own servants, no longer can you kill your underling at whim if he fails you, now you have to care about them, love them, respect. You are weak, full of Mercy and Compassion even towards those that are Weaklings, and who are like Vermins compared to you! You are denied true pleasure, which comes from fullfilling ones Desires, all of them, from taking what you want from everyone you want, from crushing those that stay in your way! So you want to oppose me,Great, soon you will learn the meanings of words Suffering and Torment, Oh, and I have some plans concering Your Dear Siobhan, but don`t worry, I will let you watch what I am doing to her!


Obviously, this is received badly in Realmspace.
There is general agreement that the Church of Shade must be hunted down and destroyed, no mercy given to those caught, and if the Shade on Oerth are indeed a threat, they must be destroyed.
A lot of people reaffirm that Forrester made the right decision in bombarding Oerth, since it destroyed the Red Army and the Shade who created it.

- - -


Please, you two.

Anabstercorian looks irked at both Kalanyr and Melkor.

<< Melkor, Kalanyr, please - Allow the meeting to continue in an orderly fashion. Sit down, oh Black Flame. Relax, oh Light of Freedom. No more transforming in to avatars of unstoppable power for intimidation purposes. Save that for the battlefield. >>
<< Melkor, I realize that it's difficult to be polite among your bitter enemies as they plan your destruction, but think of it this way - If the meeting stays polite and orderly, you'll be able to sit back and take in tactical information about us. >>
<< Kalanyr, I'm with you on the false peace thing. False peace is bad; that's why I recommend a hearty dose of righteous ass-kicking before we undertake any other actions. >>

Anabstercorian thinks.

<< You're probably right, now that I think about it. Odds are good a battle for justice and the path of liberty and hope would actually ward off the Mists, if not the Red Goo. >>
<< So, who's on the hit list? Melkor, Rajaat, and... who else? Is there anyone else worth the inevitable expenditure of life, given all of the reconstruction of Oerth's ecosystem we ALREADY need to do? >>


The cameras continue to roll, and the Realmspace audience watches. Everyone is watching now ... prior speeches have caught everyone's attention.
Across Realmspace, everyone has stopped what they were doing, and workers are being given time off, to watch these proceedings.
On another channel, the debacle in the World Forum continues, brought live to the horrified and angered viewers.

- - -

Black Omega

Siobhan Silirevnur appears before the press, clad in her finest dark green down, her normally silver hair sparkling golden to go with her jewelry.

Sorry, gentlepeople, but I'm feeling a little under the weather today so I'll keep this short. From some of the comments already made, one thing this peace conference is accomplishing is communication. Peace can only follow greater understanding, with some factions at least. Even the Seelie and Unseelie have been in communication, working on ideas for limited cooperation. If -WE- can do it, other groups can as well. Regretably there are some factions set on the destruction of Oerth..those people must change before any lasting peace can arise with them. It's to nobody's benefit for the Dartk Powers and the Mists to claim Oerth. If given no choice, the Seelie will fight to protect this world. We were forced to leave Toril long ago. We won't let that happen here. *I* won't let that happen here. This is our home now and the forces of Light will defend it. But it is my hope that we can get past the grandstanding and perhaps hammer out some meaningful peace before it's too late.

ANSWER: The people of Realmspace watch, and some comment this one is more reasonable. However, is he in league with Anabstercorian also?

- - -

Black Omega

And into the breach strides Siobhan, silverwhite flames glittering from her eyes again as she yells out

Melkor! Rein it in, sir! This is a peace conference! This is not the time or place for a fight over the power of light v. darkness! If you have a point to make, -say-it- like the rest of us. We won't tolerate attacks on anyone at the conference, physical, magical or emotional! Save your threats for the battlefield! Now..back to normal size, please.

she growls, flames glittering all the more brightly for some other of Melkor's words, though she ignores them and focuses on the business at hand.


Melkor returns to his original height, and casts Wish to repair damage he did to the conference room.

Calm and calculating like always, Ililthidi? And you seem to be one of those more eager to destroy me, I am pretty sure you are the next on Commonwealth`s and Alliance Of Oerth to kill list, they aren`t stupid enough to trust you.


Practically everyone is watching the conference now. All of Realmspace. The cameras roll.
Over 100 billion people listen to the words of the leaders present at the Peace Conference.

- - -

Zelda Themelin

This is happening now... but something has happened before this...

(So, I have supposingly 11th level magic. How did this happen? Did some ally of ours teach it to us?)

ANSWER: I arbitrarily gave you 11th level magic, Zelda, so you could participate in the war - or protect yourself from the war, on Turn 7.

. . . When Lord Melkor decides to pull this show-off stunt, party has just been helping themselves with snacks. 6 out of eight faints and drops down to floor. Ergoth-Nog almost chokes on his food, turns pale and takes support on table. Suealian woman, however, doesn't seem to be affected at all, and keeps watching whole time, without flicker of
emotion in her pale blue eyes.

When they later recover, party leaves area quickly. That does it 'Ergoth-Nog' states outside. Spirit of peace conferance has been broken. Air is now longer good enough to stay here. "I can stay" Eidor of Frost Barbarian tribe states. Our people don't share your Way. "Very well, keep your eyes open, and may you return to us speedily and unharmed." Men shake hands and Eidor leaves to go back inside.
I don't see why they even allowed that avatar of destruction there, Ur'Deag mutters, he has no wishes for peace, only for destruction, war, and his own lusts.
"These matters are sometimes complicated my friend. Did you find out everything we spoke of?"
"Yes, we did."
"Oh yes, indeed.", adds Suelian woman.
"However, I also noticed something you might find little disturbing."
"What, Ancient One?"
"All those earthquakes on Oerth disturbed certain old place, and it seems Alusa was released. I could have swore I felf her presence here."
Ergoth-Nog does look a little disturbed, "I guess we must find her some other time, we have more important things to take care of now."
"However you want it", says Suelian woman, casts spell, and 7 of them dissappear.

Around conferance site hangs pretty little girl, of 8 years most. She has platinum colored hair and violet dress made of finest silk. She seems very sad. She tells 'nice looking people' (weird looks don't scare her away, agressive behavior does), that she is lost, and she needs to get back home, would somebody like to help her?


The Torilian press picked up more of the above than was thought. Soon, the annoucement that some of the emissaries of the Thillronian League have walked out of the conference is coming over the airwaves to Toril.
The Torilian press does nothing to help the girl (they are the press ...)

- - -


<< PEACE conference?!? I thought this was a war conference. Sheesh. I feel so out of the loop... >>

ANSWER: A burst of harsh laughter erupts across Realmspace at this statement from their hated enemy. Then a few comments about how Anabstercorian will learn the true meaning of peace, the hard way, compliments of the UC.

- - -


Iuz watches the argument with a look of candid amusement... he speaks softly, "A farce... with all of the boiling blood in this room... I find that there will be very little discussion to be had here. Bitter enemies sit scant meters away from each other hiding their hatred and loathing behind pretty words... or in the case of others they reveal this boiling conflict in brazen acts of pompous pageantry..."

Iuz stands and attempts to address those assembled, "Some of you I hold as an ally, others we are neutral... and more still I hold as enemies... is this by choice? No. But it is the grim reality of actions born in hatred and love... you speak vehemently against evil... and others against good... you hold to some ideal that this a battle between darkness and light... but I say this... if you snuff out the light is their darkness? If you illuminate the darkness would there be a need for light? This is a matter far beyond good and evil... right and wrong... this is survival."
"Oerth has faced cataclysm after cataclysm... bloody war upon bloody war... to suit our whims... our desires... for good... for right... for evil... or wrong... do I accept my place in these events I know very well what I have done... what I have caused... and what I have yet to do... I stand behind my actions... I do not hide behind them. What is our enemy? Look around you... the victory of Hazen over the Dark Powers... is not an external victory... but a battle of the self...who do we have to blame for the state of Oerth... ourselves... who can save Oerth... we can. if this is to be a conference to plan the future of our world... then let us do it..."

Iuz pauses and then waves his hands to those assembled, "Villain... devil... destroyer and worse... I am familiar with all of the titles bestowed up on the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness and me... you wish to destroy us? then I say perhaps this conference should end... because we only play at peace even as we prepare to drag Oerth into the depths of destruction once more... A war battled with the magical energies we have mastered would damage far more then Oerth.... it could consume all... would you pleased with your pyrrhic victory?"

"I simply wish to work to create a new order... and enlighten the ignorant to the majesty of the Glowing Darkness... but how can one spread an ideal when forces of 'good' work to silence any form of opposition... such as the Forum debacle... the Chosen of Mystra have taken our delegates hostage and demand that laws be passed to punish the wicked... is this the face that the forces of good wish to portray? I use the term loosely, but it is only one event of many that stirs my blood with sadness... everyday passes and I see our society slowing descending from our zenith. To deny us our destiny before we have attained it... is a horrible thing..."

Iuz sits and speaks softly once more, "I wish I knew the answers... but this is a path I cannot choose alone... but I can see a bloody crusade brewing and before it is all over many of us sitting here today will have passed on into oblivion..."

ANSWER: The audience listens to Iuz intently.

- - -


<< Iuz, in many ways you are completely correct. Peace is not only desirable now, it is necessary for our very survival. I desire peace as quickly as possible, but you and I both know that as long as certain forces remain in existence, this won't be possible. >>
<< These forces include, to the best of my knowledge, the following: >>
<< Melkor is incompatible with peace because his ultimate goal is sending all known reality plunging in to hedonistic chaos, and killing a hell of a lot of people in the process.>>
<< Rajaat is incompatible with peace because he desires things we have and considers our lives no more valuable than a scrap of ash. >>
<< Phibrizzo may or may not be incompatible with peace. He's a bit of a wild card, but he serves Xvim, so that implies he'll be dangerous - At the very least he will continue to eat bodies. >>
<< The Army of Darkness is getting hungrier and hungrier for blood, and I can't restrain them forever. I'm thinking of sending them off to die against the forces of Rajaat. That good for the rest of you? >>


Angry fists are raised as Anabstercorian speaks again. Jeers and boos, hisses and threats, are muttered across Realmspace.
The general consensus - well, there is no general consensus, but a lot of people wonder how ANYONE can just sit there and TALK with this mass murderer?
In their minds, everyone sitting at that table is an enemy. They should be shooting at Anabstercorian, not talking to him.
But then, the people of Realmspace have a bad impression of nearly everyone at the Peace Conference, at this point.

- - -


Anabstecorian, Melkor has a good laugh after hearing your words, than he says:

-Anabstecorian is incompatible with peace, because his ultimate goal is to make The Ililthidi Race rule supreme upon the multiverse, and all other races will be their slaves
-Mina is incompatible with peace, she desires all to be slaves of One God.

ANSWER: Mina? Who is Mina? Everyone starts asking. Another demigouge out to threaten Realmspace, like the rest of the buffoons they are watching on the television?

- - -

William Ronald

Tokiwong: The person that Thayadon Fasfoni (kaboom's character) called a worshipper of Melkor was the representative from Calimshan, not the Eternal Empire.

Hazen and Gwilym Raonul arrive at the peace conference. Four people are with them. One is a halfling in academic garb, one is an orc, one is a human dressed in the clothes of a gardener, and the fourth is an elven woman.

Gwilym Raonul gestures to the press. "I would like to introduce some friends from Toril who have asked to be guests of the Kevellond League at this conference. I would like to introduce Professor Loren Corvir of the University of Shadowdale, one of the fore most experts on political affairs. I am honored to introduce Sergeant Krunnon Gror of the Ravens Bluff Police Department, Martin Walston, chief gardener of the University of Hope Island, and Alvarianna Corsin, proprietor of the Leaping Stag one of the best restaurants in Arabel. I meet them during my visit to Toril."

Hazen addresses the audience, the press and the delegates.

"It is true that we can triumph over our own darkness and the Dark Powers. We can chart our own destinies. "

"Lord Iuz, the existence of good and evil are not threatened. Indeed, those and many more choices will always remain with us. As for your new order, may I remind you that it was the Church of Shade that poisoned your lands in the Bright Empire. It was the Church of Shade who sent assassins after you and Lord Rary. I have treated you with respect and dignity. You fought bravely against the Shade, as did your soldiers. I am disappointed that you now ally with them. I am disappointed that you called the Red Armada to Oerth."

"You have not explained the nature of your idea, the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness. All I have heard is that you will explain it. What do you seek? What is the philosophy of the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness? An idea can only be judged if it is espoused."

"Lord Kalanyr is correct in his statement that war need not summon the mists. Oerth, Toril, Krynn, Mystara and Athas can be saved if its people will it. The power of the good within each of us can triumph over the darkness in ourselves."

"Lord Iuz, do you repent for summoning the Red Armada to Oerth? Are you determined to let other peoples and other worlds live in peace? I am aware that Lord Melkor has called for an invasion of Krynn and Mystara, at the urging of his ally Rajaat."

"Also, I believe that the Chosen of Mystra acted to halt the fighting. If the fighting continued, the Eternal Empire's delegate could have been slain. As things stand he seems somewhat confused. Lord Thayadon Fasfoni accused the delegate from Calimshan of being a follower of Melkor."

"Someone who breaks up a fight is not taking someone hostage. Indeed, most of those who fought at the World Forum have diplomatic immunity. While this can protect them from charges, others have a moral right to question their actions."

"There are some who would say that in calling the Red Armada to Oerth -- which proceeded to attack ALL OTHER NATIONS -- you were denying the other societies of Oerth their right to pursue a destiny. What do you say to this? Some have even said that in merging your citizens with the Red Goo that you denied them their sovereignity as individuals."

"You have stated you wish to create a new order, but have not explained its purpose.
What liberties will people have under your new order? You have previously stated that your citizens have a choice: they can worship you? Giving a person one choice is not freedom or a choice? It is merely inflicting one's will upon another."

"Lord Iuz, your words are elegant. However, I believe your meaning needs to be made clearer? What do you want for Oerth? What is your vision for the future? What values does the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness stand for? So far, your actions and that of Lord Melkor seem to state that it stands for the annihilation of those who may have differing opinions. Or their absorption into the Red Armada? Words are important and powerful. However, actions speak louder than words."

"Based on your actions, one must conclude that you wish to dominate entire worlds. To destroy all who would disagree with you. I have treated you with dignity. When your soldiers and mine fought the Church of Shade, your wounded were treated no differently than those of the Lortmils or the Pomarj. I have never called you a devil. After all, your father is a demon prince so you are obviously not a devil."

"You have stated that never again would you betray Oerth. However, Lord Melkor -- your former enemy and now your ally -- seeks to invade other worlds. The plan is quite obvious: use the resources of Krynn and Mystara to attack Oerth and Toril. You have allied yourself with the Eternal Empire of Toril, a military regime that overthrew its own democratically elected government. Yet your delegate -- pardon me, the delegate of the Eternal Empire -- complains about a lack of democracy -- and is a member of an unelected government."

"You have a forum larger than you would have imagined some years ago to explain yourself and your ideals. Yet your alliance with Melkor seems to indicate that upon achieving your goals you will brook no voice of opposition."

"Lord Melkor, your ally, has openly lied about the nature of the mists. I know the truth about them. Fighting does not provoke the Mists, but hatred and atrocities do. It is possible to fight without hate. Lord Iuz, I ask you to consider your actions and your alliances. You summoned the Red Armada to Oerth. You and Melkor helped lead it."

"What is the truth of the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness? What are your values? What rights would the individual have in the world you envision? Or are those who say that the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness should be renamed the Pantheon of the Gilded Lie correct?"


There is sudden panic in the United Commonwealth.
Melkor is the God of the Shade, their deadly enemy.
Iuz is allied with Melkor ...
The Eternal Empire has allied with Iuz ...

That means the Eternal Empire is allied with Melkor and the Shade!

If this Hazen is speaking the truth, the United Commonwealth has an enemy right on it's borders, who have allied with the Shade.

I leave it to Reprisal to handle how the government reacts, and how the government tries to placate people, if at all.

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<< Yes, my ultimate goal IS to make the Illithid Race supreme among the universe, but that's a long term goal and quite compatible with peace. I not only do NOT intend for other species to be our slaves, I intend to peacefully assimilate all other species in to ours through neoceremorphosis. >>
<< I'm aware of Mina. We have an... understanding. I promise that she shall not disrupt our peace. >>

OOC AND TO EDENA BUT THERE'S REALLY NO POINT IN KEEPING IT ALL THAT SECRET SO JUST READ IT AND CACKLE, CACKLE, CACKLE: Edena, can I shield Anabstercorian's thoughts, intentions, and actions from Mina?


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