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Koukonsögur - Saga of the Trollfed Aerie - IC

Voda Vosa

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Olaf runs towards the nearest bat and hacks at it with his wicked looking axe. The weapon just appeared from among his clothes, although it seems quite hard to conceal. The blow is solid (hits for 16), and the bat gets knocked towards the bright lighted area of the cave (slide 1 towards bright area).

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With the bats now revealed in the sunrod's strong light, Kadlin moved forward and took aim. She tried to time her shot just right...

[sblock= OOC]
>Minor: shift aspect to Dancing serpent
>Move: to S 11
>Standard: Ready action: (action) Clever Shot RBA at bat 5, (trigger) Bat 5 moves one square. RBA 1d20+9 (includes Dancing Serpent bonus)= 17 (hit for 14 damage and knocked prone); roll Roll Lookup

>So if Bat 5 moves, it takes 14 damage and is knocked prone (crashes if flying) after it moves the first square- it would need a separate move action to stand back up and would not have another action to take off again, leaving it on the ground

Cor Azer

First Post
The light of the sunrod washes away the shadowy gloom, exposing the now-fearful bats to everyone in the chamber...

A chamber soon speckled with more blood, as one bat nearly loses a wing from a small sharp blade, and then in it's self-preserving flight is fitted for its own personal arrow, sending the corpse crashing into the ground, while another is eviscerated by Olaf's hell-forged axe.

The remaining two bats screech and flit about slightly disoriented, but eventually fly down the roughly dug shaft that leads deeper underground, wanting no part of the steel, acid, and light.

Terrified, not a whisper nor whimper escape the goblin's lips as Dossk secures it with rope; the goblin settling, less than comfortably, on the ground near the horn.

OOC: Map updated at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuvLb6wmpG_IdHpmSFdNSi1WLU9pQnp1TmtfYUY2V0E&hl=en_US

[MENTION=6676989]GROMkill[/MENTION]: No real mechanics for tying up that I know of, but I get to defer that decision until some other time because I know the goblin isn't going to fight you on this; he seems rather keen on the lack of pain option.

Also, just in case it was missed (GROMkill's last post sort of implied it), the horn was sounded once already.

[sblock=Yellowclaw Goblin Tribe Warrior]Yellowclaw Goblin Tribe Warrior
2. HP 29; Bloodied 14
AC 17; Fort 13, Reflex 15, Will 12[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: Crap, sorry. I must've missed it, or assumed that he hadn't blown it. Are we still in combat? Unless I am missing something, only the tied up goblin is left.
Tying up the goblin with harsh knots and a gruff demeanor, Dossk knocks it to the floor and holds his massive mordenkrad above its head for a menacing effect. With a solemn face, he speaks, his voice low, the words as sharp as a blade. "You blew the horn. How many more will come?"


Kjula recovers his bo shuriken and quickly conceals it with the others while sheathing his tanto. He approaches the goblin and translates:

[sblock=goblinoid]"He wants to know how many goblins are here and how many will come warned by the horn."[/sblock]


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After giving Dossk a quick signal to lay off, the deva leans over to the goblin, laying a hand softly on his shoulder. "Look, we need to recover an item your chief stole, in order for our own chief to be able to go to the afterlife. There's no reason this has to be any harder on you than it already has, though. Give the all clear on the horn, and we'll be on our way. You've seen enough bloodshed today, yeah?"


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As the others questioned the goblin, Kadlin made her way around the room. She paused at each of the goblin corpses, brushing their eyes closed with the raven-feathered totem that she carried and whispering a few words to send them to their afterlife. Even creatures such as these deserved a final blessing when they arrived in the realm of the Queen of the Dead.


"Pull up bridge?" says Kjula. “If I can be so bold to suggest, there seems to be more defenses ahead. These goblins are both cautious and bold, to be so prepared and daring to steal the axe. They won’t surrender or give up easily.”

Voda Vosa

First Post
"You better do as told, misserable worm!" Olaf points at the goblin with his axe, that drips blood and glows with a strange red light.

Voidrunner's Codex

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